

The world of MHA. A wonderful world of ideologies, fighting, heroes vs villains! It's enough to make anyone dream about being there. But when a group of people mysteriously finds themselves transported here, it will be up to them to see how they shape their own stories in this world of superpowers.

Marvin_The_Janitor · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: New Beginings, Part 3

One night, I ended up getting extremely drunk, and stumbled off of a bridge. I fell, and when I hit the bottom, I was sure that I was dead. Bleeding, pain, agony, bones sticking out. I knew I was gonna die. No one knew I was here, and even if someone did know, they would probably avoid me anyways. Hell, if it was someone I knew, they would be spitting on me, and kicking me to death right now.

Before I literally fell from grace, I was one of the most premiere mob bosses in America. I created my own gang from the back streets of New York, and I fought, and killed my way into organized crime. I did everything, drug smuggling, human trafficking, killings for hire, terrorism, anything you could imagine was possible, only if you paid enough money. I think it got to my head though, because I never noticed when I was betrayed. My own brother, the only person who knew my deepest secrets, was the one who ratted me to the cops.

I got away, leaving a trail of corpses in my wake, but with a broken heart and a desire for revenge, I robbed a store, and drank myself into a stupor, falling to my death. The only reason that the story doesn't end here, is that I woke up in what looked like jail. I was confused at first, wondering how I had suvived, and how long I had been out. These questions were instantly forgotten when a few guards dragged what looked to be a monster in a prison jumper through the door. I was absolutely dumbstruck, I have seen the ultimate depravity of humans, but even then, I have never seen a literal monster. It had scales, and a tail. It looked like a human-lizard hybrid, grumbling about a heist going wrong.

What in the absolute hell is this place!? I took a look over at a small mirror in my cell, and it caused me to have a double-take. That's not my face. It doesn't have the scars, the tattoos, the wrinkles of hardship. It's just some regular old face. What the fuck happened to me!?

I have no freaking clue, but I was once incarcerated in Russia before, and I broke out of that place just fine. Keep quiet, gather information, escape. Same thing, different place, now with freaks.

2 weeks later.

Ok, so my name is apparently Levi Kowalski, an immigrant from Poland to Japan, who is ranked as an F-Ranked Villain. A villain, as in what those comic book nerds talked about when I shook them down for cash back in high school, only here, it's a real thing. There are heroes too, an entire society full of people with superpowers. Aparently mine is called Fear, the more a person fears me, the stronger I become. This can be very, very useful, but for now, I need to plan an escape.

I waited until tonight, and then I began my plan. It seems like the technology for prisons is much more advanced than where I came from, but there are still some basic principles that I can abuse to make my escape. First, human error. Guards, no matter how well trained and vigilant, are still flawed. They can let down their guard, ignore minor details, etc. Second is AI patterns. AI, or computer intelligence, no matter how fancy and sophisticated, is still vulnerable to cyber attack and exploitation through loopholes. If I can learn and exploit the gaps in the defence here, it won't matter how advanced the security is, I'll still escape.

These last 2 weeks have been in preparation for my breakout tonight. It's nice to know that prison politics are the exact same, even though this place is so freakishly different from where I came from. You can point out the snitches from a mile away, and use them to pull as much information as possible. They'll help you, and they won't even know that they did.

I know the rough layout of the building, I know what guards are doing, and when, I know what layers of security I have to get past. It's going to be hard, but not impossible. It may not look like it at first, but the virtually unguarded fences and walls actually have sensors in them, alerting every guard if someone tries to break through, climb over, or dig under them. The front gate has immutable scrutiny, even for trusted staff members. But it looks like there is virtually no security present in the staff only wing of the prison. They are confident that the AI security will prevent any inmate from getting inside.

There is an ocular scan, 8-digit passcode unique to each staff member, fingerprint reader, DNA test, and a face scan. This sounds very intimidating, but I have a way out. Well, here goes nothing.

The night guard patrolling near my cell is named Hoshi Nakamaka, and is prone to insults, and likes to take his family problems out on prisoners. He is my target. I tell him that his wife must be cheating on him, because there is no way a man like him could get a wife that loves him. That obviously triggered him, and he came over to my cell, bashing on the bars and berating me. I placed myself out of sight from the camera by having a perfect angle that Hoshi's body obscures what the camera sees. I rushed at him, far quicker than his reaction time could allow, and shoved a pointed toothbrush in his mouth, stabbing into his brain from the roof of his mouth. This perfect stab caused his body to stiffen, instead of going limp, giving the illusion of him still standing here instead of having died.

There is a bracelet on his wrist that monitors heartbeat, but I was able to trick it by tapping on it rhythmatically, the vibrations being mistaken for a pulse. I then used his keycard to open my cell, and had him pulled in, I then acted like it was a one-sided beat down, where Hoshi was beating me, and I could barely defend myself. Things like this happen on occasion, so the guards in the control room paid attention, but were not suspicious. The 'struggle' continued by me 'tackleing' Hoshi out of camera view, but in seconds, a body was thrown back in, wearing an orange jumpsuit, face down on the floor.

Hoshi then went in view of the camera, back turned, locked the cell, and continued his route. The control guards then forgot about the encounter completely. The guard was actually Levi, having perfected rapid disguise switching years ago. He held in his hand, two pieces of bloody viscera, an eyeball, and a large flap of skin that can be said to be a human face, peeled off of the bone. Now, while evil and sickening, Levi is not insane, ripping people's faces off for fun, this is simply a required part in his escape plan. It does not make this less horrifying though, even more so, actually, when you consider that he thinks face-ripping is just business.

He slowly made his way to the staff wing, now being faced with the layers of security he had heard about. Using the eyeball, he passed the ocular scan. Using the 8-Digit passcode he extrapolated from Hoshi's ID card, now, while this may seem farfetched, you cannot simply become one of the world's worst criminals on strength and brutality alone. He fudged the fingerprint reading by slightly twisting his finger on the pannel, not enough to get a bad read, but enough that the finger print is warped into matching 99% of the most common fingerprint traits of humans, essentially tricking the reader into accepting his print. DNA was easy, only by using one drop of the horrable amount present on Levi's body. And finally, putting the face skin on top of his own, cleaning the blood, and making slight visual edits to his bone and fat features, he looked just like Hoshi, passing the face scan.

After entering the staff wing, he quickly found an unguarded window, and slipped out, undetected. The entire escape was not discovered until hours after Levi had escaped. The brutal scene caused the heroes that arrived at the prison to consider raising the threat level of this inmate, and labeling him as an insane mastermind.

And this is the beginning of the story that would shape one of the most feared and infamous villains of his generation, "The S+-Ranked Villain: Fearmonger" A.K.A. Levi Kowalski