
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Is that ......a Bird ?

After lunch with Nana, David walked back towards Kaede's house, his mind still buzzing from their conversation.

He couldn't help but smile at how easily they had bonded over games and working out.

It was strange but refreshing to meet someone who could keep up with him.

Though, when he casually mentioned they were really good friends, Nana's reaction was… well, unexpected.

She had frozen for a moment, blinking at him like he had just said something completely off-kilter.

There was a brief flash of something in her eyes—was it disappointment?—but David, in his usual way, remained oblivious.

Or maybe, deep down, he saw it and just chose not to acknowledge it. He wasn't sure which.

Still, she smiled after that, even if it was a little more subdued, and they parted ways.

He hadn't thought much of it until now, replaying the moment in his head as he walked through the familiar streets.

"Did I just friend-zone Nana Shimura?" he muttered to himself, incredulous.

The thought was absurd, but that was David for you—unknowingly stumbling through complicated situations with an almost supernatural level of cluelessness.

He shrugged it off. Whatever had passed between them, he didn't want to dwell on it.

He had other things to think about ik that respect, namely Kaede and whatever their relationship was.

After all this time ,he still couldn't figure it out.

They were together—kind of.

He lived with her, but he couldn't tell if they were actually in a relationship or something more complicated.

And that bugged him.

Even with the wisdom of the Matrix of Leadership, with all the digital immortality, enhanced intelligence, and leadership capabilities he now possessed, the answer to that question eluded him.

Every time he tried to make sense of it, the conclusion slipped away like sand through his fingers.

He reached Kaede's house.

He had spent more nights here than he could count.

They shared moments—intense, passionate moments—but there was always something unspoken hanging in the air afterward, something he couldn't quite touch.

As he walked up to the front door, a wave of uncertainty hit him.

He paused, standing there for a second longer than necessary.

What did this all mean? What were they?

He couldn't hear anyone inside so he assumed she might be at the medical store.

He tossed his jacket onto the nearest chair, his mind still buzzing with everything that had happened—Nana, Kaede, and the confusing web of relationships he was entangled in.

Without much thought, he flopped onto the couch, grabbed the remote, and mindlessly flipped through the TV channels.

He wasn't really paying attention, just looking for something to distract him.

Just as he was about to turn the TV off out of boredom, a familiar sight flashed across the screen—a live report from his old school.

Curious, he unmuted the TV.

The news anchor was in the middle of a breaking report. "—currently unfolding at Mustafa High, where the villain known as Vulcan has taken several hostages, including staff and students. His demands include the release of multiple high-profile criminals—"

David sat up straighter, eyes narrowing. Vulcan? The name rang a bell, and not in a good way.

He leaned forward, listening intently.

On the screen, the camera zoomed in on the school's front entrance, where a group of heroes were gathered.

Inside the building, Vulcan held the principal hostage, one hand dangerously close to the man's face, which seemed moments away from being melted by his quirk.

Vulcan's demands were clear: if his criminal friends weren't released, things were going to get ugly.

David's enhanced mind started working on instinct.

He watched as a few heroes, in the background, seemed to be preparing to infiltrate the building.

They were moving cautiously, trying to go unnoticed by Vulcan and his group of goons.

But something felt off. David's brain kicked into overdrive, analyzing the situation.

His internal systems connected to various public databases, cross-referencing information about Vulcan.

In seconds, he pulled up the villain's psyche profile, details of his past crimes, and behavior patterns.

Vulcan had a reputation for being volatile and unpredictable—negotiations weren't his strong suit, and he rarely responded well to backstabbing attempts.

David's mind simulated the outcome of the heroes' current plan. The percentage of success? Only 20.11%. The failure rate? 79.89%. If things went wrong, the casualties would be high, especially for the hostages.

"This isn't going to work," David muttered to himself, his heart picking up speed as the severity of the situation hit him.

Vulcan wasn't just bluffing.

He would do it.

He'd melt the principal's face off without hesitation, and if the heroes made a single wrong move, there would be so many unfortunate lives lost.

And there was no reassurance it would stop at a few, in this era villains had the upperhand afterall.

David's fingers tightened around the remote. He knew what he had to do, even if he doesn't want to be a hero he can't just ignore something while also having the power to remedy it effortlessly.

There wasn't time for second-guessing.

David stood on the rooftop, his body shifting into his fully Cybertronian form.

This transformation was different from the one he'd used in the forest earlier.

That one felt more natural, almost instinctive, but this—this was deliberate.

He manually chose every detail, from the bulky, awe-inspiring frame to the enhanced weapon systems embedded within his mechanical body.


It was still David, but with an undeniable sense of power radiating from every inch of his being.

The difference was like saying "potato" one way or another as both forms were equally strong—it was still the same thing, just more specified.

More than just cosmetic.

It was designed for battle, for protection, and most importantly, for situations exactly like this one.

Without wasting another second, David shot into the sky, leaving a deceptively low shockwave behind him.

His acceleration was instantaneous though, far surpassing the speed of any fighter jet, and in moments, he hovered high above the school, analyzing the situation from the perfect vantage point.

And just as his simulations had predicted, the heroes' plan was failing. Vulcan's demands were growing more frantic, and his quirk, Alloy-fication, was about to come into play.

David could see the muscles in Vulcan's arms tense, his body ready to activate the ability that allowed him to melt and fuse matter at will.

The heroes were running out of time. The hostages were in immediate danger.

But David was ready.

He descended like a bolt of lightning, his form cutting through the air with precision.

Just as Vulcan prepared to unleash his quirk, David's mechanical foot connected with the villain's side in a devastating kick.

The force sent Vulcan crashing into the wall, his quirk momentarily disrupted by the surprise attack.

The reporters outside stared in disbelief at the sight.

"Is that... a bird?" one of them asked, their voice trembling with confusion.

But the answer was clear to anyone with half a brain cell watching.

"No," another reporter whispered in awe, their camera zooming in on the robotic figure landing gracefully in the midst of chaos.

"It's something else."

David stood tall, his eyes glowing a brilliant blue as he locked onto Vulcan, his movement making the remniscent mechanical sound the autobots made in movements.

"What in the fu—",Before the guy had something more to say David fried the guy's nerves in the hands with thunder shooting out of his robotic hand.


" Poopyhead "

-Monk Monke

Had a bit of falling out with my mother wasn't in much of a mood to write.

Stones and Reviews please

250 Powerstone 1 Bonus Chapter

500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter