
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Australia !!

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David leaned against the kitchen counter, the soft hum of the refrigerator filling the space as he sipped from his mug.

Kaede sat across from him, her eyes scanning his face, searching for something in his expression.

It had been a few days since they both decided to take time apart, to clear their heads and figure out where they stood after everything that had happened—the transformation, the loss, and the undeniable shift in their relationship.

He finally spoke up, his voice calm yet purposeful. "Kaede... I've been thinking a lot lately. About where I'm going with everything... and about you."

She tilted her head slightly, her attention fully on him. "What do you mean?"

David set his mug down, his eyes locking onto hers. "I've... invested myself into something new. Something big. I've been streaming, Building a whole audience. But it's more than that now—I'm organizing an ARG."

Kaede blinked, processing his words. "An ARG ?"

"Yeah," David said, a small grin forming. "Except this one's different. It's blowing up. We've got people combing through videos, solving codes, tracking locations. It's gone way beyond what I expected, and honestly... it's exciting. We've gone viral."

Kaede leaned back in her chair, her eyes widening slightly. "That's... incredible. I didn't know you were doing all that."

David shrugged. "I didn't really mention it. Things have been intense, for obvious reasons." His gaze softened as he continued.

"But... I've got more going on now. There's a trip I'm planning. Around the world, to different places. I want to see things for myself—places where I'llneed to physically alter for the ARG, but also just... places I've always wanted to go."

Kaede's heart skipped a beat as she heard his next words.

"I want you to come with me."

She stared at him, the question hanging in the air. Her mind whirled with thoughts.

She hesitated, biting her lip, her fingers tracing the edge of the table.

David noticed her pause and leaned forward, reaching out slightly, but giving her space.

"You don't have to answer right away. I just thought it'd be wise to ask you"

Kaede looked down at his hand, resting on the table, open.

Her thoughts swirled, but deep down, she knew what she wanted.

She had been given a second chance, a new body, a new life, even if she hadn't fully embraced it yet.

And David—he had been there, through everything, even when she wasn't sure how she felt about herself anymore.

Without another word, Kaede reached across the table and placed her hand in his.

David's eyes lit up with surprise and warmth, and he squeezed her hand gently. "You sure?"

She nodded, a small smile forming. "I'm sure. Let's do this."

David grinned, his smile devilish. "You won't regret it, Kaede. We're going to see the world, and who knows—maybe we'll find more than we're looking for."


The warm breeze of the Sydney harbor swept across Kaede's face as she stood next to David, gazing out at the sparkling waters.

The iconic sails of the Sydney Opera House gleamed under the afternoon sun, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge loomed in the distance.

They had only just arrived in Australia, and already Kaede felt a sense of wonder she hadn't experienced in years.

It was their first stop on this whirlwind journey.

David grinned beside her, hands in his pockets, looking relaxed . "So, what do you think of our first stop?" he asked, his tone playful.

Kaede turned to him, her eyes bright. "It's amazing. I've always wanted to visit Sydney." She took a deep breath, feeling the unfamiliar sensation of boundless energy coursing through her.

"Good. I've got a whole day planned for us," David said, glancing at his phone as if confirming an itinerary. "Let's start with something fun. I know a place you're gonna love."

They took a short ferry ride to Taronga Zoo, one of Sydney's famous attractions.

As they stepped off the ferry, they were greeted by the sound of exotic birds and the sight of animals from all over the world.

Kaede found herself laughing more than she had in a long time, especially when they came across a kangaroo exhibit, watching the animals hop around in the wide-open spaces.

"These guys are hilarious," Kaede said, leaning on the railing, her eyes glued to the kangaroos.

David chuckled. "Yeah, I wasn't sure how they'd hold up to the hype, but they're kind of awesome."

From the zoo, they wandered through the leafy paths, eventually making their way to the cable car that offered stunning views of Sydney and its skyline.

Kaede clutched David's arm as the cable car climbed higher, both of them taking in the breathtaking panorama of the harbor below.

As the day progressed, David led her to their next adventure—the Sydney Tower Eye.

They ascended to the observation deck, where Kaede's breath caught in her throat as she gazed down at the sprawling city.

The view stretched as far as the eye could see, and the city sparkled under the setting sun.

"This is nice," she murmured a little bashful.

"Just wait till we get to the beach," David replied, his grin widening.

Bondi Beach was their final destination for the day.

The golden sands stretched before them, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filled the air.

They kicked off their shoes, letting the cool water lap at their feet as they walked along the edge of the surf.

The beach was buzzing with life—surfers catching waves, people lounging in the sun, and children building sandcastles.

Kaede felt an overwhelming sense of peace as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the sky.

"You know," she said, glancing up at David. "This is exactly what I needed."

David smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I'm glad you came with me. This trip... "

She nodded, feeling the truth of his words. "And where do you think that is?"

David chuckled, looking out at the horizon clutching her hand tighter. "I don't know. But right now, I think we're exactly where we're supposed to be."

They sat down on the sand, watching the sun disappear beyond the waves.


As the night deepened over the quiet outskirts of Sydney, David found himself standing at Werrington Station after rocking Kaede's world and leaving her exhausted of course, a largely forgotten stop on the city's suburban rail network.

The station was mostly deserted at this hour, with only the occasional train passing in the distance.

It was perfect—no onlookers, no distractions.

In his hand, David carried a small, Cybertronian-looking alien box, modified from old mechanical junk he had bought earlier in the day.

It wasn't much to the naked eye, but its purpose went beyond its appearance.

This box was integral to the next stage of the game—the ARG he had been crafting with meticulous precision.

The players wouldn't find this on a whim.

Only those who solved the codes would arrive here, with the knowledge needed to unlock what lay within.

David crouched near a patch of overgrown grass and shrubbery, a few meters away from the tracks.

This was the spot he had scoped out earlier.

He carefully dug a small hollow into the earth, just deep enough to place the box without it being easily spotted.

It needed to stay hidden but accessible for when the right person came along.

This was the essence of the ARG—mystery woven into reality.

The box was rigged to open only with the correct code, assigned specifically to Werrington Station in the videos he had released earlier.

Those playing the game would have to decipher clues and follow a trail of breadcrumbs scattered across different platforms to reach this place.

When they did, they'd need to input the code, a part of the elaborate puzzle David had designed.

He stood up and surveyed the scene. Nothing looked out of place.

The box was perfectly camouflaged beneath the brush, hidden from anyone not specifically looking for it.

Satisfied, he dusted his hands off, his thoughts already racing ahead to the moment when someone would crack the code and unearth what he'd left behind.


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