
MHA: Red Hood

Mountain_Dew_98 · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Ran In To A Bunny

It's been three months since I saved Touya from his death or to be more precise, from AFO's clutches. I'm pretty sure that he's pissed at the fact he couldn't get Touya into his fold.

Well, now Touya has to regain his conscious. The first thing I did to him on that day was making him unconscious using a tranquilizer, so that his quirk would stop producing the fire. And it worked like a charm.

After that I took him from there as he needed immediate healing because of the burns, so I put him on a med bay I created as a time pass. Well he's been proclaimed dead by the police after the fire was extinguished with the combined effort of Endeavor and All Might.

For the past three months I've done any cleaning in the streets, and my absence has made some of thugs to go back to what they did. They do fear the heroes, but they won't get as brutal as me, like breaking their arm's or leg's, making them stay in coma for almost a month at least a week.

In this three months time period I've made two more guns one machine gun and one sniper rifle and two light sabres, it's red in color to go with my suit. As for my training, Death Stroke's and Batman is finished, now I'm training with Ras Al Gul. Well, he's a menace actually, cause he has more than two centuries of experience using old and modern weapons. When in combat he favors the old-world weapons such as katana, European swords, polearms, and axes, he's a weapon master.

Im not saying that Batman hadn't given me that, but due to Ra's being over two hundred years old, that much experience is in different level. I have two more years with him, then it'll be Lady Shiva, I just hope that it'll be over before the fight.

Now that I've nothing to do here until he wakes up, so it's time to see the outside world for sometime. Deciding that I took my suit and donned it with both the light sabre on my back and two trusty hand guns on my hip. After changing, I went into the the mirror dimension and took the bike I've made, starting it I went around the city inside the dimension. I use the dimension to travel at day time, so that no one would recognise me.

As I was just going on my bike I saw, Fat Gum saving some school girls from a villain and telling them to watch out from now on. One of the girl's have bunny ears and a scut on her backside, at one glance I figured who she is 'Usagiyama Rumi the future Rabbit Hero: Mirko! What's she doing here?'. Thinking that I just observed her, from the looks of it she's two years older than I am, so that means she's second year in high school.

Right after Fat Gum left the area the three girls started to walk towards somewhere but, Rumi stopped with her ears twitching and then she suddenly jumped away from there. Not knowing what she's gonna do I just followed her through the mirror dimension.

A couple minutes of later she stopped at a building and looked around, after confirming that she have no tail on her, she went inside. Just out of curiousity I also entered inside the building. And boy was I surprised, it's the underground masquerade, how can I forget about this one?

Right after I figured where we were I exited the dimension in a corner and slowly started to take over the security system, I didn't fully take care of it yet.

The spectators, all of which are hiding their faces with masks, watch brutal fights in which anything goes to win, from weapons to use of Quirks. Thanks to that, I was not standing out here.

Then I heard a loud voice, turning to the source of the sound I just sighed and thought 'This battle maniac.'

Rumi suddenly appears, quickly putting on a wrestler mask and declaring herself to the crowd as "The Masked Mystery Beauty: Tiger Bunny". The announcer and crowd are confused, until one of the people recognize her as "Usako", a bunny-eared schoolgirl from Hiroshima who went around crashing fight clubs and disappeared after being taken into custody and expelled. Rumi tries to hide her true identity, but nobody buys it, so instead pumps herself up for battle.

The two current fighters, Umeda Siberian and Metro Namba Crusher, scold her for getting in the way of their fight and trying to steal the spotlight. They prepare to jump her, but she easily knocks them out with one swift kick, saying that everyone should join in the fight together next. The rest of the audience erupts in enthusiasm as they all attempt to rush into the cage, as the announcer narrates over the chaos, stating there is nothing to gain and nothing to lose.

The announcer continues his intense commentary over Tiger Bunny's beatdown of the entire arena: the fighters, audience, and staff. Despite being well out numbered, she manages to take down everyone with her rapid kicks with absolute ease.




-----------Chapter 9 End----------