
MHA: THE MONSTER HEROE- It’s Time to conduct Necessary evil -

They say monster are mindless, who only kill and devour, who are needed to put down like animals. But not all are like this In a world we’re heroes and villains fight each other like little kids in a playground. Raguel, rejected by both sides of the coin he’s realize that heroes and villains is jut a game of pretend, there is no one who is a true hero anymore. But there was only one who was able to achieve that title but that is not enough Trough out his life he’s seen the good and the worst of those sides were both kill each each other because of their difference’s but they all have one thing in common……”selfishness”. We’re all the people who has power’s only care for if they are stronger than the other. But now thanks to those sides that show him their true colors. He has come to realize that the “that the world doesn’t need a Hero or a Villain. The world needs a MONSTER. Good? Evil? No none of that”. he will unite these two sides trough real fear eliminating those who see for their own benefit and their own egotistical ideas. It doesn’t matter if they are a HERO or a VILLAIN They will know true fear that will make them run For their lives and make them work together Or they will perish {I do not own the image in the cover. All images are use with respect an to make any references.} {Please forgive my grammatical errors. Sometimes is hard since i speak a second language.}

c_fanficsCSM · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 9

"Here we are present on the place we're a brutal event had take place" spoke a woman holding a microphone. "As you can see" she pointed behind her. The camera man quickly move the camera to were she was pointing and focused.

"As you can see they are taking the villain name muscular to custody and on the left side medics have arrived to take the unconscious hero Best jeanist to the hospital."

"The hero best jeanist has suffer—" she didn't finish as a left took the the microphone away from and the camera was block by a right.

"HEY! what the hell" yell the female reporter. Two police officers had interrupted them. "Alright! Enough! The two of you get out of here move it now!" Said the officer has he push away the two of them

"If a word comes out of this the hero association will not like this, not even a little bit." Spoke the detective tsukauchi looking at the two police officers taking care of the reporter and the camera man. He turn to a ambulance car with the doors open, we're a injured kamui was sitting, he was covered in bruises, and some cuts.

The detective Tsukauchi approached to we're kamui was sitting. "Tsss ouch! ouch! Please be careful with it" he said to the paramedic that was applying alcohol to his cuts. "Sorry for that hero kamui is just that the cuts themselves seem to be in specific parts of your bodies. Mostly nerves". Explain the paramedic.

"Ahem! excuse." Said detective tsukauchi, making the paramedic to turn around and face the detective. "Can you please leave us, me and the hero. Alone for a brief moment please". The paramedic nodded leaving both of them. Tsukauchi now turn his attention to Kamui. "So mind telling what happened here Mr kamui".

Kamui seem to tense a little bit but nevertheless, he let out a heavy sigh. "Everything went really fast like in a blink of an eye when I saw that shadow guy change".

'Shadow guy? Is he talking about who I think it is?' Tsukauchi thought. 'This could be something of major importance'.

Kamui kept on explaining as to what happened. The detective tsukauchi listen to all of it every minor and major detail that the professional hero was talking. Tsukauchi will not give on his search for this new vigilante.


Sometimes things should rather be left alone


To not bothered it.


On the top of building a crouch down figure with what seem to be two black large tendrils in the shape of bandages flailing behind him. He look over the edge seeing the scene were the police officer's were denying entrance to any of the reporters.

"What the hell happened?" Raguel ask to himself. As the two tendrils move like slithering snakes on the air and quickly wrapped his arm avoiding the dark serrated elbow blades It wrapped to his wrist and tightening it selves around and Small orange veins started to glow slowly like a pulse.

All he could remember him passing out when he slumped forward falling down to the ground and any memory he try to recall it was filled with the splatter of blood

As well as someone with the the ability's of a tree fighting him. That's all could remember for now. But he didn't doubt that it was just a memory as what lay in front of him speak for itself that those memories were something that happened.

" This is . . . Weird" he said in a neutral tone. He touched his wrist were the tendril had wrapped it self and in response the veins glow brighter.

"Tch. now is not the time to contemplate" he said as he stands up and move away from the edge. "Quirks are just tools. There's nothing special about it. It's just something that human body from this generation has. It's just adaptation to a new environment."

He jump to a nearby building and started jogging slowly picking up speed. Nevertheless . That didn't stop him to go for his main goal.

He was now running fast, jumping and skipping over from roof to roof. The tendrils around his arm in an instant unwrapped. Moving like wild snakes behind his back as he run and jump from roof to roof.

Raguel was now approaching a big gap from the roof he was running. There was no more space to run not unless he could jump higher or had something like he could swing himself.

Immediately Both of the tendrils behind him move forward, reaching an incredible length as they encrusted themselves to the edge of a building across from him.

As he reach to the edge Raguel jump off the building rooftop. Gravity did his work has he was pull down only for a short second as he was pull forward, up the air.

Excitement run through him like a train as he was propelling himself forward. A small smile appeared on his face out of enjoyment.

His left tendril shoot to the edge of another building pulling him and propelling forward. He was moving like a spider swinging from building to building all thanks to the new tools his body had gotten.

He landed on the edge of the roof facing a building in the shape of an H.

"Lets see what this generation of heroes can offer" he said as he crossed his arms " Let me see what they can take as well as Handel. The time of acting and playing is over."

"I will show them what they sign up for! . I will show them a new kind of threat."


{24 hours later}

A bus rest in front of open metal gates. Tall concrete walls like the size of building's surrounding a city.

Teenagers of all sizes and shape were standing in a group looking around the place. Some were nervous, others frightened, and some were determined.

And why would they feel this way? What was the main reason?

It was a day for them to give all their best in this ingression test, to qualify to the famous academy for future heroes. All of them in their mind were sharing the same common goal.

That was

To be better than the rest to overcome each other into passing this test and become just like the heroes they watch on Tv when they were growing up. It was a competition of who has the strongest quirk.

Except for one

A figure wearing a red jacket with long sleeves, blue pants, a pair of old use shoes, and a hood that cover his face as well as a pair of sunglasses. Was resting his back against a lamp post. Examining the teens who were either warming up or just waiting for some sort of bell to ring so they can move.

But what call his attention was a boy with blue hair and glasses talking to a green hair kid who seen to be nervous for some reason. It look like he was talking him down by the way the teens who were close to them were reacting as some were pointing and giggling.

This didn't affect him in the slightest as he felt no empathy. There was nothing he can do. His mind was focused on something else.

His right hand cover in a glove went to his ear. "LB and GC is everything ready?" He whispered as he turn his head to the side.

"LB is online and ready to go!" came a static voice almost sounding like a child. "GC ready for the show?"

"Lights!, camera!, ACTION!!" Came an adult cheerful voice.

Raguel let out a sigh as he stop leaning on the light post. He stretched his arms and let out a groan of satisfaction as he heard a popping sound. He pull his right sleeve up revealing a his bandage forearm.

"This looks stupid." He murmured as he open his jacket revealing white bandages covering his body. In fact his whole body underneath the clothes was cover in white bandages, covering every inch of his body. But most importantly, his right hand went to touch his forehead were his horns were

But he felt nothing only stumps.

"I hope they grow again". He had broken both of his horns to lay low as the authorities were searching for him all around the place.

Even some minor ranked Heroes. All the other top heroes either didn't give much attention either be because he wasn't that much relevant as to be shown on the TV or Posters as the most wanted.


not yet.

"Tch this going to be incredibly uncomfortable". He said as he cover himself again

"MOVE IT EXTRA!!". He was push to the the side by a blonde spike hair teen. "YOU'R IN THE WAY!!"

Raguel try to calm himself as to not blow his cover or brutalize the spike hair fucker. That will be later. So he walk to the middle of the group of teens. Since it would be easier to lose the camera's that are monitoring them.

"LB how many cameras are there?" Raguel ask.

"There are ten cameras on function, and all are monitoring different places and they have really really good quality cameras." She said with a impress tone " It will be impossible to try to evade it as they have a good position and angle's to catch every movement."

"Hmm Can you hack them?" Raguel ask.

"Well . . . They seem to be complicated" she said " But I will most certainly try." He heard fast tapping on the other side.

"If you want to have an extra footage of what's going to happen, I recommend you to use the cameras to your advantages." Raguel said "what do you think Gentle Criminal?"

"Very nice thinking young man" said Gentel criminal "It will certainly help".

Raguel now sat in a bench and watched all the teens readying themselves.

"Hey Raguel" he heard gentle speak.


"What's your main goal in all of this?. What are you trying to accomplish?." His tone was now a serious one " You didn't quite tell me all of it and I want to know before we proceed".

". . . . . . . . . . . . . "

Raguel didn't response for a second as he look at the new generation of heroes that were right in front of him. His eyes were now narrow and hard almost that of a teacher watching it's students.

"Necessary evil." He spoke.

"What do you mean by necessary evil?"

"To test them" Raguel said

" If they should be call HEROES, the society will be looking up to in the future." He reach to his pockets with both of his hand. Taking out a lighter and a box of cigarettes.

He open the box and bring it to his mouth and pull a cigarette out with his teeth. He put the cigarette back into his pocket.

*tss* *tss* . It was the sound of the lighter being press down as to light up the cig.

"Is . . he smoking" whispered a young man who's hair resembled that of a drill.

"What the hell is wrong with him." Murmured another


"Shameless and disgusting." spoke another one who had four arms but were connected with some type of membrane, almost resembling the arms of octopus

Raguel took a deep breath with his mouth, making the cigarette tip glow a bit of red. This made obvious to the others that

Yes! he is smoking.


"These kids have seen heroes in their life only in TV's and reality shows. Take for example All Might, he's been the number 1 Hero of Japan, saving life's from right to left and beating bad guys up." He took the cigar off his mouth and shake it, letting the ashes fall freely to the ground. "He only beats them up then locks them away without a problem and that is it right?."

Gentle was silent but nonetheless he was paying attention to what Raguel was talking.

"Wrong. The same fucker he put in jail gets process and gets out back again causing trouble. Oh but not any kind of trouble and let me name them. Rape, murder, Human trafficking, cannibalism and list goes on and fucking on." Raguel put he cig to his side of his mouth "And what do you think the heroes do while this happens. Sitting on their asses talking to a camera of a tv, winning a beauty award, striking poses for a fucking newspaper about how great they are, doing a commercial for just a specific product that has their name in them. What a fucking joke!. And they call them selves Heroes."

"The only ones who can truly have that title are those who stand up. Not for themselves. But for those who are to weak to fend for themselves. Those who are not afraid to give up their life just to protect someone."

Gentle was silent and surprised for the moment. Gentle had heard a bunch a dumb reasons why some folks did what they were doing. They were all either insane or some even delusional.

Raguel wasn't the exception.

However he had a point. And what damn good point he had. Gentle wanted to know more. What push him forward? What was his reasoning? What was his motive?.

"And is that all of it Raguel, Is that what pushes you forward? Is that what it?"

"Ku ku" Raguel let out a small chuckle "You can say that. But that's not what pushes me"

"Then what is it?"

Raguel look up at the light blue sky, his left claw hand slowly raise up. He closed it as if he was trying to claw at the sky.

"Gentle" Raguel speak in a neutral tone " This society of heroes is plagued by their greed, jealousy, pride, and anger." He brought his hand down as he stare up to the light blue sky " The hero society has shattered the people. Making them rely on them, thinking that no threat can overcome them or give them a good scare."

"Hey!" He felt a hand lay on his right shoulder. Raguel turn his head to the side to see who was the owner of the hand laying on his shoulder.

"It is strictly against the rule to smoke". He fixed his glasses by pushing it up with his right hand . "Certainly it looks like you do not care about this exam or is it that your an obstruct for the fellow test taker's?" the teen in front him had a expression like that of a teacher looking at his most hated student

Anyone would have feel a little intimidated by his expression and by his strict demeanor



Raguel let out a stream of smoke from the cigarette to the kids face making him cough as he step back.

*cough* *cough*

"AAAAAAAAAAND START!!!" Came a yell that echoed around them. Everyone look confused for the moment but it was cut short by their instructor.


They still were confused but again their instructor yell. "RUN! RUUUUUN! CONSIDER THE BATON TOSSED!!"

Raguel look at the kid with glasses. "You better run little hero your test has begun."

"What?!" He saw everyone leave running tours the robots as to destroy them and get a point for themselves. He look back at Raguel staring him on his orange eyes with anger.

"You! You! Aaaaargh" he quickly move getting away from Raguel and chasing after the others.

Raguel slowly walk forward going after all the others.

"That threat that every hero over comes it. Is going to change." Said Raguel as he slowly pick up his speed " Because that threat will be me."

"Let necessary evil be their test to overcome. Doesn't matter if they are good or evil."

"I want them to try, to know what is like to go against a new kind of threat"

Raguel run at full speed.

A four legged robot jump a few feet ahead in front of him

"TARGET LOCK ON" the machine spoke

" MUR—

*Slink* *Slink*


Raguel was now behind the robot, he kept on the same speed he was running from the start.

The four legged robot collapse to the ground as it cut through horizontally and diagonally. Making the insides of the robot to leak to the floor.

He quickly climbed a building as his two tendrils cover in motor oil move behind him by the speed he was going. When he reach to the edge of the roof he push himself off, he was defending down head first

"TARGET LOCK ON MURDER" spoke a robot as it stood in front a teen who had blond spike hair.

"GRAAAAAH DI- " he couldn't finish what he was about to say as the robot in front of him exploded causing a small shock wave that send him flying backwards a few feet.

He quickly stood up regaining his stance the robot in front of him was now turn into a mess of metal as well as oil. Which it pissed him off someone had stole his point.

And that someone was crouch in the middle of the destroyed robot.

"HEY WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUH!!" Scream the spiked hair teen as small explosion's we're going of in his open palm "DO YOU THINk YOUR BETTER THEM ME UHH!!?"

The figure didn't respond as it got ready to jump again to another place.

"HEY WERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOURE GOING UH!?" He launch himself forward attempting to deliver a explosive right attack. But fail to do so as the figure was no longer there. His momentum carried him forward down to the ground were a pool of motor oil lay there.

His tendrils became hard and sharp like blades in a quick motion he turn his body fast making it spin like a propeller.

"Kya!" a brown short hair girl with round cheeks was brusquely hit by a robotic arm making her fall to the ground.

"LOCK ON TARGET" came the robotic voice as it got close to the girl. The robot raised its claw metallic hand ready to bring it down.

The girl was frightened for a bit but nonethelessshe stood up as quickly as possible


Something at a fast speed had pass a few inches above her head as the robot upper half fell to the ground, the dark oil of the robot sprinkle like a fountain raining down upon the short hair girl.

The two tendrils shot up to the side of the building and pull their owner up launching him to the top of the roof.

"Be careful!" Yell the girl up to the figure who now had disappeared by the time she look up to see who it was.

"Brava do you have access to all the cameras?" He said as he jump to another roof top building.

"Luckily yes. All you need to do is to tell me when do you want the cameras to cut connection." said Brava

A spider like appeared in front of him on the border of the building when he was about to jump. Raguel quickly dodged a metallic spider leg directly to his legs.

"Just wait for my signal!" he yell as he cut communication with her.

"TARGET LOCK ON" sounded the robot as it approached Raguel "MURDER". As those words leave the robot, in a burst of speed Raguel had tackled the robot of the building, both now falling to the pavement.


"I h-have to do something" spoke a green hair boy as he look around frenetically searching for something. " If I don't, then the power that All might gave me, will be all for nothing."

As he swung his head from side to side looking for robot he could destroy to gain a point. He spotted one that was ten feet away from.

He tense for a moment out fright but push through it as he sprint to the robot. As he sprint his arm started to glow in an orange hue with some veins "SMAASH!" He scream as he got ready to throw a punch.


He was push back back back by a small pressure of air. "Oof" he drop to the ground hitting his left side, he raise his head quickly.

In front of him lay a mess of squashed metal and wires as well as some other components. He thought he had destroyed the the robot, at last a point for him!. But no.

He saw that another robot was on top of the one he presumably think he destroyed.

"What? How is that possible? A robot falling from a building? It doesn't make sense." He murmured as he saw the mess of metal the two robots had collided.

His answer's were shortly answer as two black tendrils were coming of the metallic mess. *Skreenk* it was the sound of metal being push. A figure cover in Bandages quickly emerge from the mess.

"One down one more to go but where might the other be." Raguel whispered as he scanned his surrounding and as he did he noticed a green hair boy with freckles standing a few feet away from him.

"What are you looking at kid? Don't you want to become a hero?" He question the boy.

"Y-Yeah I Do B-But—" he couldn't finish as he was cut short

"The move it kid! Don't stand there and watch! Move it!" Raguel yell at the kid. This cause the boy to flinch but it at least made him move. The boy went to the place we're he saw the short hair girl before. Since that was the place we're all the kids were having fun.

The tendrils quickly shot up to the corner of a building pulling him up quickly to the edge of the roof.

"Now we're will be the other one". As he finished saying those words. An explosion went off behind him. Raguel immediately turn around seeing a the big robot destroy a building.

"There you are"

He slowly started to run slowly picking up speed. The speed he was running was that of a bullet being shot.

The bandages he had on him slowly started to be torn away by the speed his body was going.

"Brava get ready to press the button!" He yell as he slowly drop forward "You Too Gentle!"

"JUST SAY THE WORDS" he heard both speak at the same time.

He dropped to all fours running like a wild beast maintaining the same speed. Raguel was approaching fast now so without wasting any second he gave out his signal

"RECORD AND HACK" it was the signal that left his mouth.

And in the last moment before he reach the end of the roof. He leap leaving behind a hole on the roof by the cruet force he push himself

The teens who were down on the pavement ground ,watching the monstrous zero pointer approaching them menacingly were left speechless.

The head of the zero pointer was violently hit from the left side making its head to hang on by the still connected wires on his head to it's neck.

Not for long as the head crash to the floor causing a small tremor that shook those around it.


Click* Click*

"It's not working we try everything as to open the lock down security doors"

"What the hell is happening here" spoke a woman with red glasses "the cameras had been cut out of connection and the security doors have close

On us."

All of the adults inside the room started talk to each other as to what the hell happened.

Except for one who was standing far from the rest. His hero name is endeavor, well known as the 2nd strongest hero of Japan.

"They have closed us in" he said as he realize what was happening.

"What do you mean they close us in?!" Yell the woman.

"They have box us In as to not interfere with what is going about to happen to the kids."

They all took the information in as it settle inside their head and then realized what was going on

"Oh no" came the worried voice of the woman but it was quickly replaced by one of a serious tone. "We need to get those doors open quick!"

"What if we call for someone one from the out side." Spoke someone across from her

"That can work!" She agreed as well.

Endeavor who was far from them. His fist was closed tightly, cracking his knuckles in anticipation. Instead of being angry or mad as he always was.

He was now worried for his own son.

He wasn't the ideal father to follow or to be praised upon. He might be biggest scum bag to ever exist But that doesn't change the fact that he's just like any other father he still worried for his own son

"Shoto." He whispered as he look at the black panel screen that were connected to the cameras outside.
