
MHA: Telekinesis

While a young man was having a heated debate on how to become omnipotent with telekinesis a message suddenly appeared in front of his screen. /Welcome to the Omniversal Race to Omnipotence/ And suddenly a beam of light struck the planet killing everything on it. AN: Just a very advance warning, if you can't handle the first 5 chapters, you might as well drop it and not waste your time, I'm not joking, you're literal specks of dust compared to the amount of readers I have accumulated so one, ten, or even a hundred readers who have drop this novel doesn't really matter, I'm not wasting your time so if you don't like it, then drop it. Now on to the advance warnings, first five plus chapters have something that borders the line between legal and illegal so yeah, read at your own discretion, but it does stop at beyond 10 chapters or so so if you can stomach it, then might as well read pass the horrors I made. (Started in December 4, 2021 - 9th day of writing) (2nd novel) (Reach 1k collections in February 14, 2022 - Valentines Day, nice | 82nd day of writing)

NoNameDeity · Tranh châm biếm
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93 Chs

Ch 24 - Miracle

As she sense her Butler appearing, she went and grab her stuff from the chair besides her and went outside and meet her butler.

What appeared was a slick black car from an unknown brand with no plating, with the windows seemingly capable of stopping a bullet with its very thick frame, the car made out of an indescribable hard material that is similar in hardness to diamonds, this car brings a lot of protection to those inside it.

One of the car door where the driver resides opens and the person that went out looks like an elf with pale white skin, yellow green hair, golden eyes, a slightly taller body than Cha Haerin's small frame, complimented with the skin tight black suit, the person's charm was incomparable like that of an elf.

Cha Haerin walk fiercely to the butler with fierce eyes, indicating that she was angry.

"Butler, why are you late" said by Cha Haerin in a rage filled voice.

As the butler was about to open his mouth, he was cut off by Cha Haerin as she went on to rant.

"Dont you know how long I've waited here, to think I would have to be near those commoners for a long time is quite dreadful, now bring me into the car right this instance" said by Cha Haerin as she toss her stuff to the Butler.

"Y- yes young miss" said by the butler as Cha Haerin magically appeared inside the car.

Then the butler appeared in the driver's seat while her stuff appeared in the back.

Then as the butler was about to start driving home, Cha Haerin started to speak with a malicious smile.

"Before you take me home, I need to do some unifinish business first. Follow that man over there" said by Cha Haerin while pointing at the silhouette of Sung Jinwoo in the distance.

"Yes young miss" accepted by the butler without questions as he knows that Cha Haerin will easily get angry.

'I am sorry for you young man, I know that you did nothing wrong but you just have to unfortunately meet young miss, sigh' sighed by the bulter in his mind while lamenting the fate of the young man that unknowingly incurred the wrath of Cha Haerin.

So he started driving at a slow pace while tailing Sung Jinwoo's figure so he would not notice them.

"Can't you speed up" said by Cha Haerin while looking at Sung Jinwoo with a menacing glare.

"Y- yes young miss" said by the butler as he slightly increase the speed so that Cha Haerin will be satisfied.

'Stupid bitch, don't you know caution! We will get caught at this rate and how will you explain it then hah! If it wasnt for this being such a high paying job I would have quit on the first day, just you wait, after a year I will instantly quit this job' thought by the butler in rage but in the outside his face was as calm as unmoving water.

So he kept quietly driving while continuously complaining in his mind.

'You spoiled brat! If you were not fucking rich you would have been fucking bullied constantly and get bam and then wabam and then fucking cry, oh just imagining it makes me hard gajajbwhs. Heh, jokes on you nobody is even fucking loyal to you, once you inherit the family business and don't know shit and then become bankrupt, everyone will laugh at your missery' thought by the butler in joy imagining the pitiful sight of Cha Haerin being poor.

'Sigh, what did that man even do. I bet that she got offended for some petty reason like he is better than her. Why the fuck would you attack someone better than you, if you attack someone better than you, you would get decimated. Good thing that those previous butlers of hers always there to save her stupid ass' thought by the butler while still tailing Jinwoo.

'Sigh, I can't wait for this to be done' sighed by the butler in his mind as he saw Jinwoo entering a dark alley.

"Quickly, he entered a dark alley" said by Cha Haerin as she pointed at Jinwoo.

"Yes young miss" said by the butler as he sped up the car as he silently park it at the entrance of the alley that Jinwoo didn't seem to notice.

Then what appeared was Jinwoo feeding some stray cats and kittens as he handed over some food that was appropriate for them. He then went on to pet them as the cats smiled in delight as they approach him without worry.

'Oh no, please don't attack him, please don't attack him, please don't attack him. Look at him, he is literally helping stray cats, and look at you planning to attack him' beg the butler in his mind for Cha Haerin to not attack him.

But then the words that he heard next shock him to his core as hi mind short circuited for a moment.

"O- oh, uh... Well for him to be helping cats is a good deed... Perhaps his not that bad after all" said by Cha Haerin while her face went red as she blush in embarrassment as the butler's mind exploded.

'W- what!?!?! I- is she really the young miss I know. Is this a miracle sent by God himself. Hahahaha, good things really do come to good people' thought by the butler as he rejoice in his mind.

But what he didnt know was what was happening in Cha Haerin's mind.

As the car went to park in front of the entrance to the alley, Cha Haerin went to look besides the window to inspect Sung Jinwoo, but what she saw was a sight to behold.

She suddenly blushed in an instant as she felt an unknown emotion started to blossom inside her cold evil heart.

'W- what is happening to me? Why is my heart pounding? Why is my head spinning? Why does my face go red? Why does this happen when I look at Sung Jinwoo? What am I feeling right now!?' thought by Cha Haerin while putting her hand on her chest as she felt her heart beating like crazy.

What she saw was a beatiful scene where Jinwoo was under the light while the moon was in the background as the cute cats joyfully play around him making a fairy tale like scene where Jinwoo was like the kind prince charming with a charming smile that was directed to the cats.

'W- who is that!? Is he really Sung Jinwoo, th- then why does he look so... handsome' thought by Cha Haerin as she was about to faint.

'I- I can't attack him' was the only thought in Cha Haerin's mind right now as she was entranced by Sung Jinwoo's appearance.

"O- oh, uh... Well for him to be helping cats is a good deed... Perhaps his not that bad after all" said by Cha Haerin as her thought started to go haywire.

"Butler, drive us home now" said by Cha Haerin as she covered her red face with her phone so her butler could not see her face.

"Y- yes young miss" said by the butler.

'Oh my gooddddd, a disaster was averteeeeddd' thought by the butler as he happily drive Cha Haerin home, being happy for the young man who escape the disaster that was about to come.

AN: I had another brain orgasm and thought of the perfect ending for this story, now I only need to execute the story in a satisfactory level.