

The world of MHA. A wonderful world of ideologies, fighting, heroes vs villains! It's enough to make anyone dream about being there. But when a group of people mysteriously finds themselves transported here, it will be up to them to see how they shape their own stories in this world of superpowers.

Marvin_The_Janitor · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs


Jericho Abernathy:

Split personality-

1: Kind, regular. This personality is of a regular teen, one that is oddly compassionate and self-sacrificing for others in small ways and is a complete pacifist, refusing to fight back even under the most dire of circumstances.

2: Psychotic, destructive. This personality comes out when Jericho is under intense stress or in fear of dying. It is bloodthirsty, highly efficient at combat, and has no empathy, brutally killing anyone who stands in the way. Also not afraid to run when victory is impossible, no matter the sacrifice.

Once Jericho unwinds, and is no longer in danger, reverts back into his regular self, and dissociates the memories into the split personality. At some critical point, someone that Jericho loves dearly is under the threat of death, causing Jericho's personalities to merge into one, a slightly cynical guy with a penchant to use violence if the situation allows it, regardless of the alternatives. He is still compassionate and self sacrificing, even to the detriment of his own well being, but has the cold logic and calculatory ability to finish someone off if need be.

Combat Skills-

Trash Style: Signature style of his mentor, the Hobo King, allowing the user to use literally anything in the environment as a weapon in the most efficient way as possible.

Junk Style: Signature style of Jericho, a derivative of the Trash Style, letting the user to use materials in the surroundings to quickly construct weapons and tools that are then able to be used and discarded at the user's convenience. The use of this style requires the user to have a tool kit on them to build the junk items.

Freestyle Parkour: An athletic practice of maneuvering around dangerous and unpredictable environments using nothing more than your bare body, Jericho learned this style of parkour to make up for the lack of mobility his body has, and in conjunction with his Junk Style, ends up being really good.


Steampunk Costume: Jericho's vigilante costume was a Halloween steampunk outfit from the store at first, with the parts being replaced or upgraded overtime, but never straying from the steampunk theme.

A top hat with a few gadgets attached to it, mainly for opening the top of the hat to release knockout gas.

Hyper Goggles: A pair of obnoxiously large goggles that are modified many times, having the ability to zoom in, heat vision, and to see through smoke, just as a sample. Considered by Jericho himself to be his greatest and most important tool in his arsenal. The goggles are eventually slimmed down, and upon his death, Izuku adds them to his costume, while Mei has the absolute honor to work on Jericho's greatest invention, building a pair for herself.

The rest of the suit is standard steampunk attire, only reinforced, and having tons of pockets for tools and materials, and the boots had retractable roller blades on the bottom.


Hobo King (A.K.A. William Boone): Rescuer and mentor. Teaches Jericho all about his combat abilities and what it means to be a true hero, even if doing so means being treated like a villain. Eventually sacrifices himself to ensure Jericho's escape from All-for-One, leaving behind a legacy that will forever guide and impact Jericho.

Frank Abernathy: Biological father who had been killed, and then possessed by a reincarnator. Frustrated with his reincarnation not going as he expected, he started to neglect Jericho, who had no idea of what had happened to his father. Upon the realization that Frank had connections to the yakuza, Frank abandoned Jericho, who was then captured and tortured for three months until his rescue. This caused Jericho to vow revenge against the yakuza and Frank. It is later discovered that Frank had been captured by All-for-One and turned into a nomu. One that still had free thought, strangely enough, but still had to obey All-for-One. After an intense fight, Jericho wins, and is about to kill Frank, when the Hobo King tanks a killing blow aimed at Jericho from All-for-One, killing the Hobo King after a protracted speech to Jericho from the Hobo King, and this event becoming the catalyst for Jericho's personality fusion, and the development of forgiveness/pity for Frank, instead of seeking revenge.

Katie Yaoyorozu: Antagonistic Rivals. They do not hate each other, but due to vastly different views on heroing and experiences, they end up running into each other quite often, and non-lethally fighting, sometimes even teaming up if need be. Katie wants to arrest Jericho because he is a vigilante, and Jericho fights Katie's views on professional heroism, causing this rivalry between the two. During the three way final battle between Jericho, Katie, and Levi, the two made a few small attacks at each other, but ultimately teamed up to defeat Levi. They then fought each other, and when Jericho was going to land the final blow, he pushed Katie out of the way, getting impaled by Levi, who they thought they had beaten. After Levi was defeated for real, Jericho was rushed to the hospital, where he sadly parishes, but not before passing on his mentor's and his own legacy to his own disciple (Yet Unnamed/OC).

Levi Kowalski: Originally having no interactions with each other, Jericho's desire to take revenge against the yakuza ends up with Jericho and Levi's forces interacting many times, sometimes cooperatively, sometimes antagonistically. It isn't until the Hobo King died that Jericho attempted to track down and defeat Levi. They never ended up meeting each other in person until the three way final battle, against both Katie and Levi. Jericho, only knowing about Levi's cruelty and methods, underestimates Levi, and ends up sacrificing himself by taking a lethal blow for Katie from Levi. While Levi was defeated eventually, Jericho died from his injuries not long after being admitted to the hospital. Levi later comments in super max prison to a reporter that he had never seen such true selflessness in a person before Jericho, and probably will never see it again in his lifetime.

All-Might (A.K.A. Toshinori Yagi): They are simple acquaintances, Toshi offering sympathy or advice every now and then. Toshi originally wanted Jericho to take One-for-All, but later decided that while his dedication was there, his untreated trauma was just a ticking time bomb.

Izuku Midoriya: Friends/Roomates. Jericho ends up being accepted into the Midoriya household after Inko learned of his tragic story, and of his lack of a residence. Jericho would've rathered stay in the junkyard, but the Hobo King thought that interaction with regular people would help, and made him file for foster housing, the only family that wanted to take Jericho happened to be the Midoriya house. Izuku ends up becoming quite good friends with Jericho, but it isn't until the forest training camp, where Jericho in his vigilante costume shows up to assist Izuku. Jericho had been tracking the movements of this particular group of villains, hoping that they would have a lead on Frank, running into UA Class A by mere chance. Izuku figures out Jericho by some of the subconscious mannerisms both of Jericho's personalities share, and later confronts him. Jericho then tells Izuku his entire brutal story, and then prepares to leave and never come back, but Izuku, with tears in his eyes, gives a big smile, and tell's Jericho that he doesn't need to be alone anymore, breaking Jericho's emotional barrier for the first time. After this, they become good friends, Izuku learning many different combat tips, while Jericho gets to not break on the inside. After Jericho's death, Izuku adds Jericho's steampunk-ish goggles alongside Gran Torino's scarf in his sixth iteration costume.

All-for-One: All-for-One had discovered Frank after he had stumbled into the bar that Kurogiri was stationed, and blurted out his name. Not knowing how he had discovered this information, Frank was immediately kidnapped, and studied. For some reason, even after being drugged and hypnotized by Doctor Garaki, he didn't ever reveal how he knew this information, so they just turned him into a nomu. This nomu was special, he had full free will until he was ordered to do something, and would even talk back if an order to not do so wasn't given. On top of all of this Frank was able to hold 4 quirks without damage, but rejected anymore. All-for-One tracked down Jericho, while Jericho tracked down All-for-One, but didn't know who it actually was. The two eventually came to head, the Hobo King showing up to fight All-for-One instead of Jericho. The fight ends with Frank incapacitated, and the Hobo King dead. There were no more direct interactions between the two, All-for-One losing interest in Jericho due to his overwhelmingly normal and boring genetic makeup, pulled from blood at the fight scene, and Jericho forgoing revenge for the Hobo King, because he only had to die because of him, choosing peace with All-for-One if possible.

Mei Hatsume: President of the Jericho Fan Club, and having an unhealthy obsession over him, even wanting to track him down to make real babies, and not just inventions. They never met in person, but every time Izuku would hang out with Jericho in public, Mei would show up shortly after Jericho leaves, never realizing that she missed him many times. His death devastated her emotionally, but then became determined to create the best gear ever made, in his honor of course.

Bakugo: Other than Bakugo wanting to prove to Jericho that he can become the best hero ever, they have no regular interactions.


Katie Yaoyorozu:


She is a lively girl who takes everything seriously, but not to the point that she becomes a burden to others. She is overly competitive, but is also a good sport, hoping to include everyone around her in her different activities. She takes the job of hero very seriously, not disillusioned by the shady reality of the pro-heroing world, hoping to clean it herself using the system, instead of becoming a vigilante. Further, she considers vigilantes to be just as bad as a villain, even though they save people, because they break the laws of society to do so, just like a villain. She isn't naive, just a little idealistic.

Combat Skills-

Quirk: Her quirk is called Midas, the ability to turn anything she touches into gold. It only activates if the tips of all 5 fingers are in contact with the same object, and the transmutation rate is pretty slow before she trained it.

Fencing: Due to her elite background and her parents refusing to teach her any sort of combat/self defense, she decided to try fencing, which was approved by her parents due to it being seen as a posh sport instead of actually fighting. Her hyper competitive spirit pushed her to train her skills rapidly, and the year before enrolling at UA, winning the national fencing contest, coming in second at the internationals, losing just by a hair. These skills are transferred into her hero work, as she regularly carries a weapons grade rapier to attack villains and defend civilians.

High Charisma: She is able to calm down any situation that is about to spiral out of control using her natural charisma. Whether people are enchanted by her looks, personality, or whatever else, people are bound to at least hear her out and listen. She uses this ability to quickly establish herself in the search and rescue teams, as well as hostage negotiation teams, being a welcome party in both.


Her costume is the garb of a military medieval prince modified to not restrain movement and add both storage and defense. It is black with gold accents, and hanging off of her left shoulder is a waist high cape made of bullet proof fabric that she can throw up to block bullets or projectiles. Along her waist is a white sword sheath with gold accents that holds her rapier.

Rapier: She has a custom rapier that is made of a very firm and light alloy, and is decorated in ample amounts of gold, the handle itself having a thin coating of gold to prevent her quirk from ruining the sword. Later on, she creates a special aqua regia solution with Mina that is able to specifically target and rapidly dissolve gold, adding a coating of it to her sword to be able to turn an obstacle into gold, then cutting it down as if she was in a comic book.

Gold Eater: The special aqua regalia created by her and Mina to cut gold extremely rapidly. After creating the initial acid, it was analyzed by Mei and replicated for mass production later, giving her an effectively limitless supply.


Jericho Abernathy: Antagonistic Rivals. She sees Jericho as just another vigilante, not really understanding why he would try to do heroic things without complying with the laws, because in her eyes, while the law is not perfect, it is the cornerstone of society and working against it, even for the noblest of reasons, is intolerable to keep society safe. She knows that the law isn't perfect, and that heroes are incentiveized to mix together saving people and publicity, and that some populations are straight up marginalized. She desires to work within the constraints of the law to improve the world. Long story short, Jericho thinks the exact opposite of her, and they clash constantly. She wants to arrest him, while he has no big problems with her, kind of just treating her as an obstacle to be overcome rather than a serious threat or enemy. In the final fight, she begrudgingly worked with him to take down Levi, the vastly more important target, and when she thought he was put down, she turned on him, wanting to finish this once and for all. Jericho was annoyed, but with Levi's fall, and the MLA as an extension, he decided that it was the end for him. Victory and freedom, or defeat and prison time/death. As they fought with all they had, Jericho noticed Levi had recovered and was about to sneak attack Katie, so he pushed her out of the way, taking a lethal blow, but not dying for a while. Katie was shocked with the outcome. She had stopped Jericho from landing the killing blow when Levi had gone down, arguing that he should be tried and punished for his crimes, Jericho didn't push the issue, looking at her like she was dumb, because they had had this discussion before. She argued for the law to try a villain they had defeated, and he asked her if spending life in jail would revive the people the villain had killed, and argued that the punishment for death is death itself. She then asked him if he should receive the same punishment. He then told her that it was his plan all along. Flashback to the present, and she gets angry and beats Levi, once and for all, and when given the chance to kill him and put him down forever, she chose to spare him and bring him to justice, a choice that Jericho chuckled at on his deathbed.


Levi Kowalski

A cruel man afflicted with mild Alexithymia, close to a lack of emotion, willing and able to do anything to get what he wants. A leader of one of the American Maffia's in his previous life, he aims to become the greatest criminal in the world for the simple reason of it being the easiest path to take considering his skill set in his previous life. He escapes prison and melts into the background of the criminal background marking out fences, brokers, snitches and the works. He quickly realizes that what seems to be a few dozens of near uncontrolled criminal groups are just subordinates or unknowing puppets of a handful of factions that control the entire underworld. Worming his way into all of them as any number of informants, grunts, officers, etc., he slowly but surely rests control of most of these groups into his own faction that is later merged into the Paranormal Liberation Front, and he takes the position of a Lieutenant. Instead of engaging in the final battle of the Paranormal Liberation War, he headed down to the sewers underneath in order to set off his quirk deleting bomb he sourced from Overhaul's research and Eri's remaining tissue samples, and take everyone out at once, allowing him to be feared by all, and rein supreme. He instead ran into Jericho, who lived down there, and Katie, a Hero who finally decided to take Jericho to justice because she had no way to help in the ongoing conflict. The three battled, and after being teamed up on, and the loss of the PLF tanking the power of fear he was getting, he was soundly defeated. He was surprised when the Hero spared him, and gained enough strength to ambush her with a fatal blow after the other two began fighting. He was caught off guard when Jericho pushed her out of the way, and took the attack himself. After being beaten by Katie, he expected death, but was once again surprised by being spared and imprisoned. After the battle, he was arrested along with others in the PLF, and admitted to reporters and interrogators that he respected the late Jericho who showed pure and utter selflessness. He lived a full life in the prison, and even at one point, when a prison escape was about to succeed, he ignored it, saying that his time had passed, and that he simply wanted to die when his time came. No one truly knew what he thought, and it stayed that way as he suddenly died in his sleep years after he was arrested.

Quirk: Fear - Gains strength proportional to the number of people who fear him.


A/N: Here you go! The further in it gets, the less fleshed out it gets, and I only covered the three MC's, but if someone does adopt this and has questions or wants ideas, I'll always be willing to help.

Rule of thumb though, this is just a framework, and if you change things, then it's fine, have fun and be creative! (If anybody picks it up, that is.)