
MHA: Ratho

You know about Ben 10, right? Then you would know the alien with muscle-over-brains mindset Rath, right? Then you would also know the alien who is not very good at "executing" his ideas Ditto, right? So, what if a person gets the powers of Ditto and Rath, with all the powers from both the aliens and also weakness from both aliens. Let's see what happens when a person with the power to multiply with the muscle over brains mindset is in the world where 80% of the people have the superpower.

FunWriter · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Quirk

" "Wow." " Two identical looking kids exclaimed in awe.

Both of them started to shake hands and inspect each other thoroughly. Suddenly, a single claw came out of each of their hands from the knuckles.

Seeing that both of them said in unison "" Cool! ""

Then suddenly the door opened, that made the kids surprised and one of the kids dissipated into thin air.

"Wow." The remaining said in amazement, and the one who opened the looked at the kid and asked "What happened Ryō?"

"Look mom! I have daddy's quirk!" Ryō showed his mom the two claws protruding out of his knuckles.

Seeing that the women smiled and said "Isn't that good? Now you and daddy are a matching pair."

"Yay!" Exclaiming that Ryō tried to jump up and down, but he shot straight to the ceiling and collided with the ceiling fan, slicing Ryō into two.

"Ahhh" His mother let out a blood curdling scream.

"What is it?" A man with black hair and green eyes came running to the room as fast as possible.

"My baby!" His mother screamed again and went towards the two halves that were laying on the floor, but before she could reach, the two halves got up with a jump.

Seeing two identical boys, both the womens and man's eyes went wide in surprise.

The two boys looked at each other, the one on the left said "Hey you're back. Where did you go before?"

"I don't know! I got scared and disappeared, then bam we were sliced into two and I appeared again." The one on the right side said.

"" Cool "" Both of them said in unison.

"Ryō! Don't scare me like that!" Saying that the women hugged both the boys and shed some tears as her boy was alright.

The man who came in hearing the scream of the women said "So you got your quirk champ?"

"Yes daddy!" The one on the right said.

"Look!" And the one on the left showed his father the claw protruding out of his hand.

Seeing the claws, the father smiled and went towards them and hugged.

"Let's go to the doctor okay?" The father asked the boys.

"Yes daddy." The right one said.

"But we need ice cream." The left one chimed in.

Hearing that, the father chuckled and said to the mother, "Hiyori, now you have two sons to spoil."

"Mmmm~ mmmmm~ that I do, Yato!" Hiyori said and looked at her son's and asked "Can you be one again?"

"Sure." The right one said.

"No problem." The left one said.

Then both of them extended their hands, and both the Ryō's combined back into one.

Seeing the process, Yato said "Fascinating! It's like how our cells divide."

"Well, it is fascinating." Hiyori agreed with Yato.

"Now, change your clothes Ryō, we need to see the quirk doctor." Yato told Ryō.

"Okay." Saying that Ryō went to his cupboard where his clothes are slowly as he didn't want to run into the wall like he did with the ceiling.

As the three of them got properly dressed, the family of three went to the quirk doctor.

After a plethora of tests, the doctor called the three of them into his office.

Looking at Yato and Hiyori, the doctor said "Mr. & Mrs Kurokiba, your son Ryō has the quirk to duplicate himself at his own will. He also has a single retractable claw from his hands, and he has an enhanced physiology. So my advice is, make sure to train Ryō to control his enhanced physiology as he has the strength of an adult man in a four year old body, and it will grow as he grows older."

"Alright doctor, we will look into it." Yato said, and asked the doctor "What's the name of the quirk, doctor?"

"Since he can create a duplicate or clone of himself with his clothes that are too identical, we decided to name it Ditto." The doctor said smugly, as if he had done something amazing.

Yato and Hiyori just smiled at that, after thanking the doctor for his time, the Kurokiba family left the hospital and headed towards their home to enjoy this joyous occasion.


{Six Months Later}

"Ryō, wake up, it's time for training." Yato told his son while rocking him side to side.

"Five more minutes!" Ryō said.

"Nope. We have to do it on time." Yato said while taking the blanket away from Ryō.

As the only thing that kept him away from the cold was gone, Ryō slowly rose from his sleeping position and gave his father a stink eye.

Yato just chuckled at Ryō and said "Go and freshen up, we will start with running, then basic strength exercise after that it will be sparring. The usual."

"Okay." Ryō agreed.

After freshening up and doing his morning routines, Ryō went out of the house where Yato was waiting for him.

Smiling at Ryō, Yato said "Shall we start?"

"Yes." Ryō said with a little bit of enthusiasm.

Smiling, Yato started to jog, and both father and son jogged side by side for at least five kilometers. Yato and Ryō were okay to keep on jogging as they have enhanced stamina.

After that, it was basic strength exercises, like push ups, pull ups, squats, planks, sit ups, lunges etc. the repetition is one hundred each with twenty sets.

Then it was sparring section between Ryō and his clone under the direction of Yato in their personal Dojo. As Yato is a martial arts practitioner, he advised his son Ryō to have a clear mind whenever they were sparring and also taught Ryō about the discipline that a martial artist should adhere to. And Ryō adhered everything his father said, taking in everything taught by his father like a sponge.

Yato taught Ryō Judo and Jujitsu accompanied by Ryō's clone, as they found out that the clone of Ryō and Ryō are connected to a hive mind that is in Ryō. So Yato took advantage of it and started to teach one martial art to each clone.

Hiyori, on the other hand, took it upon herself to help her son's studies. She also joins the dojo to see Ryō spar against his clone, with Ryō using Judo and the clone using Jujutsu.

On a Sunday, when they were having family dinner, the news showcased All Might saving civilians as many as he can. Seeing that, Yato asked his son "Do you want to be a hero Ryō?"

Ryō who was watching the news, replied to his father's question "I'm not sure dad. Heroes get hurt right? They fight the villains and the villains hurt the heroes, they might even hurt the loved ones of the hero."

Then looking at both his father and mother he said "I don't want to see both mom and dad get hurt."