
MHA: THE MONSTER HEROE- It’s Time to conduct Necessary evil -

They say monster are mindless, who only kill and devour, who are needed to put down like animals. But not all are like this In a world we’re heroes and villains fight each other like little kids in a playground. Raguel, rejected by both sides of the coin he’s realize that heroes and villains is jut a game of pretend, there is no one who is a true hero anymore. But there was only one who was able to achieve that title but that is not enough Trough out his life he’s seen the good and the worst of those sides were both kill each each other because of their difference’s but they all have one thing in common……”selfishness”. We’re all the people who has power’s only care for if they are stronger than the other. But now thanks to those sides that show him their true colors. He has come to realize that the “that the world doesn’t need a Hero or a Villain. The world needs a MONSTER. Good? Evil? No none of that”. he will unite these two sides trough real fear eliminating those who see for their own benefit and their own egotistical ideas. It doesn’t matter if they are a HERO or a VILLAIN They will know true fear that will make them run For their lives and make them work together Or they will perish {I do not own the image in the cover. All images are use with respect an to make any references.} {Please forgive my grammatical errors. Sometimes is hard since i speak a second language.}

c_fanficsCSM · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

CHAPTER 12:_- Deadly Protector-_


It was the sound of a explosion, that destroyed the whole front of the abandoned hospital of mosutafu

Raguel was sent flying out from the abandoned hospital out to the street.

He rolled over the rough asphalt, but it quickly broke since his balance was off and slid against the hard asphalt leaving a trail of blood as well as torn off burnt leather mixed with blood.

Two tendrils quickly shot from his back and wrapped themselves around a pole from each side of the street. The poles were slowly being bend as the tendrils held with great strength almost tearing them off the concrete sidewalk.

Raguel slowly came to a stop.

He slowly stood up from the ground, with a pain look on his face as he felt small string like tendrils on his back quickly moved and fix the bloody mess his back was in.

he look down to his chest to his arms that were wrapped around Eri who was tightly holding onto Raguel's leather jacket.

"You . . Ok . .Eri?." He ask with difficulty.

"Mhm." Nodded eri in response.

The two tendrils that had hold on to the He loom back to the poles quickly retreated back to their owner who stood next to Raguel ready for anything.

People all around were either hiding by the explosion that had occurred or were left stupefied as to what happened.

In a second they were running away from an explosion that had gone off, shaking the nearby buildings and in the other they saw someone fly out of there, slid across the pavement carrying a little girl.

But there was no time of peeking to see who it was, as large spikes made out of concrete and asphalt were moving fast to where Raguel was standing.

"SHIT."he yell as he saw the spike approaching in fast "HOLDN ON THIGHT!!"

He pushed himself of the ground with his legs up to the roof of a building as he almost avoided the spikes. he struggled to keep his balance on top of the roof as he was a bit disoriented from the blow he had receive from overhaul, sending him flying out the abandon hospital like some rag doll.

"There has been enough problems for now." He muttered underneath his breath, looking at overhaul who was calmly walking out of the smoke as if nothing just happened."Me fighting him here with him will cause collateral damage as well as casualties and maybe even my death if am not careful avoiding his hand touching me." he turn his attention to eri who was starring down at the street with wide eyes full of fear as she saw overhaul her torturer calmly walking tours them.

She let out a small cry as she shove her head in raguel's chest, she was trembling uncontrollably just by the sight of overhaul approaching them. After all how could she forget, he was her tormentor who tormented her by conducting experiments on her like she was some kind of animal.

"Hold on tight kid." Raguel spoke as he saw Overhaul stop right in front of the building that raguel was standing on top. Overhaul approach the color concrete wall of the building at the same time he touch it with his exposed hand. He was about to unleash hell but stop as his intercom on his ear went on.

"I GOT HIM!! I GOT THAT SON OF A BITCH!!." Yell an excited voice. This cause a bit of discomfort to overhaul as he brought his hand to his ear, but nevertheless he step away from the building.

Raguel watch him walk back getting away from the building.

"What the hell are you plan—"


The roof underneath him was push up as it was destroyed at the same time. He felt two quick punches connected to his gut, it was a surprise attack that took him off guard as it come underneath him, not from the sides nor above.

But below

Eri was sent off flying from the edge of the roof to her death by the burst of the roof by whoever had attacked Raguel. It looks like her time has come to be relieved of her painful memories as the hand of death had chosen her.

But for now death may need to find another life to take with him.

Large dark tendrils behind quickly wrapped around eri's waist who was sent flying to her sudden death by the concrete pavement her body was supposed to fall.

The tendril with a quick and soft movement pull her up tours where a kneeling injured Raguel, was holding his stomach as he gasped for air.

His orange eyes were wide open struggling to have a calm breath but couldn't as each time he breathed his windpipe started to close and open.

"M-Mister!!" The tendril around her drop her softly a few feet away right beside him. "Mister! M-Mister!!" She quickly run almost tripping down but she managed to reach Raguel who was stabilizing his breathing.

The place were Raguel was standing lay a medium size hole as something started to come out of it. It was a man with two big arms like that of a gorilla wearing metal gauntlets, as he too wear a bird like mask that cover his face and head, only leaving his red like hair exposed.

"HE! HE!." Came a normal yet raspy voice of a man. "I GOT YOU GOOD HAVEN'T I?."

Raguel slowly raise his head as he slowly stood up with difficulty.

"Stay . . *COUGH* Behind me . . Eri. "

She of course did what he said as she too saw the man that had come out of the hole.

"RAPPA IS THE NAME AND BRAWLING TO THE DEATH IS MY GAME." Spoke the man now known as Rappa as he he punched his fist together and started to rub his two first knuckles against each other.


"Grr." Raguel let out a groan as he raised his open clawed hands in front of him ready for battle, anger and rage was running through his head as he was thinking of the many ways he could tear rappa apart, from limb to limb.

"COME ON." Yell Rappa as he punch his two fist together ,making an awful metallic sound with the gauntlets he was wearing.

Raguel was ready to shoot forward but was quickly pull out of it as a shaky innocent voice call out.

"M-Mister. . ." Eri spoke with great fear on her voice, holding onto Raguel's leg as she had a handful of the black sweatpants fabric on her hand, holding it tightly as she started to shake. "L-Let's get out of here . . . p-please."

He look down to his left leg seeing eri trembling out of fear who look back at him with her red teary iris eyes

A small memory flash on his head on how small yet fragile he was back then and how powerless he was.

she was a reflection of him, on how innocent he was

Back them And that infuriated him as reminded on how weak he was .

But now

It was different.

"The two of you are not going anywhere." Spoke overhaul near the edge of the building who was standing on a pillar he made by using the asphalt and concrete.

A tendril wrapped around eri and lifted her up to Raguel's back.

"Eri." Raguel spoke as his eyes became sharper and harder as he stare at the two. "Hold on tight." He open his arms open took a deep stance, keeping his claw hands open. Eri grip with her hands tightly the rainmaking leather fabric. "Things are going to get horrible."

Overhaul's expression became sharper, injected with anger.

"Rappa." He spoke with an intimidating tone.

"Yes boss." He look at overhaul

"Kill him."

"Ja ja." Rappa let out a chuckle . "A battle to the death it is then." *POW* he clash his two fist and started to slowly run to where Raguel was standing.


His face was greeted with shin of a foot dipping his mask ask well as his face in. Raguel had delivered deliver a left round house kick to rappa's face that proceeded to send him flying in a downward angle tours the asphalt.

This had leave overhaul impress by the speed and strength raguel had shown, but nevertheless he to made his move

Raguel landed back on the ground but once again had to jump to the side as a huge rock tentacle shot forward.

"Your surprisingly strong." Spoke overhaul standing over the rocky tentacle and swung his hand forward, sending branch like spikes towards raguel.

"GRAAAAGH." In a He raised both on his forearms to block the incoming spikes. But it was an awful mistake as. As stinging pain.

"Even surprisingly fast." He said with an amuse yet bored tone as he had saw Raguel's forearm spike. "But you lack the intelligence."

"Huh!!." Raguel quickly look at his perforated forearms. His eyes widened as he noticed the spikes shake and immediately thorns sprouted out, penetrating skin, muscle, and bone.


He couldn't even let out a pain of scream as he was slam to asphalt of the street by the same spikes that perforated his forearms.

The whole are was shaken by the impact, as it cracked the street. Causing even more panic to the civilians who were caught in between, as there were some who were running away as far as possible or even hide.

"Hmp that seem to be easy." Overhaul touch the same large spike he was standing, quickly rebuilding it into staircases.

"Hey you seeing this namimaru?." Said a young man dressed in a middle schooler uniform and was wearing some kind of visor that cover his eyes as well as having a rebels haircut.

He was hiding behind some food packages inside a market and so was the guy nest to him

"YES I AM! You dumb ass." Reply namimaru who was next to him, he was dress in yankii, wearing his black jacket open with torn ends and folded sleeves, a white T-shirt, black pants, and sandals, also wearing a black cap with a black peak, and an x-shaped buckle at the middle top center, which was torn at the back that mix it with his hair.

"We shouldn't have come out from Naruhata man!." Spoke the young with the visor. "We shouldn't have come to mosutafu!!."

"Shut up samazu!! He's moving!!." Namimaru pointed to the place we're Raguel had been slammed.


Raguel let out a painful groan as he tried to stand up. But couldn't as his forearms were throbbing with blood and pain.


He fell down face first to the ground, as he was slammed.

"E-Eri?." Raguel spoke with a pain tone

"Y-Yes!." She aaid as she still held onto him.

"C-Can you still m-move your l-limbs."

"Y-Yes" she replied nervously.

"Good. Now i want you to get off my back and go hide in that [*cough!*] market." He pointed the market with one of his tendrils.

"N-No." she said with fright as she shake her head . "d-don't leave me please."

"Am not l-leaving you." He said as one of the tendrils set her down onto the ground. "Just go and hide there."

"N-No p-please." Tears began to fall down fown her cheek but it was quickly clean off in a sift moved from one of Raguel's tendril.

"Eri." He spoke as he got up into a kneeling position. "Am not leaving you."

This seem to have calm her down for the moment, but what set her at ease was what came from his mouth.

"Don't need to cry, worry, scream or call the heroes." He said softly as he slowly stand up straight. "For i Have already hear your cries for help and pain. I am here to protect you from all evil. I am here."

She stare at him with open eyes. The first time she had meet him, she was afraid as his features resembled that if a monster who had come out from a nightmare.

That was until he started to talk to her showing her that he was no threat, as he helped her get out from that horrible place that overhaul/kai chisaki had imprisoned her.

But now the person who was standing Right in front her, the same person who had help her was no longer a scary monster for her.

He had saved her.

A scary monster?. . .


No that wasn't what she was thinking of him. But rather a heroic monster.

The monster hero

The monster hero who had come to save her from the grasp of her tormentor. Who was know protecting her at all cost even to the point of sacrificing one of his limbs or even being killed

"Now go. Hide."

She nodded in response with her eyes still open looking at Raguel.

"Go now go!"

Raguel saw her immediately get inside the market where namimaru and samzu were hiding at.

She quickly run where they were both hiding that was close to the window and hide herself behind a box fill with food and water.

Both of the young men were starring back and forward. From the girl back to Raguel.

But before they could even say something they heard a shout from the outside to we're Raguel was standing.

"Hey! Bird fucker!!." He yell out to overhaul who had reach the asphalt of the street all thanks to using his quirk to safely come down to the ground. "Am here come and get me."

Needle like tendrils began to poke out of the hole that the spikes had perforated and started to do their job. Repairing the damage that overhaul himself had done.

"Oh. It looks like, you're still standing" spoke overhaul with an impress tone and face. "Your quite an interesting individual. I wonder. . What kind of quirk would you hav, it would be quite interesting on using you to create a new kind of drug."

"It will be quite fascinating to see what kind of properties will a drug made after you have."

"Why don't you come over here and try it yourself, you leather beak piece of shit." Raguel spoke as he got ready into a fighting position.

"Oh me?." He put a hand on his chest. "Oh no, no, no, no!!. I don't and never consume my product. That is if benefits me."

"But rather i let someone else try it. RAPPA!! Would you like make the honor?"

{*FIUZZZZ.*} {*CLINk*}

"GREEAAARGHGHG." Came a roar behind overhaul, who was looking at Raguel with a smile.

"Mister." He said as he stepped away to the side reveling a rappa who was bearing its teeth like a craze down with anger. "I want to introduce you to the new drug we have developed."

"And it's name is."

"Rargh!" Rappa launched it self at Raguel in one fast move. Appearing right I front of Raguel, who was left surprised by the sudden speed birst.


The inevitable was about to go down between these three. Only one will come out of this either walking l, limping, or in a body bag.

It is inevitable.

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