
MHA : Sorcerer's Heroic Journey

In the midst of a cosmic convergence, the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange, finds himself torn from the Marvel universe and reborn in a world where superpowers, known as Quirks, define society. Unfamiliar with this new reality, Dr. Strange discovers that his mystical arts have taken on a unique form, a quirks of this world. As the Sorcerer Supreme endeavors to understand the nature of Quirks and their place in hero society, he forms unexpected alliances and faces formidable adversaries. The convergence of two worlds sparks a cosmic adventure, where the boundaries between magic and Quirks blur, revealing a destiny that transcends both realms. PS: The cover is not mine. All credit for the cover goes to their rightful owners.

Raiden_Ei · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Whispers of Potential

The following day after the Quirk Apprehension Test.

The dawn's gentle embrace enveloped U.A. High School in a cascade of golden hues, casting a luminous glow across the sprawling campus. The school grounds, once dormant, now teemed with life as students of Class 1-A stepped into the promising canvas of a new day. 

The air buzzed with the murmurs of anticipation, a harmonious blend of youthful excitement and the weighty responsibility that came with their chosen path.

Within the hallowed halls, the echoes of companionship reverberated like a symphony. Laughter intertwined with the subdued hum of conversation, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and budding friendships. 

As the students strolled through the familiar corridors, a sense of unity burgeoned among them, a testament to the bonds that had begun to take root.

In this atmosphere of connection and burgeoning familiarity, sparks of orange suddenly appeared before turning into a portal. The figure of Doctor Strange entered it like a silent observer. His eyes, keen and discerning, followed the ebb and flow of conversations as if deciphering the unspoken potential that lay within each student. 

"Hey, bro! You were awesome yesterday! I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" Just as Kazuki took his seat, A red-haired boy named Ejiro Kirishima approached him to talk.

"Thanks, I'm Kazuki Tanaka, Nice to meet you Kirishima-san." Kazuki thanked him before introducing himself.

"You can use my first name bro! By the way, your quirk is awesome! Creating portals is so manly bro!" The red-haired boy said, commenting on Kazuki's quirk.

"Well... It isn't actually portal creation..." Kazuki answered back in a low voice, not wanting his other classmates to hear his words.

"Huh? It isn't?" Ejiro asked in a low voice, following Kazuki's lead with confusion plastered on his face as he looked at the white-haired boy with confusion.

"It's quite complicated... Let's just say that I have an energy in my body that allows me to do many things." Kazuki explained in a low voice, giving out a vague explanation which confused his classmate further.

"Is that so..." His classmate muttered before the confusion on his face suddenly vanished, being replaced with his usual cheerful expression. "That's so cool bro! I wish my quirk was like that. My quirk only allows me to harden my body." He said cheerfully as he revealed his quirk to his white-haired classmate.

'Hardening?' Kazuki thought to himself before putting his attention back on his classmate. "Hardening is good too, you know. Some quirks might be better, but yours has a lot of potential if developed properly." He said while thinking of all the things one could do with a hardening quirk.

"How so? I mean, my quirk is only good a defending... It might not even be good at that since it only protects myself." The red-haired boy said, looking at his classmate, expectantly waiting for an explanation.

Seeing his classmates expectant look, Kazuki closed his eyes for a brief moment. 'Hmmm, helping him won't hurt.' He thought before thinking about his classmate's quirk. 'Hardening the body...' he thought before he opened his eyes and looked at his red-haired classmate.

"Well for starters, it's somewhat versatile... Hardening your body can help you increase your offensive and defensive capabilities... Your quirk is also good when it comes to natural disasters as your hardening can protect you from unexpected events until you can adapt to them. Then maybe if you fully developed your quirk, you can harden your body to the point that no one can damage you." Kazuki explained, giving his classmates the explanation he had been waiting for.

"Whoa... I didn't think about that... Thanks, bro!" The redhead said, looking at his white-haired classmate with a hint of shock and gratitude.

"Anytime..." Kazuki just said before looking at the door and seeing one of their teachers enter.

"Get to your seats, future heroes!" The loud cherrful voice of Present Mic echoed through the room. 

'English huh... I'll just sleep through this..." Kazuki thought while everyone went to their seats and Present Mic's English lessons began.

The resounding bell marked the culmination of the first period at U.A. High School. As the echoes of their teacher's words of instruction faded, the energetic hum of students lingered in anticipation. Without the customary shuffle of students changing classrooms, the corridors retained a sense of silence with the noises staying in each class's rooms. 

The heroes-in-training soon eagerly awaited the arrival of their next instructors, each teacher bringing a unique perspective to the hero academia.

In the seamless transition between periods, the door to Class 1-A swung open, revealing the arrival of the second-period instructor. The students, still buzzing with the residual energy from the previous lesson, shifted their attention to the new figure entering the room. 

The teacher, adorned in professional attire befitting a hero mentor, commanded the room with an air of authority tempered by a genuine passion for cultivating the next generation of heroes.

As the second period commenced, the lessons unfolded with precision. The instructors, brought forth a wealth of knowledge, challenging the students to explore their minds. The exchange between teacher and student fostered an environment of growth and learning, laying the foundation for the heroes of tomorrow.

The clock, however, continued its unyielding march, and soon, after the 3rd and 4th periods passed, the lunchtime bell resonated through the corridors. 

The teachers, having imparted their wisdom, stepped back into the flow of the U.A. High School's dynamic ecosystem, making way for the heroes-in-training to embark on the next chapter of their day. 

Amidst the flux of bodies, the aroma of food came from the cafeteria, enticing hungry students toward the prospect of nourishment. The lunch break beckoned, offering a brief intermission for company and reflection before the heroes would once again immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of their hero academia.

"Hey, can I sit here?" A blonde-haired boy asked looking at Kazuki and Eijiro who were sitting together at a table.

"Sure bro!" The red-haired boy immediately answered, welcoming the yellow-haired boy to their table.

"Oh, I'm Denki Kaminari by the way. What about you guys?" The yellow-haired boy, Denki Kaminari introduced himself before asking for his classmates' names.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima! This guy is Kazuki Tanaka! Nice to meet you, bro!" The red-haired boy said, giving Denki a smile.

"Nice to meet you guys too! By the way, your portals were awesome Tanaka-san! You even created one to space on the Quirk Apprehension Test!" The yellow-haired boy returned the favour before complimenting the white-haired boy's quirk.

"Thanks." Kazuki, with his usual calm and collected face and voice said.

"Bro, that's not even everything he could do! Kazubro tell him about your quirk!" Eijiro excitedly said, boasting his friend's ability to their classmate.

'Kazubro?' The white-haired boy looked at Eijiro, before looking at the yellow-haired boy.

"Huh?! That's not all? Damn, you're lucky... My quirk only allows me to release electricity and if I overdo it, then... Let's just say it won't be good for me..." Denki exclaimed in shock before talking about his quirk and its drawbacks.

"Well... Yes, I can do more with my quirk. You see I have an energy in my body that allows me to do many things." Kazuki explained, giving out a vague explanation once again.

"Like what?" Denki asked with his voice filled with curiosity about his classmate's quirk.

"Hmmm, as I said, I can do many things with my quirk like...." Kazuki spoke before taking a pause to think. 'What should I reveal' He thought before he continued speaking. "like this." He stated before making some gestures with his free hand.

As the white-haired sorcerer started to do gestures, orange sparks started to appear in his palms and a second later, a small orange dagger materialized in his hands. "I can conjure some basic weapons using the energy and just absorb it back." Kazuki said before the dagger suddenly turned into sparks on orange and dissipated.

"Whoa... That's so cool!" Denki and Eijiro exclaimed in unison. Surprise and admiration can be seen on their faces as they start at their friend's palm.

"So can you make like, any items?" Denki gave his white-haired friend another question.

"Currently, no. In the future? Maybe." Kazuki answered before starting to eat his lunch which his 2 friends followed while chatting.

As the lunch break unfolded, students finally began to make friends. The heroes-in-training, fueled not only by the nourishment of their meals but also by the bonds they were forging, revelled in the collective spirit that defined their journey at U.A. High School.

However, the relentless march of time pressed forward, and soon the bell signalling the end of lunch reverberated through the campus. The students who are in different classes reluctantly parted ways, concluding their midday conversations with promises of continuing later. The dynamic rhythm of the school day dictated the next transition, and everyone dispersed to their respective classrooms, ready to embark on the next phase of their day.

As the bell rang, the corridors once again teemed with life as students, now replenished, filed into their classrooms for the afternoon session. 

The door to Class 1-A swung open, revealing the next instructor poised to guide them through the complexities of hero training. However, as this instructor entered, the eyes of mostly everyone in the room widened with smiles forming in their faces. Their next instructor was All Might, the Symbol of Peace.

"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" The voice of the Symbol of Peace echoed through the room as everyone stared at the number 1 hero with admiration.

"It's really All Might!"

"All Might is really gonna teach us!"

"He's in his silver age costume!"

"I'm so pumped!"

The voices of the students were also heard as they exclaimed their joy.


Hearing their teacher's words, everyone's face lit up. It was obvious that everyone was eager for what was about to come. As the students were about to exclaim their thoughts once again, All Might interrupt them. 

"HOWEVER, PART OF BEING A HERO IS LOOKING GOOD! SO WE'VE PREPARED THE GEAR WE HAD YOU SEND IN REQUEST TO MATCH YOUR QUIRK!" The Symbol of Peace said before pressing a button that released a large amount of sections on the wall. 

"Our hero gear!"


"This is what I've expected from the hero course!"

The students' voices resounded again before their instructor spoke.

"GET CHANGED AND GATHER TO GROUND B! AND REMEMBER, FROM NOW ON, ALL OF YOU ARE HEROES IN TRAINING!" All Might announced, motivating everyone as they took their hero gears and left to change and gather at Ground B.

As the students went to the changing to to change, the changing room echoed with a symphony of zippers, clasps, and the occasional burst of laughter. The heroes-in-training, now fully adorned in their distinctive costumes, radiated a collective resolve that transcended the mere fabric and accessories they wore.

Finally, as All Might waited for his students in Ground B, they emerged, transformed and ready for the Battle Trials. The vibrant hues of their costumes mirrored the dynamic spirit of Class 1-A, a united force prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

All Might, looking at his students in hero gear couldn't help but smile further. However, as he surveyed his students, he noticed one of them was missing. "Does anyone know where Young Tanaka is?" The Symbol of Peace asked.

"Uhh, he said stayed behind sir." Eijiro Kirishima answered.

"Well-" All Might, who was about to speak suddenly stopped as orange sparks started to appear in the air and realization hit him. 'He wants to do a hero entrance!' The buffed man thought as the portal formed revealing the missing student, Kazuki, entering the portal before closing it.

After entering the portal and closing it, Kazuki emerged in a striking ensemble. Clad in an all-black attire with elegant golden borders, the boy's distinctive white hair framed the silhouette, creating a visually captivating contrast. The form-fitting tunic, adorned with subtle gold patterns, exuded an ageless mystique, while sleek black leather gloves and boots, were trimmed with delicate gold accents. There's also a cloak draped regally over his shoulders, its dark expanse a complement to his snowy hair. 

Seeing the boy, everyone's attention went to him. His fantastic style caused a few of his classmates' mouths to open because of shock while All Might just commented on the boy's gear"YOU LOOK MAGNIFICENT YOUNG TANAKA!" All Might said.

"NOW, LET BEGIN!" All Might said before pulling out a handbook and reading the contents. "For today's training, everyone will be grouped in 2 and will be assigned as a hero or villain. The villains will be guarding a Nuclear bomb, while the heroes need to foil the villain's plan. The villain wins if they capture the heroes or successfully protect the bomb until the time runs out. On the other hand, the heroes win if they capture the villains or touch the bomb. Any questions?" The Symbol of Peace explained.

"How will the groups be chosen?"

"Will we get expelled if we fail?"

"How badly can we hurt the enemy?"

"There are 21 of us, how can we group in twos?"

Immediately questions came out of the students' mouths, overwhelming the Symbol of Peace. "ONE A TIME!" He said before beginning to answer his class' questions.

"The groups will be chosen by lots"


"One group will have 3 students." 

All Might then answered the questions. Afterwards, he asked everyone to pull the lots.

'Huh, no one said it's unfair? It is because of Aizawa?' The Symbol of Peace wondered in his thoughts while everyone pulled lots.

"Great! Now let's reveal the teams! Who pulled A?" The Symbol of Peace asked enthusiastically.

Hearing their instructor's words, everyone looked among themselves, waiting for Team A members to raise their hands.

"I'm in team A..." Kazuki said raising his hands and looking at his classmates, waiting for his teammate to reveal himself... or herself. And soon enough, she does.

"I-I'm also in team A..." Momo Yaoyorozu said in a low voice, slowly raising her hands.

'Great...' Kazuki thought as he looked at his partner while a problematic thousand thoughts entered his mind.

Author's note: Hello Everyone! Hope you enjoyed this one! Anyways I have a challenge for you guys, try to guess what relations does Momo and our MC have? Why do they know each other? What happened? Drop your guesses, comments, reviews and suggestions below!