
MHA: Red Hood

Mountain_Dew_98 · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Blue Flames

As I got out of the mirror dimension I was met with blue flames raging on inside the healing pod. A couple of minutes later it opened itself and Touya who has been inside getting healed walked out without any major injuries. Looking around he spotted me and asked with a little bit of fear in his voice "Who are you? Where am I?"

His question was met with silence as I was thinking 'Should I tell him my identity or wait till he reveals his, on his own. Yeah that's better.'

Seeing me unresponsive he made a fire ball and asked me again "I asked you a question. Who are you?"

Since I'm not out of my suit I said in a deep voice "I'm Red Hood."

The flames in his hands went puff and he looked at me like I was a ghost and said "He's just a ghost story!!"

"I'm sure it is not." I said with clear amusement in my voice.

Looking at me he asked "Why did you bring me here?"

"Mmm. Well one thing is that you were going to die so I had to heal you up first. Second thing is I don't know who you are and your parents so couldn't get you back to them."

"What do you mean I was going to die?"

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Your quirk got out of control and you burnt the sekoto peak as a whole."

"I did?"

"Yes you did. Now, if you want to go to your home I will sent you there."

"Right, home. How long was I healing?"

"About three months."



"I need to go home now."

"Sure, but you can't mention anything about me to anyone."

"I won't. You saved my life so I owe you one."

"Good. Now then, where's your home?"

"You just have to leave me at the peak. I'll go from there."

"Can't do. The peak has been closed."

"Then leave me at the base of the peak."

"That I can do." Saying that I shot a tranquilizer at him and as he got shot he looked at me and asked "Why?"

"It's a tranquilizer, I don't want you to know how I get you there."

After he fell unconscious I took him and entered the mirror dimension and went towards the base of sekoto peak.

Arriving there I gave woke him up, and looking at him I said "Wake up buddy boy. Your stop has arrived."

Looking at me said "That was uncalled for."

"Can't have my secrets in the hands of kid, now do I? Anyway, this is where we part way's. And just for your information, if you ever turn into a villain, I'll be the first one to hunt you down."

"I won't be a villain, I'll be the No. 1 Hero." He said that with lot of determination.

Sighing I told him "Say, if you ever think that even a you don't have a place to stay call me on this phone." Saying that I gave him an untraceable phone.

"No need for that." Saying that he started to walk away.

After he took a couple of feet away from me I said "Hey kid. I'll leave this here. If you have change of mind call okay."

He stopped but didn't say anything and went on forward. So I entered the mirror dimension and followed him until we reached his house.


As Touya reached his home, he heard his father, Endeavor, berating his younger brother Shoto. Hearing this he sighed and was about to go inside the house but he saw a memorial in his name there. Looking at he felt his heart breaking into pieces, then he heard his father screaming at his younger brother again "Do you want to die like your brother too? If nit then do as I say. He didn't listen to me and went on with making his quirk powerful to the point he burned himself to death. Do you want that to happen to you?"

Hearing his father saying that to his brother, made him realise that he was considered dead and his family has started to move on from his death. Even though he felt that he will be able to go inside and let them know that he's very much alive, but "Your mother had to be put in mental hospital thanks to his death and to top it off, she scarred you. And I had to sent her to the hospital thanks to that.

Listen Shoto. You are my only kid who is not a failure, you got that? That's why I want you to train to your limits and surpass me and become the No. 1 Hero." when he heard this part from his father, he decided to leave the place for good. Even after he was considered dead his father hasn't changed a bit. He's still obsessed with it, and he now knows even if his father knew he was alive there won't be any changes in the family dynamics. But he was saddened by the fact that he's unable ot meet his mother as he have hurt her the most.

As he was thinking all of it he had walked back to the place where Red Hood had dropped him off. And thought about what he had said to him 'And just for your information, if you ever turn into a villain, I'll be the first one to hunt you down.' Then he thought to himself 'I don't want him on my tail. So I will just stay away from all of this and be on my own as much as possible. But the thing is, I don't have a place to stay.'

Then he remembered that Red Hood alhad left a phone here right after he left while saying "Say, if you ever think that even a you don't have a place to stay call me on this phone."

"Even though he's a vigilante, I haven't heard him killing anyone. Hope I'm not doing the wrong thing." Saying that he picked up the phone and dialled the only number in it.

Just as the phone rang it got connected and the same voice was heard from the other end [What do you want kid?]

"Can I take your offer?"

[Sure] Right after that the phone got disconnected and Touya disappeared from the base of the sekoto peak.




-----------Chapter 12 End----------