
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

The Multiverse ....?

Never though I'd suffer rom writer block ever.

But i guess you find new things everyday.

Anyway we're so back

Though i am thinking about dropping my homelander fic because its ridiculously hard to think of the future ij that world now.


As soon as the call ended and the silence of the villa enveloped him, David's HUD lit up again.


Alternate Quest Complete:

Succesfully got the cops called.

Reward: 1,000 Quartz Crystals

Bonus: Gacha Coupon


David couldn't help but roll his eyes, a smirk creeping across his face. "Of course. The system really wants me gambling, huh?" he muttered under his breath, letting out a low chuckle.

He stood up, shaking off the adrenaline rush that had been coursing through him just moments ago.

Even if it was simply acting but to compensate for the lack of talent David uses his ability to manipulate his own body functions to his advantage.

He glanced at the floating icon for the Gacha, considering.

His curiosity was piqued, but there was always that lingering trauma with these things.

"Well, let's see if I hit the jackpot or just random junk."

David grinned as the Gacha system activated.

The screen in his HUD filled with bright, flashing colors as the free ten-roll began.

He watched the items spin and fall into his inventory.


Roll 1: Arachnid Body Pillow

Roll 2: Sensual Sensitivity Enhancer

Roll 3: Raiden Shogun Cosplay

Roll 4: Infinite Processing Power GPU

Roll 5: One Piece Locator

Roll 6: Printer with Infinite Ink

Roll 7-9: Mysterious Crates

Roll 10: Diamond Legendary Rarity: Multiversal Streamer Tag


David blinked as the final roll landed, showing the glowing diamond tag. "The hell...?" His eyes widened at the description.


Multiversal Streamer Tag

Allows access to stream in alternate worlds.

Cost: 10,000 Quartz Crystals for each world.

Complete access requires fulfilling one demand of the world's moderators.


David's heart raced as he processed it. "Stream to other worlds?" he thought, his mind immediately racing with possibilities.

This wasn't just some gimmick prize.

This was huge.

He quickly skimmed over the other rewards—the absurd body pillow, the sensitivity enhancer (which he pretended not to see), and even the Raiden Shogun cosplay—before his focus snapped back to the Multiversal Streamer Tag.

The idea of streaming beyond his current world was both thrilling and dangerous.

It meant an entirely new audience, new opportunities, and perhaps some... unforeseen risks.

"Fulfilling one demand of the moderators, though... that's the catch," he muttered. "But hey, no risk, no reward, right?"

He couldn't help but grin, already thinking of the chaos he could cause with this new feature, his gacha trauma all but gone.

"Let's see how far I can push this," David thought, excitement bubbling under the surface.

He still had the crates to open, but the tag was the real prize here.

"Well, system," he whispered, "looks like we're going multiversal soon."

David's excitement was cut short as the system delivered another cold message.


It would be foolish to use the Multiversal Streamer Tag now.

You are not strong enough.

The system does not wish for the host to die.


David scoffed."You don't want me to die, huh? Because you go down with me, right?"



The system ceases if the host ceases to exist.


He let out a slow breath, staring at the message as he had thought so from the earlier interactions.

For a brief moment, he had been so caught up in the excitement of the multiverse that he hadn't considered the dangers that might be waiting.

Being thrown into a completely different world with unknown threats wasn't exactly a winning strategy.

He should be ashamed as a gamer.

The system wasn't wrong.

As annoying as it was, jumping the gun now would probably be a death sentence.

"Alright, fine," he muttered, rubbing his forehead. "Guess you're right... No point rushing into this if I'm gonna end up dead on arrival."

He felt a bit deflated, but the system had a point.

Whatever these multiversal moderators demanded might be more than he could handle in his current state.

"I'll get there eventually, though," he promised himself. "And when I do, I'll be ready."

David shifted his attention back to the rest of the rewards, knowing that there was still plenty to look forward to.

He might not be diving into other worlds just yet, but it didn't mean he couldn't get a few steps closer.

"Still," he muttered, a disgusted expression creeping back onto his face.

"This gacha thing? Feels like a setup to get me addicted."


Its your imagination


"Hmph, Liar ", said David to the system in the joker tone.


All For One sat in the dark room, his red eyes gleaming in the dim light of the television.

His silver hair reflected the flickering images of Galactus Prime standing amidst the charred remains of the street, with Infernal's broken body at his feet.

The villain's lips curled into a frown as he leaned forward, resting his chin on his hand.

"Another piece lost," he murmured, his voice low and dangerous.

Infernal had been his mad dog, a violent weapon he had let loose upon the world to stir chaos for a while.

He had hoped the crazed pyro would last longer, but like a stupid dog, Infernal had gotten himself killed.

Galactus Prime had snuffed him out without a second thought, as if he were nothing more than an inconvenience.

All For One narrowed his eyes at the image of the mechanical being, the memory of Infernal's Quirk burning in his mind.

That rapid heat generation—such power, such raw, untapped potential. It had been one of the most potent fire quirks he'd ever come across.

Unlike the weak flames of lesser villains, Infernal's fire knew no limits.

No physical strain, no overheating effect, just relentless, searing destruction.

And now, it was gone.

"Foolish dog," he muttered. "You were gifted with something extraordinary, but you squandered it."

Infernal had been dangerous because of that very reason.

His power had no inherent weakness, no degradation over time.

It was perfect for creating destruction, for softening up the world before All For One made his next move.

But now, that tool was gone, and Galactus Prime had shown just how efficient he could be at eliminating threats.

The thought of Infernal's loss made him clench his hands.

Not because of sentiment—he cared nothing for the man—but because of the Quirk.

The strength of that rapid heat ability was one he could have used to further his own goals.

He had plans for it, ambitions to refine it and use it in ways even Infernal's warped mind couldn't fathom.

But now, those plans were nothing but smeared blood like that maniac's brain.

"Still," he said, sitting back, "there are always more dogs."

His eyes glinted with malice as he thought of Galactus Prime.

A new player, one with a power he had yet to fully understand.

There would be time to study him, to probe his strengths and weaknesses and gauge if he was useful.

And if that mechanical monstrosity continued to interfere in his plans, then All For One would deal with him himself.

For now, though, the loss of Infernal stung.

He would need to replace that power, find another Quirk that could replace the mad dog.

"Another piece to find," he whispered, eyes narrowing.

The television flickered once more, casting shadows across the room.

All For One sat in silence.


David woke up alone, the absence of Kaede beside him immediately striking him as he opened his eyes to the soft morning light.

The sheets were cool against his skin, and he could vaguely recall the events of the previous night where he got home late and found her sleeping on the dining table.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, taking a moment to gather his thoughts.

The house was quiet, save for the distant hum of the city outside.

He got up and padded his way to the kitchen, the cool floor refreshing against his bare feet.

He poured himself a cup of coffee as usual, the rich aroma filling the air, and leaned against the counter, glancing around the empty space.

As David leaned against the kitchen counter, sipping his coffee, his phone buzzed on the table, drawing his attention.

He picked it up and saw a message from a creator account he didn't recognize: Tensai Calculus.

Curious, he opened the message:


Tensai Calculus:

Hey, David! Just checking in to see if you're okay.

I caught some of your recent streams, and I have to ask—are you okay?

It's been a while since we've worked together on IMO, and I wanted to know if you'reokay.

Please reply


At first, the name didn't ring any bells, but as he read the message, it clicked.

Tensai—now that was a name he hadn't heard in ages.

He smiled at the thought, remembering the guy as a real good nerd who could always find a way to make even the most mundane tasks entertaining.

David chuckled, recalling their time in the team.

They had shared plenty of memorable moments, including the first and last sugar high of their lives during a long night of coding and troubleshooting just before the olympiad.

He could almost hear Tensai's voice, animated and filled with excitement, as they celebrated their small victories with way too much candy.

A dead smirk formed on his face as he realised that he might not be that good at mwths as he has been out of practice for so long.

But then something else clicked in his head.

Wait ! Could I do teaching streams ?


Stones and Reviews please

250 Powerstone 1 Bonus Chapter

500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter