
MHA without Quirk

Mankind has developed superpowers known as "Quirks", this is the power the vast majority possesses, those who do not, are being discriminated against and looked down on. Indeed, villains have the superpower, too and want to rebuild the world for it to look the way they see it. Here comes Izuku Midoriya, who has no Quirks. He stop on his dream and right now on a different mission to fix the world by showing them their trueself to the extreme. *Hey it's my first fanfic. Sorry if it's trash. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy it and feel free to drop some feedback.

Best_Manga · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Useless

It is a normal Friday in the City. Everyone is doing their own thing until suddenly an explosion happens.


Panic starts after an explosion that destroys a bookstore.

"Help!" peoples are screaming, asking for help. A lot of people are scattered around the place. There are peoples trapped in the burning building can't seem to get out.

Peoples outside, seeing the incident happen, start yelling " Call the Heroes! Save Us!"

While the panic has not died down, then come another explosion on the same street location but 1 km away from the first explosion. It is located at the church. Seeing this happen, a lot of peoples are crying and screaming, begging for any Heroes to come and save them.

The police who are at the locations are unsure of what to do because of the suddenness of the situation and panic that is happening. In the end, one of the police officer requesting for backup and help "Officer Jack to HQ. We need back up and medic ASAP at our location." He requested.

When this incident happens, there is a Bank located right in the middle of these 2 explosions.

One man standing outside with a mask and on his back is a large empty bag. Putting his hand on his ear then he heard "Start Now!" After hearing that, the man and another 4 peoples in the same attire immediately get into the bank from the front door.

A police officer inside the bank saw 5 peoples just barge in and he yells " Hey! Stop right there!" right before he can reach his gun. A knife directly flies into his chest, stab him deep which kill him on the spot. As the police officer body drop, the rest of the officer in the bank also drop-down, having the same fate as the first police officer.

The rest of the people inside after witnessing what had happened, are in a state of shock and just stand there silently as they stare at those bodies blankly. One of the robber sees that the peoples are just standing still, puts his right hand on his throat and speak "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! NOW!" the sound that comes out is so loud. Upon hearing that, the peoples directly react to it and lay themselves down to the ground in fear. They start screaming and crying which make the Robber continue " SHUT THE FUCK UP!" and immediately silence fills the room.

Two robbers then go into the Vault bringing all the bags while the rest of the robbers keep watching on the hostages.

At the vault, one robber gets close to the vault door and start touching the surface of the door. And he repeats that action a couple of time on different location of the surface. Then he goes to another room together with the other robber.

Not for long, the vault door start exploding. After it was finished, the vault door is completely destroyed and all the things inside of it are fully bare open for the robber to just take it all home. After that happens, the alarm is turned on and the red light starts blinking.

The robbers, then hear from their hearing device " you guys have 15 minutes until the heroes arrive."

The two robbers at the vault start stepping into the vault and putting all the money that they can grab into the large bag.

Back to the hostages, one of the hostages on the ground look at the closest robber to him and yell " You will not get away with this! Heroes going to come, save us and put your ass down to jail!"

Upon hearing that, the Robber gets close to him and kneels while looking down on him. He opened his mask only to show his face that full of scales, the mouth fills with sharp teeth and he spoke "Heroes will definitely come for you." Then he smiles which terrify the man and said "But they are always late." He opened his mouth and some smoke comes out of it and inside of his mouth, there is a light which is getting brighter and brighter.

Before the robber able to breathe out anything from his mouth. Two robbers from the vault arrived at their place and informed them about the time "Let's go guys. 10 minutes left." While two of them shouldering all the bags which is full of money.

The robber after hearing that stopped and said as he looked at the hostage "You are such a lucky man." He gets up and immediately left with the 2 robbers from the vault.

The last 2 Robbers with the hostages then started giving grenades without the safety to the hostages to hold onto. One of the robbers hold a grenade in his left hand and his other hand seems like summoning the same grenade and gave it to the other robber, so he can share it to the hostages.

After each of the hostages has a grenade with them, then they leave too as the timer showed 5 minutes left.

The Robbers leaves the bank through the back door. After they got out, they saw a car parked near where they are. Then they hear the sound from the guy, that has been directing them "Get into the car and follow the route on the map."

Immediately they start to get in and find a map right on the driver seat.

They drive to follow the route on the map. The robber then starts to turn on the radio which in turn, they hear the news. "2 explosions in the city which cause a lot of people died and injured, so far the authorities still can not share the number of the victims or even the villains who did this. Right after the 2 explosions happen, there was also a bank robbery, all of the Police officers in the bank die and luckily the rest of the citizen inside the bank are all okay just suffer from some trauma…." As they heard this, they laugh until their heart contents.

After a while, they arrive at the pointed location. Which is an abandoned building.

They get in from the front door and find themselves in a living room. There is a table and a letter on it. The robber with a scale face goes to the letter and opens it. It says "Take your share and leave the rest on the table. Leave immediately when you are done."

Reading that, all the robbers start laughing loudly.

One of them then said " I am not sure if he is smart or not. Ha ha. Does he expect us to just leave him the money rather than take it for ourselves?" then they continue laughing.

Until suddenly the front door closed and make a loud sound which startles all of the robbers.


All 5 of them turn to look at the door and prepare to attack.

Upon waiting a bit, nothing happens and they lower their guard.

Immediately after they lowered their guard, a gunshot is heard and follows by a sound of something drop.

They turn to the source of the sound and see the body of the robber who can throw knives, lying on the floor not moving with blood coming out from the hole on his forehead. Seeing what happened, every single one of them starts looking around and prepares themselves for an attack.

One guy starts opening his mouth and lets out smokes then he yells "GET THE FUCK OUT! COWARD!"

The guy who can explode stuff after he touches it, start panicking and directly goes to the door when he says "Fuck this shit! I am outta here!". He opens the door and starts running outside, after a moment, they hear again a gunshot and the guy drop to the ground, dead.

Fear starts getting into the rest of the Robbers. The robber then opens his mouth wider and lets out fire from his mouth. He doesn't stop even though he is also burning his partners and he continues burning everything around him almost burning the bags that he carries.

Then he stops when his throat is burning and hurt him. "Gotta get out of here fast. Before the heroes come here." He said as he is panting. He looks at his almost burn bags and wanted to pick them up, but he hears someone speaks "You know, there 2 things in this world that I hate the most."

In front of him, comes out a man from the fire, which he wears a black full face mask and black suits.

Feeling intimidated, the Robber yelled "Don't come closer! I am gonna burn you to death!"

Even, with a clear threat to his face, doesn't stop him to keep walking toward the Robber.

"You can't, after what you have done just now. This place is not the only one that is burning, your throat too." He stops walking as he said this.

He continues while showing his index finger "Firstly, I hate it when people don't follow what I said."

The robber doesn't seem like hearing what the man said, he then breaths fire straight to the man face for an instant as he thought that the man lowers his guard. Not even a second, he stops and kneel down and start coughing blood. Feeling a little relieved as he thought that he kills the guy, he looks up to where the man standing.

Unfortunately, reality crushes his expectation that the man currently still standing completely unharmed.

As they stare at each other, the man says "How does it feel? When your quirk doesn't do a thing? The quirk that you are so proud of, being USELESS in the end." He points a gun at him.

The robber's face starts getting worse and worse as tears start pouring down on his face. He begs "Ple-please.." he wanted to continue begging but because of his burn throat, he can not say another word, but his eyes say everything he wanted to say.

"The second thing is" the man changes the direction of his gun and points to where the robber's throat is. "Quirk" He stated and he pulls the trigger.

In a dark room far away from the last location, he was from. "That was unfortunate. Half of the money got burn, but still glad that it is more than what I should be getting." Says the man as he opens his mask. It shows a young boy with green hair and green eyes.

He turns his head to the left, then looks at a photo on his desk. There was him together with other children smiling in front of a small house.

"I will make the world pay for everything. I will show them, how useless a quirk that they worship so much is!" He swears in his heart and clenches his fist hard enough to feel the pain.

I am Izuku Midoriya. And this is my story on fixing this disgusting world.