
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs


Alright this is gonna be a chapter where I'll take some liberties with his powers so don't be too mad please?

Next chapter will be half explaining everything to Kaede and then we'll be back to streaming !


As David arrived at the scene, the sickening sound of Infernal's laughter echoed through the burning street.

The villain stood in the middle of his own hellish creation, surrounded by flames, his wild eyes reflecting the inferno he had unleashed.

He was a towering figure, his skin blackened like coal, and his body constantly emitting waves of heat that distorted the air around him.

"Hahahaha! Look at this! Isn't it beautiful?" Infernal howled, his voice filled with manic glee. "I gave them warmth, didn't I? I gave them light! They should be grateful ! Burned away their misery! Burned away everything!"

David's eyes flickered between the devastation and the villain, but when he spotted the two charred remains, his heart sank.

That twisted laughter continued, slicing through the crackling flames and molten asphalt.

"They screamed so loud at first! But then—" Infernal grinned, his teeth unnaturally white against his scorched skin, "—then they got quiet. I guess they couldn't handle the heat! HAHAHA! Don't worry though—there's plenty more where that came from!"

David's fists clenched as a cold fury consumed him. The scene before him burned into his mind: the ruined street, the melted asphalt, and those unrecognizable shapes that had once been people.


"And you! You're too late! TOO LATE!" Infernal taunted, pointing at David with a burning finger. "It's already done! Nothing left but ashes—HAHAHA!"

That was the final straw. David's mind snapped.

Before he knew it, his body surged forward in a blur, faster than Infernal could react.


His fist punched through the villain's stomach like a hammer through glass. Infernal's laughter faltered, blood gurgling in his throat, but he still chuckled weakly, seemingly amused by his own impending death.

"You…can't…save them," he gasped, coughing up blood. "They're…gone…forever…"

David's eyes burned with rage, his mechanical voice barely more than a growl.

"Shut up."

His mechanical hand tightened around Infernal's head, the villain still cackling between gasps of pain. "HAHA… y-you can't stop the fire...!"


The laughter stopped abruptly as David crushed Infernal's skull, his hand coated in blood and brain matter.

He stood motionless for a second, his fury boiling beneath his cold, mechanical exterior.

Then, without a word, David turned away from the twisted corpse, bending down to gently lift the two charred remains in his trembling arms.

His heart, metallic , felt heavy as he ascended into the sky, his voice cracking with desperation.

"Is there any way? Please, is there any way to save them?"

The system remained silent.

As David flew, the system's response finally came, cold and indifferent.



The system is designed to safeguard the host and give appropriate rewards for accomplishments. It is not capable of fulfilling personal desires without effort.


David felt his world collapse. ' There has to be something!' he screamed in his mind , his voice trembling with desperation.


There is one way.

Though its not advised.


A faint glimmer of hope lit up within him as he waited for the system to elaborate.


As a Prime, you possess the Matrix of Leadership. You can be revived, as long as your body comes into contact with it.

However, you can only save one of them.

You must implant your Cybertronian spark into one before their life slips away entirely, it will replace their missing parts with cybertronian one's.

Your spark is different from traditional transformers in this regard.

This process will kill you as a Cybertronian.

But after they heal and undergo their transformation into a Cybertronian, the system will guide or force them to revive the host.


The system's words echoed in his mind, their emotionless precision hitting him harder than any physical blow.

David's gaze dropped to the charred remains in his arms, Kaede in hand.

His decision was immediate.

His mind was numb, focused only on what had to be done.

Landing deep in the woods, he gently laid both Kaede and Haruka down on the grass.

But his gaze stayed on Kaede. She was the one he would save.

Because, despite everything, David wasn't inherently good.

He was selfish, like everyone else.

The attachment to Kaede, the feelings was the immediate deciding factor.

He found a spot where the trees concealed them from any view, using his power to reshape the earth into a makeshift shelter.

It was quiet, save for the faint rustling of leaves, and the world felt so far away.

David knelt beside Kaede, and with a shaking hand, he made an incision over her chest where her heart once beat.

Without hesitation, he reached into his own chest, fingers wrapping around the glowing blue spark inside him.

It pulsed with life, the core of his existence as a Cybertronian.

His eyes flickered as his systems struggled, machinery whirring, flickering, as if sensing the end of its function.

But David held on, fighting to stay conscious as he pulled the spark from his chest.

A surge of pain rippled through his entire body, but he gritted his teeth, pushing through.

Finally, he implanted the spark into Kaede's chest, the light dimming from his own frame as he watched the spark begin to pulse within her.

His metallic hands sealed the wound as best as he could, and his vision blurred, systems failing with every second that passed.

"'It's up to you now... system," David whispered, his voice faint and hollow as the world around him began to fade.

His body stilled as darkness swallowed him, his last thought clinging to the hope that Kaede would live, and that she would bring him back.


The next moment, David's systems flared back online, alerts flooding his vision, notifying him of his reboot.

His eyes flickered open, the world slowly coming into focus.

His body felt heavy, as if he'd been out for ages, and his vision was blurry at first.

But then, he saw her—hovering above him, concern etched into her robotic features.


[Temporary form]

Or what was left of her humanity.

Her once soft face was now sleek and metallic, her eyes glowing softly, not with life as he remembered but with something else.

She was still Kaede, but her body had transformed into something like his, something far beyond human.

Her voice was soft, but there was a metallic undertone to it. "Are you... okay? The voice told me how to revive you i didn't think it would work"

For a moment, David just stared, overwhelmed by what he had done. He had saved her.

But she wasn't the same.

"Yeah," he rasped, his systems still rebooting. "I'm... I'm here."

Kaede's glowing eyes flickered with relief as she leaned back slightly, giving him space.

He could see the concern in her expression, but also a strange acceptance.

"Thank you for saving me ," she whispered, her hand on her ankle lile a nervous girl.


Stones and Reviews please

250 Powerstone 1 Bonus Chapter

500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter