

The world of MHA. A wonderful world of ideologies, fighting, heroes vs villains! It's enough to make anyone dream about being there. But when a group of people mysteriously finds themselves transported here, it will be up to them to see how they shape their own stories in this world of superpowers.

Marvin_The_Janitor · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Jericho's Woe, Part 2

Things are a bit... hazy. I remember being in that prison, and hearing an explosion off in the distance. I then remembered being saved by a hero, but I don't know what they looked like. I think I said something? Can't remember, sadly, but as I'm looking around now, I realized that I'm in a hospital room, hooked up to a few machines. I look over at the only color in the room, revealing a single lily in a jar. That was a bit strange, I don't know anyone who likes those flowers, and nobody that I know should be aware of where I am or what happened to me.

I pulled the flower out of the jar that had no water in it, drying the lily out somewhat, there was a tag on the flower that I had missed at first. It said "Get well soon. - Signed, Your Savior." That made me angry. My 'Savior'!? That's like starving nearly to death, and a regular person not wanting a half-eaten sandwich, and throwing it at me to make themselves feel better by 'saving' someone. If that hero wanted to save me, they could have done it sooner! *Rip* I looked down at my hands, revealing that the lily was crushed and torn in half by an accident out of anger. Strangely enough, there was a piece of paper sticking out.

I grabbed the crumpled slip of paper, and it read, "If that statement got you angry enough to break a flower for no reason, then I think we can work something out. Come to Takoba Municipal Beach Park, the one filled with trash, after you get out of the hospital, I'll be waiting for you. - Signed, The person late to save you."

Reading this quelled my irrational anger, and just confused me. Who the heck is playing with me? What do they want? Why would they hide a note in a flower? Even if I was angry, I might not have ever found that, whoever left that is not that smart if they wanted to talk to me.


Takoba Municipal Beach Park.

A man preparing to hopefully meet the boy he saved was cleaning up his base, when he sneezed. "Huh, someone must be talking about me~" The man continued to clean, regardless of the incoming storm headed his way.

-0- Jericho

The doctor came into my hospital room to check up on me, and congratulated me for a full recovery, but you could hear the barely concealed pity in his voice. This worried me, so I asked what had happened when I was asleep, so he revealed that a person with white hair and a raggedy coat had turned me in to the hospital, and dissapeared before anyone could question him, only leaving this flower behind. Then he looked a bit stressed, before telling me that they checked my records and attempted to track down my father, finding the destroyed apartment, and no father, leading to a missing persons case being made for him.

None of this surprised me, so the doctor brought a police officer into the room, and asked if I was comfortable detailing what had happened to me. I guess I am? I mean, looking back on it sucked, but, it's whatever... I told the police officer what I had experienced in as much detail as I could remember, the officer recorded my statement, and left the room to discuss with the doctor.

-0- Doctor

As the certified mental health specialty officer left the room with the scarred young man, I asked him what he thinks the damage is. I do have a right to know, as his doctor, but I obviously can't make him share with me, because I do not have the authority. The officer hesitated, before sighing, and pulling out his notebook. This is not a good sign.

"The boy seems to have dissociated himself and what he has experienced. Treating it as if it was someone unrelated to him who went through what he did. This is one of the most severe cases I've ever seen in my line of work, and if not treated properly, may develop into Multiple Personality Disorder, and with what that kid has went through, if that does happen, we will have one part of him being a normal kid/teenager, and one part being an incoherent psychopath. I recommend immediate counseling, and transferring him into a proven and willing foster home. The kid doesn't have a quirk, so it would be best to find a home where he won't be ostracized for it." After saying this, the officer left to give a report.

The doctor, being deep in focus, did not notice the woman nearby, innocently listening to their conversation while waiting for her son to finish his check up after blowing himself up training, again... She heard what the police officer, and thought to herself,

"Hmm, I feel bad for listening in on that, but poor kid. I know how that kid must have been treated, and now, hearing that he needs a home. I'll have to ask my friend if she has a spare room in her house."

Soon after, a boy, around 12 years old, with spiky blonde hair came out of the examination room, grumbling to himself about this and that, the doctor walking up to the woman who had heard the officer and doctor talking earlier. The woman was a spitting image of the boy, spiky blonde hair, and pale eyes. The doctor said, "Mrs. Bakugo, I know that we have been over this, but if your son does not stop injuring himself with his quirk, then there is going to be permanent damage!"

The woman, Mitsuki Bakugo, only responded by smacking her son in the head hard enough to hear a dull thunk from a few feet away, and yelling at him. Her son, named Katsuki Bakugo, started yelling back, just as aggressively. The doctor had obviously seen this before, and just walked away.

-0- Jericho

What in the world is with all of that shouting! I'm just trying to take a nap before being discharged, but it looks like that isn't going to happen. So I get up, and put on some of the clothes that were given to me, my old ones being destroyed. After getting dressed, and still hearing the shouting, I decided to leave. I opened my door, and oh boy, it was much louder. If I didn't know any better, I would think that two people with voice enhancing quirks were fighting. I look over, and directly in my path I see two people, a mother and her son, just shouting at each other. It was so incoherent, I couldn't even understand what they were fighting about.

I tried to go around them, but they took up the entire walking space, and trying to get their attention was pointless. So I tried moving in between them, just to get grabbed on the collar by the boy, who looked about my age, and got glared at, like I just killed his cat. "What do you want, you extra!?"

"I'm just trying to leave, and you are in my way."

"You're in MY way, extra!"


"Yeah! You're just an extra in my way on my path to becoming the greatest hero ever!" The kid said with an unhealthy amount of self confidence, and hubris.

That ticked me off, so I said, "You wanna be a hero, huh?" I then lifted my shirt, showing all of the wounds I had gotten from the villain's torture, the boy letting go of my shirt, and going pale for a moment. "You see this? This is what happens when heroes are nothing but talk. If you want to be a hero, then do more than just talk about it." I turned and left after that, not sparing a glance at the son or mother who were now silent.

-0- Mitsuki Bakugo

That must have been the boy the officer and doctor were talking about. That was much worse than I thought, I guess I'll have to ask Inko about that room sooner than I thought. I pulled out my phone, and called the saved number for my friend. While waiting, I looked over at Katsuki. He was just looking at his hands, head hung low. I'll have to talk to him later.

-0- Katsuki Bakugo

Why? He was my age, so why didn't a hero save him!? I want to be a hero more than anything in the world, but even so, why!? No, I'll do it. I'll be the hero who saves everyone! No matter who it is, and where they are, I'll be the greatest hero ever!!!


The injured boy looked back, obviously losing patience. Man, I hate that look, but that's not important, "I'M GOING TO BE A HERO SOME DAY!!! AND ON THAT DAY, I'LL SAVE EVERYONE, INCLUDING YOU!!! SO YOU BETTER GET READY TO BE SAVED BY, ULTRA GREAT EXPLOSION GRENADE MURDER LORD BOOM GOD BLAST DYNAMITE!!!"

The kid looked at me strangely, and chuckled a bit, HOW DARE HE!? Calm down.

"Ok, can't wait." He then walked away, dissapering from sight.

I've got to train even harder, even harder than the worst training my body can handle! I will be the greatest hero in history!!!