
MHA: THE MONSTER HEROE- It’s Time to conduct Necessary evil -

They say monster are mindless, who only kill and devour, who are needed to put down like animals. But not all are like this In a world we’re heroes and villains fight each other like little kids in a playground. Raguel, rejected by both sides of the coin he’s realize that heroes and villains is jut a game of pretend, there is no one who is a true hero anymore. But there was only one who was able to achieve that title but that is not enough Trough out his life he’s seen the good and the worst of those sides were both kill each each other because of their difference’s but they all have one thing in common……”selfishness”. We’re all the people who has power’s only care for if they are stronger than the other. But now thanks to those sides that show him their true colors. He has come to realize that the “that the world doesn’t need a Hero or a Villain. The world needs a MONSTER. Good? Evil? No none of that”. he will unite these two sides trough real fear eliminating those who see for their own benefit and their own egotistical ideas. It doesn’t matter if they are a HERO or a VILLAIN They will know true fear that will make them run For their lives and make them work together Or they will perish {I do not own the image in the cover. All images are use with respect an to make any references.} {Please forgive my grammatical errors. Sometimes is hard since i speak a second language.}

c_fanficsCSM · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs



A yell could be heard coming from the inside of bar as well as some crashing.

"THAT FUCKING BASTARD!!" Yell shigaraki tomura as he grab a chair and throw it across the room, shattering it as it hit the wall near the front door.


"Please try to calm down young shigar—"

Kurogiri could finish as he move his head to the side dodging a bottle that crash behind him.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! KUROGIRI!!." Snapped shigaraki at kurogiri who was cleaning one of the glasses from the bar.


Shigaraki grab a remote that lay nearby the counter of the bar and pressed it almost squashing it on the process .

The Tv that was hanging on one of the corners of the bar quickly came to life, projecting the incoming a video.

"Yesterday on the Test ingression for UA Academy. Yes that is correct the prestigious academy for future heroes. All the aspirants have been brutally beaten to the point of unconsciousness. Parents and familiars of the aspirants are outraged as to what happened to their young, their sights are on the Hero association. They want answers immediately as to why did they not protect their young. The Authorities are trying their best as to calm the situation, but it seems that the parents don't plan to listen any of it."

"Hmm Interesting." Said kurogiri as he set down the glass on the counter.

Shigaraki was still scratching his neck in anger at the same time he gritted his teeth out of anger as he watch the male news reporter keep on talking.

"And as for the aggressor."

Shigariki tense as his scratching became rougher, making his paste skin on his neck go pink by all the scratching he was doing.

"Authorities have not yet identified of who it was. There has been some speculations that could be a new dangerous villain or a craze vigilante. But All the authorities point their finger as to the recent new vigilante that is the "Shadow Demon". Yes the one and only responsible for the "Gruesome" crimes he committed against several of the yakuza's groups

As well as their bosses. It is not yet known what is he trying to accomplish. But one thing is for sure, whatever this villain or vigilante has done it sure has cause a great impact on the public as well as the hero association. does This mean the hero association is under the publics furious eye? Is it really that safe as they say UA is? And what goal does This new villain or vigilante have? and what actions will the hero association take as to deal with this new kind of thre—"

The tv was destroyed as a controller was thrown. Lodging itself on the screen of the Tv making small sparks to come out.

"FUCKER!!" Scream shigaraki out of anger. At the same time he slam his fist on the counter of the bar. " OH!! HOW I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THAT FUCKING NOBODY RIGHT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!! SO I CAN DISINTEGRATE HIM SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY!!"

Kurogiri as always remain static to shigaraki's outburst. After all he was still young and had yet to learn much from the master as to become its successor. But that didn't hide the fact that kurogiri was getting tired on putting up with shigaraki's childish behavior. But he had to, as it was master's order to get the young man ready to become his


"So" said kurogiri as he pick up another glass and start cleaning it with a white rag "Is your plan still on the table."

"OF COURSE IT IS!!" Snapped shigaraki "I am not giving up upon it!. Project nomu it's still on the damn fucking table! All we need it's just a couple of "things" as to get it Complete, so it can be The number one hero, equal or even superior."

"Mhm" kurogiri just nodded in agreement.

"Kurogiri How many recruits do we have on our side?" Ask shigaraki who turn to look at him.

"As for now, we only have ten." Responded kurogiri as he set down the clean glass and proceeded to grab another one nearby and proceeded to clean it.

"FUCK!! Not enough!!" Yell shigaraki as he hit the air. "What's taking you so long on recruiting more members?!"

"It's not as easy as it sounds to be." said kurogiri as he work on cleaning the glass "lets not remember the last time of what almost happened when I try to recruit the vigilante."


He said referring to the so call Vigilante "THE SHADOW DEMON"

"Are you sure you need the last part." Ask kurogiri as he clean the glass.

"He's another pebble in my shoe kurogiri." Responded shigaraki as he scratched his neck. "And I don't like it when something is my damn shoe."

Kurogiri just closed his eyes in affirmation as he grab another glass and start to clean it.

"Just you wait you Shadow fucker." Whispered shigaraki as he narrow his eyes "Just you FUCKING wait. I'll strike you were your most vulnerable, so you can remember my name and the person who you shouldn't have fuck with."


The news had spread like wild fire all over the city. Reaching to the ears of every citizen of Japan, as well as heroes, and villains.

Some of the Civilians were speechless less as well as shock. The news hit them, making them uneasy as to how easy "The shadow demon" had slip through the defenses of the professional heroes as well as infiltrated on the UA test registration.

Some of the heroes share the mutual feeling with the civilians, but they were outraged and furious. Even more so were the professional heroes.

¿How could they have let this happen?

¿We're they that really ignorant?


¿We're they that confident that nothing bad will happen?

Nevertheless they all feel ashamed of themselves. But it was quickly replaced by anger as well as vengeful. Some of the heroes set parties as to hunt down the so call "The Shadow Demon" down.

Some just stay put, even do they felt the need to go out and bring him to justice. But couldn't. As it will be outrageous for a hero to go after revenge.

It was their morale as heroes that keep them back from doing such a thing.

That damn Morale.


"Holy shit!!" Yell gentle as he brought his hands to his forehead, at the same time he lean back on his chair. He had a surprise expression as his eyes were wide open.

"What happened?!" La Brava yell as she slide on her feet appearing on the entrance of gentle's room

"Come take a look at this." Spoke gentle in a low tone of voice as well as a surprise one.

La Brava took a step forward walking tours the desk were gentle was sitting down.

"What happened? What's all the fuuuuss-" she couldn't finish as her eyes grew wide when she lay her eyes on the computer screen.

Seeing the video they had posted on their channel on the internet, but what left her with wide eyes as well as open mouth

It Was the amount of views the video have gotten. It was the same video that she had recorded, we're Raguel had made it's first debut.

It had over a million viewers.

"Y-your J-J-Joking r-right?" ask la Brava with a shaky tone of voice. "T-This must b-be a D-Dream Right?." She start rubbing her eyes as to check if what she was seeing was real.

"No. it is not a dream" came a voice behind them.

Both of them turn around that saw Raguel standing on the entrance of the door.

He was wearing a leather jacket and a black sweatpants. Red hand wraps that cover boy of his hands as well as his claw feet. He still had the orange bandanna wrapped on his left hand.

"Raguel." Both of them spoke at the same time.

"It looks like you guys even got some followers on your account." Raguel said as he pulled out a phone. He face the screen of the phone tours them.

Showing them their channel and the great amount subscribers and viewers they had.

"Looks like my plan work" Raguel said as he shove the phone back into his pocket.

"Indeed it has." Responded gentle who turn around facing him. "But how?. . . How did? . . . . Why?"

"It's easy." Replied Raguel as he lean on the door frame. "Since we humans tend to be attracted to controversy in any other way, what is so different from us using the internet and post stuff that tickles everyones fancy."

"That sounds logical." Said La Brava

"Now what? What's the next step of your plan?" Ask gentle who stood up from his chair.

"You two." Raguel pointed at them with two claw fingers " You need to lay low."

"Wait why?" Ask la Brava with a questioning tone as she tilted her head to the side.

"What I did and what you guys posted on the internet, has cause a lot of heroes to search for me and you two." Said Raguel as he narrow his eyes.

"But mostly they are searching for me as they have my face all over the place, newspapers, and even Tv screens. While for the two of you, the authorities are trying to track we're you guys operate. Basically this." Raguel look around as he open his hands and move them in a circle. " whole house or base of operation."

"They can certainly try." Said gentle as he rubbed his chin "But they will come out empty handed, as my companion here." He said pointing to la brava.

"It's really good at deceiving the folks from the internet."

La brava smile showing a toothy smile At the same time she made a peace sign.

Raguel just gave a small smile.

"So since you said that we need to lay low for now what is it that your going to do now Raguel?." Ask gentle who stood up from his chair as he crossed his arms.

"Me. I have some business to attend to. Got to go pay a visit to overhaul's secret stash."

"Hold on a second!! did you just say Overhaul?!" Yell la brava as her eyes widened as her face went pale.

"What? What's with the surprise?." Question Raguel who tilted his head to the right.

"Raguel" gentle said with a serious tone. "You do know that that's the new recently dangerous yakuza boss."

"Boss? I thought he was the right hand." Said Raguel with a hint of surprise.

"Well he was." Said la brava as she quickly climb the chair that gentle had sit and started to type on the computers keyboard.

"Here." She said as she pointed to the screen of the computer as she turn to look at Raguel.

Raguel stop leaning on the door frame as he walk close to the computer. He lean forward and saw an article news that talk about the dead body they had found of the "former" yakuza boss.

"Well shit." Said Raguel in a impress tone. "Looks like the kid has taken over."

"Not a kid." Said gentle As he look at the news. "But a sociopath."

"Yeah! no joke the guy is crazy!" Said La Brava as she quickly type on the keyboard. Changing the article news, as a new window pop up with a criminal record.

Raguel saw of who it was and proceeded to only read the important info about overhaul.

"Kai Chisaki. Profession, boss of drug distribution. Alia's, Overhaul. Quirk, overhaul (destroys any material wether be organic or not and reshapes it into something dangerous). Extremely dangerous, avoid any confrontation and call for the professional heroes if he's spotted."

Raguel took a step back as he stand at full height, still starring at the screen of the computer's screen.

"Hmp guess there is a new boss in town "but still it doesn't change my mind."

"That is just straight up suicide." Gentle said as he shake his head. "You'll be dead if he even finds you himself, or even worse as the people who had challenge him en up in some twisted testing that he does with them."

"Yeah I heard many things that Involves of him doing drug testing on live subjects, wether be willingly or unwillingly." Said Raguel as his eyes narrow in anger.

"That's is why am going to pay a visit."

Both gentle and la brava fell silent as to what Raguel said. He was surely signing a death sentence of his own. But nevertheless he did care.

"Now if you excuse I'll take my leave." Raguel quickly turn around and walk out of the room to the corner of a corridor we're a shadow cover the corner.

"uhm The door is down the corr-" La Brava couldn't finish as she saw Raguel disappeared inside the shadow that the corner of the corridor provided.

"How did he? . . What? . . Huh?!" La brave was leave astonish as she saw Raguel disappeared with out a trace.

So was gentle as he was left surprise by how in an instant Raguel had disappeared.

La brava trun around facing gentle.

"What do we do now?." She ask

"I guess we lay low for now" said gentle "There's nothing we can do now for now. The authorities out there are searching all over the place for us and him."

"So we are not going to make any more content."

"No not for today." He said as he look to the computer, seeing the amount of views as well as the subscribers their channel had.

All his life he had done many videos of him committing criminal acts as to build a name for himself. At same as to inspire people.

Become someone in history!!

But In reality he just didn't want to fade in obscurity.

He wanted to be a someone, a someone that anyone could remember and maybe even look up. He had no trouble on trampling over someone's dream as to become someone in history.

He could have very well say no to Raguel's offer, he could have tell him to go find someone else to do his "bidding"

But couldn't do so.


"What makes you think I want to take your offer."

"Imagine what we can do." Said Raguel " Imagine the amount of people we can inspire and the impact we could make on the hero society!." He said as he spread his arms open.

"Think about it!." He said "No one has to live under the constant lies that this so call system of heroes offers!."

"Yeah right!." Said gentle with a sarcastic tone "And what ? you come in and become their guiding hand as well as their puppeteer. "

"No no no!" Said Raguel shaking his head quickly "fuck no!! Am not trying to become some bastard with high elevated ego that views himself over the others. Which makes them look like fucking clown."

Gentle crossed his arms at the same time he raise an eyebrow.

"Explain yourself then."


Raguel let out a tired breath as he move to the edge of the roof starring off into the distant buildings that light up the night.

"How many times does this so call hero society has to lie to its people on who they want or choose to be. They can choose by themselves. Fuck heroes! And fuck villains!. No more indifference among them, no more stepping over anybody for their selfish reasons, no more fakes heroes that Pursue glory and fame. No more differences among each other!!. that is why Is I plan this. To show the heroes and villains that a new threat arises from the shadows. A monster."

Gentle just starred at Raguel with doubt, but at the same time he had an interest as to what he said.

Changing the society of heroes and villains?

It sounded like a dream.

But it wasn't as Raguel spoke with all seriousness his eyes had a determined look as if he was compromised.

"Many times, the heroes from today have take heroism as something you can benefit, make money out of it, only choosing those who have a quirk that they could benefit out of. But what happens to those who have aspirations? What about those who don't have quirks or even extraordinary quirks? Don't they want to be heroes too? Don't they want to be someone that could Change or inspire another someone?!."

"There shouldn't exist a goddam license to become a hero!!. Anyone can be hero!! Regardless of what their quirk is!!. "

"But for that to happen they need something that will change them Completely, they need a conflict, in other words they need a new threat to show them their flaws, they need a monster. They need necessary evil."


"Is this what you had in mind Raguel." Whisper gentle as he look at the computer screen. Seeing the video that they had recorded.

He turn his head to the window of his room looking at the outside.

"Is this really going to work and change the hero society?."


TIME: 6:30 PM


"Remember what the boss said." Spoke a man walking down a corridor semi dark corridor passing by closed rooms with steel doors.

"Yeah yeah I already know don't need need to tell me." Replied a man with an affirmative tone.

"I hope you know!! because I don't want my ass to be experimented on by whatever the fucking boss has. That leather beak mother fucker is creepy as shit."

"Yeah tell me about it that son of a bitch sees anyone around him as disposable trash. Even that little girl he's been experimenting on." Said the man "dear god he uses her like a lab rat, does he even have any remorse?."

"Surely not." Replied the man.

As both of them were talking, something dark was moving above them jumping from shadow to shadow on the long dark corridor.

Both stop in front of a metal door.

"Alright let's check on the boss's especial package." Said the man as he open a small metallic grille and look inside. Seeing a small little girl with bluish off white hair, wearing ragged clothes quickly huddle into the corner of the room.

"She is alive and well"

"Good to now." Said the one behind

The shadow above them started to move. Slowly a claw hand emerged from the shadow of the ceiling, directly defending on top of the man who was behind the other.

And in one quick move the hand quickly and quietly descended fast on him.

The man couldn't make a sound as his windpipe was squeezed by the dark claw hand. In one quick movement the man was pull up, his head slam hard against roof, knocking him out on impact.

"What the he—" the other man couldn't finish as a tendril shot from the shadow, quickly wrapping around his neck and lifting him.

strangling him at the same time.

The man slowly started to go unconscious, but not before seeing a figure come out from the shadow above, dropping down landing on its feet.

"W-what . . . Are . . . . . Y-You?!" Spoke the man with a labor breath as it struggled to keep himself conscious.

In response the the tendril that was holding him quickly slammed him against the wall, face


His head went through the wall. Leaving him stuck into the wall, at the same time the tendril let go of his neck leaving a red mark around its neck.

Raguel turn his attention to the door we're the yakuza's had been standing in front of it.

He closed his right fist into a fist, at the same a tendril wrapped around his arm like snake, reaching all the way to his wrist.

Slowly the tendril started to from the shape of a serrated blade slowly protruding from the top of Raguel's wrist.


It was the sound of the metal door being cut through.

The little inside the room quickly cover her ears as she look down to the ground with small tears slowly falling down her cheeks at the same time she huddled more to the corner of the room.

The sound stop.

At the same time the white hair girl slowly raise her head.

The metal door was violently pull off its hinges. Letting the light from the outside invade the dark room.

The little girl was frightened, looking at the entrance with wide open eyes. At first she couldn't see anything as her eyes were slowly adapting to light that had suddenly invaded the room that she was in.

And she saw it.

A dark figure standing at the entrance of the door. Every feature the figure had was cover in black. Except for his eyes, they were a slightly bright orange color.

This cause a chill to run across her body.

The figure entered the room, it walk tours her, approaching her slowly.

And the closer he got. The more scare she got as she noticed his claw fingers.

In response she let out a yelp and closed her eyes as he got closer.

"G-GET AWAY!! P-P-PLEASE D-DON'T H-HURT M-M-ME." She scream out of fear as she cover face with her arms.

Raguel stop a few centimeters away from her. First thing he noticed was red stain bandages around her arms.

As well as some tiny scars on her hands and bruises on her face.

(What the fuck have they done to her?. This supposed to be that fuckers main stash for his drug lab making type of shit!!.)

He slowly kneel down trying not to scare the little girl anymore as it is.

"Hey kiddo am not here to hurt you." he said in a soft tone trying to sound as friendly as possible as he reach out with his right hand.

But this cause the little girl to move further into the corner. Avoiding Raguel's hand.

"Kid" he said as he slowly approached her "Look at me. Am not here to hurt you, you understand?."

The little girl was shaking out of fear but nevertheless she starred at Raguel with a teary frightened eyes.

"Am not here to hurt you." He put his hands to the ground in front of the little girl. Showing the palms of his hands.

At first she tense for a second but relax as she saw his hands were open and empty.

"Nothing here" he said as Gehenna raise his left hand ."and nothing there." He raise his left hand.

"It's just me here, only me."

"*Sniff* W-What are *Sniff* Y-You *Sniff*" the little girl ask in between sniffles.

"I am Raguel " he said in a calm tone "And am here to help."

She seem to calm a little by this as the frightened look on her face change into a more calm look.

"What's your name kid?" Raguel ask in a soft tone

"M-My name is E-Eri *Sniff*" she said as she clean a tear from her face.

"Tell me eri." Said Raguel "what's your favorite type of food?."

"F-Favorite F-Food?" Ask eri with a timid voice.

"Yeah! Any food you like, Like sweets, sours, salty, crunchy. Hell!! even sweet and salty!!. For example for me it's tempura and maybe some fast food."

"T-Tempura?." Ask eri as she tilted her head to the side, as if she never heard of the word or the name of the food. Her frightened face change to that of a calm and curious one, but she still keep her distance from him.

"Yeah! Don't you know? Shrimp cover in batter, and deep fried. Making it crispy so when you take a bite it makes a pleasant crunch on your mouth."

This seem to call her attention as well as her curiosity.

"I-Is it good?" Ask eri with curiosity.

"Mhmm." Affirmed Raguel as he nodded. "It's even better if you eat it with ketchup."

"K-Ketchup?" eri ask with a confused look on her face.

"Alright kiddo make space." Said Raguel as he moved forward sitting beside eri turn to her right seeing Raguel sit beside her.

"Let me explain you about some of the stuff that goes well with condiments." Said Raguel.



Raguel proceed to explain what kinds of foods were outside and what varieties of flavors were there. She sat there listening to him with anticipation as well as curious, which it was growing slowly as Raguel kept on talking about many different type of foods.

Slowly but surely Eri become more open. As she now wasn't feeling afraid of him nor frightened.

"Hey kid?" Spoke Raguel "why do you have those bandages around your arm?."

She felt silent as her expression change to a sadden one as it was followed by tears slowly creeping from her eyes.

(Shit!! I shouldn't have ask!! Am a . . Dumbass. God FUCKING DAMN IT)

Raguel felt like a dick for asking her that question. But it quickly change as Eri spoke.

"H-He did them to me." She said as se grab her arms while she stare at the floor with a tears running down on her cheek. "He always does them to me, even when I begged him to stop he he just kept on goi—"

She felt a hand pat her head.

"It's ok if you don't. . . want to talk about it." Said Raguel as he took his hand back that was patting Eri's head. " I understand that talking about it brings you bad memories but you don't have to if you don't w-"

He couldn't finish as she quickly hugged his arm, at the same time she started to cry. So with no other option Raguel just patted her on the back trying to comfort her.

At the same time a boiling rage started to grow inside of him.

(Whoever has done this to this innocent little girl, is going to pay with one of their limbs.)

"Let's leave this place." Said Raguel

Eri pull away from his arm with tears running down her cheeks.

Raguel move forward into a kneeling position, showing his back.

"Get on my back." Said Raguel

"W-What if *sniff* h-he comes b-back." She said sounding scare.

"while am here nothing will happen to you." Raguel spoke with determination.

Raguel walk out of the room with eri on her back.

"What happened to them" eri ask with a frightened tone as she look to the unconscious man on the ground.

"Uhm he's just sleeping." Responded Raguel as he look away.

"What about him?." Ask eri as she pointed to the man who's head was stuck on the wall.

"Uh. . . he just . . Trip and fell." Said Raguel sounding nervously. "

"Ok." Said eri sounding a bit confused.

Raguel walk down the corridor, he was a few feet from reaching the door but his ears pick up a sound.

It was the door being open.

He stop and took a few steps back getting away from the door.

The door was open revealing a man.

He was wearing a green jacket with a purple fur or feathers attached at the neck of the jacket, he was wearing two white gloves on each hand, as for his face he had a red leather beak mask that cover his mouth.

It was none other than Kai chisaki or well known as overhaul.

This cause eri to hold tight onto Raguel as she hide her face in Raguel's back.

"I-it's h-him." Whispered eri with a scarred and frightened tone.

Raguel felt her body shaking behind his back.

"Calm down Eri." Raguel whispered back trying to calm her down."Remember what I told you. As long as am here nothing will happen to you."

"What do you think your doing?" Ask overhaul sounding like a manager who catch one of his employees slacking on work.

"Taking the kid for a walk." Said Raguel as he narrowed his eyes at the same time the tendrils slowly slither out of his clothes, ready to strike or make a move.

"Well for your information your taking someone's else daughter." Said overhaul as he look at eri.

"Bullshit." Raguel spoke with mocking tone. "Since when does a father leaves her daughter on a empty room and lets her wear ragged clothes?."

Overhaul started to take of his white gloves slowly. This made Raguel feel uncomfortable as he didn't like what this fucker was doing.

"Please understand that me and my daughter are on dire circumstances." He said as he shoved his gloves inside his pocket "we are running short on money that's why she's wearing those clothes."

"Is that so?" Ask Raguel with a questioning tone

"Yes" said overhaul trying to sound as tragically sad as possible "so please can I have my da—"

"Ha! Shove that pretty little lie of yours up your ass." Said Raguel with a mocking tone as he took a step back. "Since when does a father experiment on her daughter just to make a drug out her."

This cause Raguel to earn a threatening narrow eye look from overhaul.

"Oh dear" said overhaul as he took a step forward "it seems that you know to much."

"Well no shit you leather beak mother fucker."responded Raguel who was in ready fighting position.

Now things are going to get disastrous between overhaul and Raguel

Only one gets to walk out of here in one piece. While the other ends up in many pieces.

Which one of them would it be?

The Monster or the Villain.

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