
mha: the traveller

a boy that was thought to be dead was really just in a coma but what was he doing in this acoma that is to be seen

Yeah_E_7311 · Tranh châm biếm
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The weird child

When the ruffling stop izuku waited for a while but nothing happened but when he thought that it was his imagination a figure appeared

It was a young girl with auburn hair and eye she was wearing a silver parka

Izuku did not know who this was but he was too scared to ask.

That was when the girl started to speak but the boy did not understand what she was saying

When the young girl understood that she thought what way could she communicate then she had a brilliant 'idea' use Ancient Greek to talk to the child because if he could speak that he is most likely a Demi-god

"Why are you here child" the boy was shocked he knew this was not Japanese but he still understood perfectly

"I'm lost" was the only thing izuku could think to say but it was also not wrong he did not know we're this was and he thought if she could understand maybe she could help

"We're are you from child" was what interrupted izuku thinking

"Japan" was the only thing he could say

"Why are you so far from home?" The child asked

"I-I don't know" izuku said scared what was his mother doing is ka chan ok

He was broken from his thought by the girl "don't be scared I can help you"

Izuku was shocked that a stranger would help him but he was still happy "p-please help me"

The woman then said something that shocked izuku " follow me child and let me introduce my self I am …."