
MHA: Streamer System ,Spreading Multiversal Brain Rot !

David was your average guy from a small Texas town. He worked, hit the gym, played Call of Duty with his buddy Dustin, and recently ditched his toxic ex. Life was pretty straightforward—until suddenly, it wasn’t. One moment he was living his regular life, and the next, he found himself dead and somehow in the world of My Hero Academia. Now, with a Streamer System in tow, David’s got a whole new reality to face now.

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

8 Chan Saga [3]

Didn't want you to read through what many consider filler since his normal life is just as important.

So i made an extra large 3000 words chapter for you.

Enjoy !

As for the Mass release I've decided on 5 chapters.

I'll start writing them now and will release them when the power stones refresh and the new goal that I'll inform you avout gets complete !


David stared at the message for a few moments, lost in thought.

Tensai's concern touched a part of him, reminding him of a simpler time before everything eventually inevitably becomes so complicated.

After a minute or two, he finally typed out a response.



Hey, Tensai. No need to worry about me, I'm fine and alive. Things have been... different, but I'm managing. I hope we can meet in person sometime soon, catch up like the old days.

Take care, man.


He hit send and sighed, setting his phone down.

The quiet of the morning filled the apartment as he moved to wake up Kaede.

As he walked towards her room, his mind shifted gears.

He needed to get stronger, quickly.

This world, with its quirks and larger-than-life heroes, just wasn't hus endgame after all.

But he wasn't interested in quirks—they wouldn't add much to his overall power level, aside from offering variety.

No, the fastest way to grow stronger was to grind out his streaming.

The system was clear on that.

The more he streamed, the more influence and abilities he could tap into.

It was his easy and only feasible way to strength.


Some time Later

David sat at his desk, a printed sheet of the latest International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) problems spread out in front of him.

The edges of the paper were slightly crumpled from being handled over and over.

He cracked his knuckles, feeling the faint stirrings of confidence from his high school days when these types of problems were second nature to him.

That was years ago, though, and the time away had dulled his instincts.

"Let's see what's left in the tank," he muttered, grabbing a pencil.

The first problem seemed deceptively simple—a geometry problem about tangents and an arbitary curve.

David immediately recognized the core principle at play but fumbled through the details as he worked through the familiar but foggy concepts.

His pencil hovered over the page for several moments as he tried to recall a theorem that once felt like second nature.

"Ah… what was that rule?" He tapped his head in frustration, eventually piecing it together with some trial and error.

The final answer, while correct, didn't give him the same satisfaction it used to. Still, a small victory.

The second problem was more complex—number theory with some modular arithmetic thrown in.

David stared at it for a good ten minutes, feeling a sense of nostalgia for the clarity he used to have.

He could practically see the solution hovering just beyond his reach, taunting him.

The pencil tapped faster against the desk as he scribbled out a possible approach.

"No, that's not it," he muttered, erasing furiously.

After thirty minutes of struggling, he pushed through and wrote down an answer.

He wasn't entirely sure about it but decided to move on.

Then came the third question—combinatorics.

David had been confident in this area once. Now, every step felt like wading through knee-deep mud.

The notation felt awkward in his hand, and he started second-guessing himself.

"Maybe I should've brushed up first…"

An hour had passed by the time he was done.

He leaned back in his chair, stretching out his sore fingers, and looked at his work with a critical eye.

Two of the answers stared back at him, unsettlingly wrong.

He knew it, even without double-checking.

David let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head.

"I've really lost the edge, huh?"

It wasn't just the mistakes; it was the slowness, the hesitation—the feeling that the clarity that once defined his thinking was fading.

During this he hadn't used a single thing from his Cybertronian abilities since that would just make it to easy.


Night of the Same day

Kaede sat by the window, gazing out at the quiet street below.

The rain fell in soft patterns against the glass, its rhythmic patter filling the silence that had stretched between her and David since that night.

She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the cool pane, feeling the tension slip from her shoulders.

Her mind drifted back to everything that had happened in the past days, trying to piece it all together.

The intimacy, so intense, had left her shaken and vulnerable.

And then, as if that wasn't enough, the incident—David's intervention—had changed her in ways she was still struggling to comprehend.

He had saved her, that much was clear. But at what cost?

David had said she was Cybertronian now, or at least partially so.

The word sounded funny but it was undeniable with the inorganic body parts she had.

Her body had transformed, healed in ways that seemed impossible.

Diabetes, something she had learned to live with for years, was gone.

Birthmarks she had always thought of as part of her had vanished.

Her skin felt smoother, her joints didn't ache when she woke up, and her energy... it was unlike anything she'd ever experienced.

She felt like a teenager again.

Kaede held up her hand, turning it over slowly, as if seeing it for the first time.

Her fingers, her skin, looked the same—yet they weren't.

And David... he was part of that change. He had saved her, in his desperation.

He resorted to this method.

Their unspoken agreement to spend time apart had been necessary, she knew that.

Both of them needed space to process, to figure out what their relationship had become after all of this.

She had barely left her room in days, choosing to retreat into the comfort.

The store had remained closed, and she couldn't bring herself to open it.

The grief for Haruka's death was still too raw, too sharp.

It seemed wrong to act as if everything was normal when nothing was.

But in this stillness, this solitude, she found herself reflecting more on what had happened between her and David than on Haruka's passing.

Her body might have changed, but her mind was still trying to catch up with herself.

The sensations, the feelings she'd experienced rhose nights, were unlike anything she'd known.

It wasn't just physical—it was emotional, spiritual.

She had given herself to him in ways she hadn't thought possible, and he had responded in kind.

But in the aftermath, there was a fracture, a distance neither of them had anticipated.

They hadn't spoken about what they were now.

There had been no labels, no promises, just that unspoken understanding that they both needed time.

Time to heal, time to clear their minds.

Kaede exhaled, her breath fogging up the glass.

The rain continued to fall, and Kaede pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on them.

The sadness for Haruka still lingered, a dull ache in her chest, but the grief was becoming manageable.

She had to believe that, in time, she would find a way to open the store again, to move forward.

For now, she let herself simply be.



Thread Title: The location of the video approximately also Police getting involved in David Incident?

No. of posts: 214 | Replies: 32


Post by: Username472

Yo, I think I figured out where David's stream took place.

Based on the terrain and trees in the background, it looks somewhat like somewhere near the forest close to Mustafa.

Anyone else seeing the same thing? There's talk of weird stuff going on in that area recently too. What's up with that?


Post by: Hawk_JPN

Yeah, I was thinking the same. The forest near Mustafa has that same kind of dense tree line, and the rocky terrain matches too not perfectly it just sort of aligns.

Plus, did you hear that the Herotube moderators called the police during the stream?

Its not official but my sources are trustable.

Apparently, they got freaked out enough by what was happening to involve the cops.

That's saying something, right?


Post by: Ghost86

Mods actually called the cops? Damn, that's wild.

David looked like he was legit running from something.

That metallic dragging sound in the background was creepy as hell.

Whatever it was, it didn't seem good.

The police getting involved makes it even weirder.


Post by: DeepDriver_99

If it's really near Mustafa, that area's got a lot of old, abandoned buildings. I wouldn't be surprised if the floor he fell through was weak or something.

But why was he running like that? (I didn't watch the stream )The dude was terrified.

And that metallic noise? What was that? It sounded too loud to be just random debris.


Post by: User2077

Yeah, apparently, the Herotube mods felt the stream was disturbing enough to call the police mid-broadcast.

Mustafa PD actually sent people out to investigate after the stream cut off.

Makes you wonder what was going on for them to react that fast.

Feels like there's more to this than just some freaky video.

There's still no report about it.


Updated 20 Minutes ago

Thread Title: Figured out the meaning behind 23491977800! Creepy website uncovered

No. of posts: 540 | Replies: 129


Post by: DarkNetLurker89

Alright guys, I think I cracked the code on "23491977800." I know most of you have been trying with the .jpn domain after people guessed it was some sort of online website, but try putting it as 23491977800.com instead of .jpn.

You'll be redirected to this super creepy looking website. Looks like some kind of archive or database, but it's unsettling as hell.

There's an entry form right when you land on the page, but after that? It's a rabbit hole.


Post by: DarkNetLurker89 (continued 10 Minutes ago)

There are videos and logs uploaded to this archive.

Some are random security footage from parking lots and malls — nothing too crazy at first.

But then, I stumbled across videos of David.

He's walking through the same forest from the stream, but he's not running this time.

It's like he's just going on a casual stroll, much more normal. But there's still this weird vibe to it as its shot in third perspective.

And then there's a video of him in a train station, talking to someone.

The audio is low, so it's hard to make out what they're saying, but they're definitely discussing some kind of business. Can anyone clean up the audio?


Post by: NullVoidTracker

Holy sh*t, just checked it out. That website gives me the chills. It's like someone's been watching David for a while, maybe even tracking him? The parking lot footage, the mall videos — what even is this archive supposed to be?

And the train station video is sketchy as hell. Whatever business they're talking about, it doesn't seem legit. Something's definitely going on here.


Post by: ShadowHunter77

Wait… so the stream was just the tip of the iceberg? Whoever's running this archive must have been watching David for a while now. This is getting creepier by the second. What's with the random surveillance footage? Is it just him they're watching or others too?


Post by: ByteChaser

Could this be related to the mods calling the police? If they stumbled on this site before the stream cut off, they probably freaked out for a reason. I tried to dig deeper into the site's source code, but it's locked tight. Someone doesn't want us snooping around this archive.


Post by: I Love_CBT

That train station video is bugging me. Who's that guy he's talking to? And what kind of "business" is this? This whole thing feels like it's tied to something bigger — not just David, but something more organized. Feels like we're on the edge of uncovering something massive.


Updated 6 Minutes ago!

Thread Title: Just found videos of The Man on the same creepy site!

642 posts | Replies: 178


Post by: Gorlock

Guys, this is getting weirder. I kept digging through that creepy archive on 23491977800.com, and guess what? It's not just David who's being watched. There are videos of The Man too! Whoever's running this site has been following her just as closely, maybe even longer.


Post by: Gorlock (continued)

One of the videos shows her outside a theatre in Mustafa, talking to someone on the phone. It's like she doesn't even know she's being watched. There's nothing too odd about what she's doing, but it's the fact that she's being recorded that's freaking me out.

And then there's another video of her… just sleeping. For hours. The camera's in the room, somewhere high up, like a security cam, just pointed at her while she sleeps. Creepy doesn't even begin to describe this.

Oh, and get this: there's a video of her walking through the city center, but it's only filming her waist down. The stalker vibes are off the charts.


Post by: Gorlock (continued)

To make it even crazier, I found a video of The Man at the same train station David was in, talking to the same person (you can tell from their outfit). What the hell is going on here? Why are both of them being followed and filmed so obsessively? What is this archive supposed to be tracking?


Post by: Digital_Racist

This is seriously disturbing, man. Someone's going to all this trouble to record The Man too? That's not just surveillance — it's full-on stalking. And the train station thing with both her and David… it's not a coincidence. Something's up with that person they're both talking to.


Post by: Masked_Pervert

I saw the theatre video. It gave me chills knowing she's just talking on the phone, unaware someone's watching. The video of her sleeping is honestly the worst one, though. How did someone even set that up? And why? If both David and The Man are involved in this, maybe they're being dragged into something neither of them knows about.


Post by: BootyChaser

I'm calling it now, that person they're talking to at the train station is the key. Whoever they are, they've gotta be tied to whoever's running this site. If someone's following both David and The Man, then we might be looking at some kind of bigger operation. The level of surveillance is insane.


Post by: Naked_Right_Now

This whole thing reeks of something bigger than just random stalking. The way these videos are cataloged, like they're part of some obsessive dossier, makes me think someone's documenting them for a reason. Who are they? And what's with the person they're meeting at the station?


Post by: CorruptBit

I bet the mods know more than they're letting on.

The fact that they called the cops during David's stream means they probably found something like this, or worse, before we did. This site is a window into some serious messed up stuff.

We need to dig deeper.



David closed the 8chan forum tab with a smirk, leaning back in his chair as he watched the chaos unfold.

The most important part of the ARG was now heating up, right on schedule.

Speculation was exploding, theories flying left and right as more people connected the dots—or thought they did.

He was glad he had taken Nokotan's idea to heart.

Forcing the process forward with little easter eggs, subtle nudges in the form of obscure videos and hidden details across the internet, was something he should've thought of himself, but he didn't.

She had seen the potential of pushing things faster when he was still on the idea of letting it simmer slowly.

But in the end? It was working out perfectly.

The ARG was going viral.

His subscribers were climbing fast, and there were already twenty, maybe thirty YouTube videos dissecting every clue, discussing his bizarre "disappearance" and the strange streams.

And 8chan? It was blowing up.

The frenzy on those forums was feeding into a bigger storm, one that he had been carefully setting up for months.

He grinned.

Shit was getting real now.


Nokotan grinned ear to ear, her eyes glued to the screen as the server stats for 23491977800.com spiked dramatically.

The numbers were rising fast, climbing from zero to over 1500 users in mere minutes.

She could barely keep up with the flood of new visitors accessing the eerie archive she'd crafted.

This was exactly what she had hoped for.

Her idea—planting clues that would lead the curious to the site—was working better than she'd imagined.

Each new click, each new login, confirmed it.

The ARG was gaining serious traction, and her contribution was playing a pivotal role in its viral spread.

David had trusted her with the execution of this piece, and now, seeing the traffic explode, she felt a thrill of accomplishment.

The easter eggs were driving people in droves, as if they couldn't resist the puzzle they were trying to solve.

She leaned back in her chair, letting out a breathless laugh. "It's happening."

The forum threads were lighting up, conspiracy videos were dropping everywhere, and her work was at the center of it all.

Nokotan's grin only widened.


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