
MHA: Rupture

A teenager gets reincarnated as Katsuki Bakugo’s half-brother with a cooler quirk. They share the same mother but different father. And in this fanfic, Mitsuki has an explosion quirk and Masuru has the sweat quirk.

astrofluid · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Why Not?

Translucent bursts of energy erupted in his hands, similar to an explosion but controlled and refined. The ruptures shook the atmosphere around his palm and wind was pushed away from it. The energy vanished then reappeared on the boy's fingertips as it danced on his fingertips before the colourless energy detonated and disrupted the winds movements once again. These small discharges of energy were the only thing keeping him sane and he continue to look down onto his hand seemingly entranced by the wonders of this energy. It was beautiful.


"You know, your older son is quite reserved Mitsuki. Quite the contrary to you." A green haired woman laughed as she observed a playground, keeping eyes on her kid.

"He takes after his father. He isn't one to talk a lot and he's very mature despite his age, though his quietness had become quieter after he had unlocked his quirk. Majority of his time is spent playing with it with a serious face." Mitsuki responded in a solemn tone, "Quite cute, if you ask me." which quickly became lighter. The blonde haired woman observed her son in silent wonder. He was an anomaly to her, mysterious like his father that had seemingly vanished like he never existed. But she understood him perfectly. His quietness. His maturity. His stoicness.

Looking towards her younger son, Bakugo, she laughed silently, "Quite the contrary to his half- brother as well, wouldn't you say Inko?"

Inko laughed along, "A stark difference." She answered in a buoyant tone, "However, they truly are inseparable no matter the difference in personality."

"I just hope it stays like that."


"Why do I have to go wake him up?"

"Because Toshiro, he actually listens to you. Besides I'm making breakfast." His mother responded definitively, as he let out a sigh and threw his head back in annoyance.

In obedience, he walked up the stairs and entered his brother's room. Shaking him slightly, he whispered,

"Katsuki, you need to wake up. We're going to the quirk doctor remember."

Instantly, Katsuki shot up from his bed and sat in an upright position before frowning and glaring at his brother, whilst he laughed uncontrollably.

"I can't believe your still falling for that. It's been what.. 9 years since you awakened your quirk." His sentence breaking apart from laughter.

"You've got to stop doing that, asshole. You know how excited the mention of that day gets me." His brother responded with fake aggression as he couldn't control the smile that broke out on his face.

"Anyways, get up. Breakfast is ready… and brush your teeth. Your mouth smells like shit." Toshiro spoke and left the room quickly, so he wouldn't have to experience his brother's shouts.


Sitting on a rooftop, his legs hanging over the edge as he watched over the city in silent contemplation.

It had been a while since he had arrived to this world. World of quirks, where from a silly power one would be categorised into the worlds black and white morality system of heroes and villains.

It was silly to him, but he was lucky. Lucky to be blessed. Firstly, lucky to be given another chance to actually live and secondly, lucky to be enthroned with a strong 'hero' quirk. Similar to his half-brother, Bakugo, he had explosions but it was with energy rather than actual explosions. It was complicated to explain because he knew that this wasn't his quirk in the full essence but what he knew of right now.

He could emit energy blasts from his hand and feet.

That was really it to be honest. Sounds simple but his intuition told him it wasn't as simple as he made it out to be. The quirk's name was Rupture which he personally thinks sounds pretty badass.

Going back to his original thought, he began to review his new life. He gained consciousness at 3 and that was when he had awakened his quirk, quickly labelled a genius in school. His name was Toshiro Hitsugaya but went by Toshiro Bakugo - why take the name of a deadbeat father.

He was a pretty quiet guy and only ever talked to a few people being his mother, his stepfather, Katsuki, Izuku and some guy at school called Steve.

Sighing internally, his purple eyes locked onto some guy with a chainsaw on his head preying on a young girl in an alleyway. Jumping from the rooftop, he entered into a freefall before he was a few metres above the ground and let out a blast from his feet propelling him towards the alleyway.

Arriving at the scene, he boosted himself forward and in an instant arrived behind the man trying to corner the girl and stuck his hand out towards the man's head, blasting him into the wall. With his head impacting the wall, the man was knocked out and victory was upon Toshiro.

The girl exhaled a heavy breath before thanking Toshiro and ran away with tears streaming down her face. It felt nice to save people or maybe he just liked the way he could hurt people and the public would thank him. Either way, he decided he would be a hero. Why not?