
mha: the traveller

a boy that was thought to be dead was really just in a coma but what was he doing in this acoma that is to be seen

Yeah_E_7311 · Tranh châm biếm
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The new world?

We can see a young boy wakeing up in the middle of a clearing the clearing was a lush green and was surrounded by tall and strong trees

"Uhhh" this can be heard from the boy that started wakeing up

With bleary eyes the boy looks around and at the moment he see a transparent screen come out of no we're it said

[welcome host do you want to see you'll status] (the boy reads this)

The boy looked shocked at the screen and thought if he was dreaming or if he really died from that slugs villain.

Yes this is our mc izuku midoria well that won't be his name for in this world but that is for us to find out with our dear mc

The boy even tho he did not believe that anything would happen still said "yes"

The transparent screen then changed


Name: N/A (izuku midoriya)

Age: 6 (14)

Race: ?????? ( effect of this race are inactive because host does not "know" )

Level: lower beginner (0/100)

Rank: j- (goes from SSS+ all the way to j- j- is the level of a child)

Stats( )

Quirk: None

Skills: None

Passive skills: analytical thinking, soul of the hero, son of ????? (Inactive), lover of hero's, stalker , body of a ?? (Inactive) , skilled first aid , helper of the weak , holder of ??? (Inactive)

Mana: N/A


[ does Host want to open the beginner package]

Izuku was shock that his simple words showed him something he allways wanted a Quirk.

He quickly snapped out of his stupor and looked back at the message lazily flouting in the air he was shock that even though he got a amazing 'Quirk' and it still gave him a beginner pack

But he did not hold back any longer and said "yes"

[opening beginner package]

[beginner package: rusty knife, skill:minor healing, power stone, SSS skill: phoenix's life]

Author's Note sorry to leave on a cliffhanger but don't know what else to write at the moment