
MHA Paragon

Hello boys and girls it’s your favorite eternally bored prince of hell and I hope you guys are ready because I’ve whipped up one hell of a show. For those of you who are new around here allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lucifer Morningstar and in my spare time I like to reincarnate mortals into worlds of fiction. The masterpiece you will be reading is called MHA Paragon, where I take my own personal spin on the world of My Hero Academia. In Paragon, humans aren’t the only beings capable of awakening their quirks. Animals have as well, warping them into monstrous forms called Dread Beasts and completely flipping the food chain. Humanity lost their foothold over the earth and has been pushed back into heavily fortified cities called bastions. Now it’s up to the heroes you know and love to repel the Dread Beast invasion from completely wiping humanity out. But that’s not all, in this universe quirks are constantly evolving granting their users tremendous levels of power. So if this sounds appealing please join in and watch as our MC Kenji Aotoma a reincarnated mortal comes to grasp with his new reality after a lifetime to solitude and loneliness. If you cant wait for more visit my patreon for advanced chapters: https://www.pat reon.com/Black_Paladyn

Black_Paladyn · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

First Day of School

Sitting on the crowded bus Kenji's foot tapped the floor as he tried to calm his racing nerves. In his previous life school hadn't been a fun experience for him, nerd culture hadn't become a mainstream staple until years after he graduated. And while Kenji wasn't actively bullied or harassed, social ostracization was a slow and insidious confidence killer. 

A soft touch on Kenji's knee stopped his nervous tick and a smile spread across his face, "Thank you." 

"I would offer to relieve your stress but I'm pretty sure we're surrounded by classmates and I don't need rumors spreading so soon," Toga responded with a teasing smile before turning back to her phone. Suppressing his body's reaction Kenji rolled his eyes and opened a different screen to take his mind off of things. 

After revealing the system to Toga, both had discussed how to spend Kenji's EP most efficiently and decided that there was no use in saving them or buying loot boxes that may not have anything useful inside. So they both enjoyed a hefty stat increase across the board. 

[Kenji Aotoma: Stats]

[Eros Points: 7150]

[5000 EP] Strength: D

[1000 EP] Durability: FFF

[1000 EP] Vitality: FFF

[5000 EP] Agility: D

[1000 EP] Perception: FFF

[500 EP] Intelligence: FF

[Cost: 4300 EP]

[Remainder: 2850 EP]

[Himiko Toga: Stats] 

[Eros Points: 2850]

[500 EP] Strength: FF

[500 EP] Durability: FF

[1000 EP] Vitality: FFF

[5000 EP] Agility: D

[1000 EP] Perception: FFF

[500 EP] Intelligence: FF

[Cost: 2850 EP]

[Remainder: 0 EP]

Besides completely cleaning him out the upgrade had revealed that the jumping between letter grades wasn't a linear increase. The moment his stats changed Kenji experienced the greatest high of his life as his body changed on a fundamental level. Toga experienced something similar, but Kenji doubted it could compare to the change she underwent after her quirk evolved. 

'Seriously I expected a power up but her new quirk is just completely busted.' Kenji thought with a shake of his head as he opened Toga's status. 

[Himiko Toga] 

Race: Human

Bond level: 100/100

Companion Status: Soulmate (Claimed)

Quirk: Bloodline Matriarch


[500 EP] Strength: FF

[500 EP] Durability: FF

[1000 EP] Vitality: FFF

[5000 EP] Agility: D

[1000 EP] Perception: FFF

[500 EP] Intelligence: FF



[Quirk: Bloodline Matriarch] 

Type: Mutation

Power Ranking: City Protector

Potential: Paragon

Description: The user of this quirk can consume the blood of other quirk enhanced beings in order to augment their own bloodline. At will the user may transform into their Matriarch Form allowing them to access the full power of their bloodline. 

'Not only does it get rid of her biggest weakness of needing to rely on freshly consumed blood, but it also means that Toga's power can scale almost infinitely.' Kenji thought to himself and couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, 'I still haven't figured out what the hell I'm going to do with my quirk.' 

Before Kenji could sour his own mood, a shadow passed over the bus and Kenji looked out the window to see the familiar concrete wall of UA. Academy. Instead of stopping outside the bus drove right up to the closed main gates. 

Wondering what was happening Kenji stood up, getting a better view and allowing him to see the security toll allowing cars and vehicles to pass through a series of smaller openings built into the wall. 

'They really don't take security lightly,' Kenji thought to himself as he sat back down. The bus stopped briefly as it reached the security toll and just as Kenji wondered if everyone was going to have to deboard a series of laser scanners passed over the bus sweeping the vehicle for anything abnormal. 

Then as quickly as they appeared the scanners vanished and the bus lurched back into motion as the other side of the toll opened, letting them into the Academy.

But as Kenji caught his first glimpse inside the walls his jaw dropped, 'I know Toga said it was like a city, but this is ridiculous.' 

Gleaming skyscrapers lined the road covered in overly polished metal and glass each connected to its neighbor with a series of sky bridges. And above Kenji caught what looked to be a street dedicated solely to small hovercraft and even people capable of flying. Needless to say Kenji had never seen anything like it. 

The bus drove on for some time heading straight ahead without turning once meaning they were most likely on one of the central streets. So it wasn't any surprise when the skyscrapers fell away along with the sky traffic as the Academy came into view. 

Instead of being built of glass and metal like every other structure the UA consisted of gleaming white marble and golden accents which was put on full display with the front gate and yet another wall surrounding the massive campus. 

The bus pulled up in front of the school and came to a stop with a hiss as the door opened letting the uniformly dressed crowd spill out onto the streets. 

Standing up in tandem Kenji and Toga claimed their spot, eventually squeezing through and stepping out onto solid ground. 

"I can't believe we're here," Toga said in disbelief as she stared at the gates, "This place is huge, how are we supposed to find our way around campus?" 

Kenji reached into his pocket as his phone buzzed, "I just got my login information for the school website, I can see my schedule and it has an integrated map function." 

Toga grabbed her phone as well, "Let's see…you're right! But what are these classes? Dreadology 101, Hero Rules and Regulations…" 

As Toga trailed off Kenji navigated through the website eventually reaching his class roster and as he scrolled down the list his eyes widened slightly, 'These are my classmates…this is going to be a bloodbath!'

But as Kenji reached the bottom of the list a familiar made an appearance, 'Well at least that's the same I wonder if she here ye-' 

"Kenji!! Toga!!"

I hope you enjoyed this release of MHA Paragon.

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