
MHA : Sorcerer's Heroic Journey

In the midst of a cosmic convergence, the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Stephen Strange, finds himself torn from the Marvel universe and reborn in a world where superpowers, known as Quirks, define society. Unfamiliar with this new reality, Dr. Strange discovers that his mystical arts have taken on a unique form, a quirks of this world. As the Sorcerer Supreme endeavors to understand the nature of Quirks and their place in hero society, he forms unexpected alliances and faces formidable adversaries. The convergence of two worlds sparks a cosmic adventure, where the boundaries between magic and Quirks blur, revealing a destiny that transcends both realms. PS: The cover is not mine. All credit for the cover goes to their rightful owners.

Raiden_Ei · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 4 : Triumps

'That's not supposed to happen... Right?' Everyone who witnessed what the gigantic 0-pointer thought.

'What the... Is it malfunctioning?!' Kazuki thought as he immediately ran to the girl, running as fast as he could while thinking of a way to solve the problem at hand.

Meanwhile, as Kazuki ran as fast as he could, chaos appeared in the observation room as the observers looked at the screen, doing their best to prevent what's gonna happen.

"NEZU, POWER LOADER, STOP IT!" The usually calm and expressionless Eraserhead shouted as he looked at the screen, seeing the girl about to be crushed by the foot of the 0-pointer.

"I'm trying!" Nezu immediately answered back while looking at the screen and pressing many buttons in the controls.

"I think it's malfunctioning..." Power Loader said in a low voice filled with despair...

"Malfunction? How?!" Vlad King asked as he stood up and looked at Power Loader, demanding an answer.

"I-I don't know... I checked everything earlier and it was fine!" Power Loader answered while looking at the screen showing the 0-pointer.

"FIX IT!" Eraserhead shouted once again, this time his eyes blood red with his scarf starting to float.

"Calm down Shota!" Midnight joined into the chaos, trying to de-escalate it.

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down?!" He answered back staring at Midnight.

And so, because of one malfunction, chaos enveloped the whole room. However, unlike everyone in the room, one person remained calm despite their current predicament. That one person is All Might, the Symbol of Peace. Because, unlike everyone, he noticed something. He noticed the white-haired sorcerer rushing to the girl in trouble.

'We can't do anything... It all depends on you Young Tanaka...' The symbol of peace thought, putting his trust in the young sorcerer who was rushing to help.

As chaos enveloped the observation room, the young sorcerer ran as fast as he could. Although he could create a portal, he chose to run, thinking that creating a portal would take too much time. 

As Kazuki ran as fast as he could, arriving in front of the girl, he saw the foot of the 0-pointer begin to go down. Seeing this, time seemed to freeze inside of his mind as a million thoughts entered.

'Sh*t! What do I do now?!'

'What spell is fast enough?!'

'Maybe the Ruby Rings of Raggadorr? No... It won't be strong enough and I won't have enough time to make it strong enough...'

'Should I create a portal? No... I can't create a portal fast enough like I used to...'

'Maybe blasting it but... I don't have an attack that is strong enough without a long casting time...'

'The Shield of the Seraphim maybe? But... It might-'

'Screw it!' 

Many thoughts entered Kazuki's mind before he decided to just bite the bullet and hope for the best. Putting both of his hands together, he focussed the energy in his body as fast as he could before orange sparks started to appear in his hands.

With the foot of the zero pointer coming down, Kazuki focused more and more energy on casting the shield. And at the last moment when the foot was about to hit them, it hit an orange spherical shield covering the 2 aspiring heroes from every direction.

"Y-you saved me... Th-thanks..." The girl muttered, looking at her saviour who was struggling to hold the barrier.

"Now's not the time..." Kazuki spoke as sweat started to form on his forehead. "I need to keep this up until this tin can stop trying to crush us..." He continued while putting more energy into the shield, reinforcing it to take on more force from the foot of the 0-pointer.

"Oh... Okay..." The girl answered back, looking at his saviour with awe. Moments ago, she thought it was the end of his life, however, a boy suddenly appeared, and protected her from the foot of the gigantic 0-pointer.

As she looked at her saviour doing his best to hold the spherical shield protecting them, she noticed a green-haired boy starting to run towards them.

'Isn't that the one that was about to trip earlier?' She asked herself while focusing more of her attention on the running boy.

"Hey so-" The girl in the rubble tried to tell Kazuki about the green-haired boy, however, before she could finish her words, The white-haired sorcerer interrupted him.

"I said not now..." Kazuki coldly interrupted her before he closed his eyes while still keeping the shield. As the white-haired sorcerer closes his eyes, time seems to freeze in his mind again as a thousand thoughts enter his mind.

'What should I do now...'

'The foot of the 0-pointer is still trying to crush us and I can't maintain this shield for long...'

'I can't portal away either because I need to keep the shield...'

'I'm not fast enough for god sake... If only the mystique arts didn't turn into a quirk then I wouldn't be facing this many problems with it...' 

'God damn it...'

As thousands of thoughts entered his mind, he finally shook it off, opening his eyes to be surprised at what he saw...

"What the..." The words escaped his mouth as he saw the same green-haired boy he had seen earlier jump so high in the air in the direction of the 0-pointer.

"Is that what you were trying to say?" Kazuki asks, glancing at the girl behind her.

To answer his question, the girl just nodded, surprise covering her face while her eyes were fixed on the green-haired boy.

A few minutes ago.

Izuku Midoriya, the green-haired boy looked at the menacing 0-pointer. Seeing it, his limbs went numb and as he tried to take a step back, he realized that his whole body was frozen.

'I need to run and find some smaller villain! But... I CAN'T MOVE!' Izuku thought as panic filled his whole body.

'I'm still at 0 points! I can't let All Might down... I can't let everything he did for me go to waste...' He thought before suddenly noticing a girl stuck in rubble.

'Isn't that the girl from earlier?' He thought before his body suddenly moved.

As if by impulse, his body sprung up, running to the 0-pointer. In a surge of adrenaline and determination, Izuku Midoriya forced his mind to focus on the thing his body decided to do. As the menacing combat robot advanced, its red eyes gleaming with mechanical malevolence, Izuku noticed a white-haired boy make a shield that covered him and the girl under the rubble.

'At least she's safe...' Izuku thought before looking at the source of their problems.

 Izuku's eyes narrowed with an unwavering resolve. He knew he had to act swiftly, finally using his newfound quirk, One for All. The very quirk he inherited from All Might, the Symbol of Peace.

With a burst of One For All surging through his limbs, Izuku propelled himself forward, his movements a blur of green. As he closed the distance between himself and the approaching threat, the air crackled with the release of up energy. In the blink of an eye, Izuku's clenched fist soon connected with the robot's metallic exterior.

'SMASH!' Izuku thought before slamming the clenched fist to the robot. 


The impact reverberated through the simulated city, echoing the explosive power coursing through Izuku's enhanced frame. The 0-pointer, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, staggered backward. It seemed for a moment as if time itself had slowed after summoning the full force of One For All. After Izuku unleashed the powerful shockwave with a punch. The air distorted around him as the raw energy expanded outward, engulfing the combat robot in a maelstrom of force. Metal creaked and groaned under the immense pressure, and the red eyes of the robot flickered before succumbing to darkness.

In the aftermath, silence fell upon the simulated city. The once-menacing robot lay in a heap, defeated by the sheer force of Izuku Midoriya. 

However, after smashing the 0-pointer, the green-haired boy got himself into another problem. He is now falling with his whole body destroyed because of the impact of the punch.

"That attack was too much for his body... At this point... He might fall to his death..." Kazuki commented with a grim expression replacing his calm one as he looked at the green-haired boy in awe and worry before finally letting the shield that he had been maintaining all his time vanish out of thin air.

"You have a gravity quirk right?" Kazuki suddenly said while turning his body to face the girl.

"Yeah, but how did-" As the girl answered, she got interrupted again before she could finish.

"Use it on him." Kazuki commanded, pointing at the falling Izuku with his one hand; While his other flicked into the direction of the rubble that covered the girl, causing it to magically move on its own, releasing the girl.

As the 2 talked, their subject the green-haired boy continued falling. 'I need to use my other hand to soften the impact even if that means that I'll be left with nothing...' Izuku thought as he prepared to release a punch right before he hit the ground. 

However, contrary to his expectations, as he was about to release the punch, he felt a slap on his face before he started floating. Looking up, he saw her. The same girl that saved her from falling as he was entering UA.

As Izuku started to float, he looked at the girl in shock while he pressed his hands together and muttered a word, causing Izuku to fall slowly to the ground. However, the same girl immediately puked afterwards.

"That girl... He saved me too... And thanks to her, I still have a chance to get even a single point." Izuku unconsciously muttered his thoughts before he started crawling.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you... Your body is practically destroyed... You're just gonna make your situation worse. Besides, the test is gonna end in a few seconds." Kazuki spoke, looking at the crawling Izuku with pity after he heard what he muttered.

"No... I can't give up..." The crawling boy said, ignoring Kazuki's words as he just continued to crawl.

"3..." Kazuki spoke, still looking at the crawling boy.

"I will just have to push my limits..." Izuku said as he continued to crawl.

"2..." Kazuki spoke once again, ignoring Izuku's words.

"I'll never give up..." Izuku said more to himself, his voice filled with determination as he continued to crawl.

"And 1..." As Kazuki's voice entered Izuku's ear, another voice followed.

"AND THE PRACTICAL TEST COMES TO AN END! GOOD WORK EVERYONE!" The loud voice of Present Mic came out of the speakers, announcing the end of the practical test and causing some of the participants, Izuku included to stop in their tracks.

'Damn it...' The thought entered Izuku's mind before he heard the white-haired sorcerer's voice once again.

"Told ya." Kazuki said after Present Mic's announcement. 

As the practical test came to an end he looked at the girl he saved and the green-haired boy that just lay in the ground. "If you 2 are truly destined to be a hero, then we will meet once again..." He spoke in a voice that was loud enough for the 2 to hear before he created a portal, and left the arena.

In the observation room.

After witnessing the events that had just unfolded, the chaos in the room soon dissipated. The concern on everyone's face was now gone, replaced by joy as 2 aspiring heroes just saved the day.

"Thankfully, it got solved..." Midnight spoke in a low voice filled with relief as he released a long breath.

As the observers were just about to discuss the recent event, sparks of orange started to appear in the room. 

"He's coming..." Everyone in the room looked at the slowly growing sparks of orange before Nezu spoke.

As the words left the chimera's mouth, the orange sparks turned into a portal with a white-haired boy entering before the portal closed.

"You're not supposed to be here." The mechanical voice of Ectoplasm sounded as he spoke.

"And that thing was not supposed to try and kill students." The boy answered back, causing everyone in the room to stay silent except for him.

"So, what happened?" Kazuki asked, slowly looking at everyone in the room.

"It was a malfunction, Kazuki-san." The block of Cement broke the silence and answered.

"As I thought..." Kazuki said before glancing at everyone in the room once again and asking another question.

"Did I break the Fiery Rooster's record?" He asked once again, getting some chucked from the nickname he gave to the number 2 hero.

"We were just about to tally the scores, I'll let you know later. Just go to your room for now little wizard." Nezu answered with a cheerful voice like someone an examinee wasn't about to die earlier. 

Hearing the principal's words, the sorcerer created a portal once again. "Oh, and I'm looking forward to your teaching Blink-Blanket." He left those words before entering the portal, leaving behind a room full of laughter...

"That brat... You spoiled him too much Nezu..." Eraserhead said as he complained to the principal after being ridiculed by the boy.

End of Volume 1: Prologue

Coming... Volume 2: Heroic Beginnings

Author's note: Hello Everyone! So, that's 4 chapters in a row. I decided to stack these chapters up since it's mostly the introduction. Hope you like it! Drop some review and comments! You can also drop some suggestions like plot points, ships, or some spells that our mc could use. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!