
mha: the traveller

a boy that was thought to be dead was really just in a coma but what was he doing in this acoma that is to be seen

Yeah_E_7311 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

The system’s reward

[opening beginner package]

[beginner package: rusty knife, skill:minor healing, power stone, SSS skill: phoenix's life]

Izuku was shocked how he got such op skill's more over the thoughts of him having powers

But then he remembered something he saw in his status he was confused why would it say he was 6 and have his age in brackets

[system updated based on what ?????? thinks the Host needs]

[system update START


was the last thing that izuku saw before he fell asleep from exhaustion

-2 hours later-

izuku woke up and started woundering why he was so tired after feeling all most better than he had felt In many year

This was when he heard a voice in his mind

{host you were so tired because the system used Hosts energy to update the system}

Izuku thought this made sense because every thing needs energy to do thing even the weak ant need energy and it seemed like this system was made to help him so it made sense that it would take his energy

{Host is correct that the systems main objective is to help the Host ascend and @£&}

Izuku was shocked because he had a huge dream but this was way beyond his wildes of dreams and what did it mean about @£&

{host is not authorised to know, did host not have a question about his age? }

Izuku thought for a second and remembered his question and asked it again "yeah I did it was why does my status say I'm 6 and have my age in brackets

{Host body is of the age of 6 and the reason Hosts age is in brackets because that is the age of his brain}

"Why is my body younger" was the only thing izuku thought to ask

{Host body is younger because it will be better and easier to train and ascend}

Izuku thought that made sense but then he wondered what this ascending this was about then he asked the system?

"What do you mean ascend"

Before the System ai could respond they was ruffling around him

Izuku was scared because he was in a new and fragile body and a uknown place that was highly likely to have evil lerking in every corner (this was izuku gut feeling)

When the ruffling stopped a …

AN - sorry to keep leaving on a cliff but I'm not very creative so please if you have any ideas please put them in the comments

And if you want more than 1 chapter tomorrow please give power stones.