

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). A path towards the beyond has come and gone. Thus replacing the path from beyond closes with another path opening to reveal the path of glory and honor. This path opens to a world of superpowered individuals following their paths of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. Danger is constant always filled with those in power doing as they please. Changes he once thought canon was reality now take a curve differently than the intended path. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge handle this his new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

Chapter 31: The Ninth and Favor

Chapter 31: The Ninth and Favor

~Third POV~

[Nighttime, League of Villain Hideout, Japan]


From the black goo escaping their mouths, Kurogiri and Shigaraki fell into the base thanks to Johnny [Warping] Quirk. They each landed on the ground.


Landing down, Shigaraki groaned angrily, recalling his loss, almost throwing a tantrum with Kurogiri still stuck in glue, "Argh! Humiliated by a child and almost beaten to a pulp by that hero. All those underlings were wiped out, and even my Nomus didn't get the chance to fight before All Might could even appear! All because of that damn stupid kid!! Why didn't you tell me about that damn brat master?"


Slamming his fist onto the ground, showing his angry expression, All for One, through a monitor in the wall of the bar, responded in a neutral tone, "I agree. We severely underestimated our source's intel about him. Thankfully, we sent them that cheap name of League of Villains and not our own. Anyway, what of our creation? Nomu? Did you retrieve him?"

Shigariki groaned as Kurogiri explained to All for One as he had gotten out of the glue trap, he was in a neutral tone, "The Nomu you lent us has been killed, sir."

There was a light pause hearing that answer. Knowing Heroes for so long, killing was the last resort for most, especially with children around, as All for One asked, "… Killed? Explain."

Shigariki soon explained the events from his side that Nomu was killed when Kurogiri's Quirk [Warp Gate] was used, thinking at first why he came back. It came to his surprise that Nomu was killed by No.13 Quirk [Blackhole] and stolen his hand off his centerpiece.

All for One soon spoke after a brief pause of silence in a neutral tone, losing one of his specimens, "After all the trouble we went through to make him as strong as All Might. Well… that's too bad. A real shame."

However, it was at that moment that Shigariki reported something intriguing for All for One to hear intently as he was decaying the glue trapping Kurogiri, "That reminds me… there was a kid with multiple Quirks. He was commanding his classmates, but there was something odd when he captured me… I think he has almost similar ability in combining Quirks like you, Sensei…"

This caught All for One's attention as he spoke in an interested tone of the latest of events occurring, "Is that so? I'll have to investigate it further then. Naturally, you must be upset, but if what you are telling me confirms some of my suspicions, this wasn't a futile mission. Find stronger troops! Take all the time you need! We can't move freely! That's why we need a symbol like you. Tomura Shigaraki! Next time, the world will know of the terror you represent!"


~Ren Y. POV~

[Next Day, Musutafu, Himiko Residence, Japan]

After yesterday's fiasco, classes were canceled the next day, giving us a day off. I texted everyone in the Class 1-A group chat about the events.

And the praise I got from everyone seemed a bit much. Even Izuku has been asking about my safety and my experience fighting villains.

Everyone was asking about my talks with the principal, which, to be honest, somewhat surprised me. Summoning my hair strand of All Might that he had given me from my [Sub-Space], I took a piece of my hair out, wanting to test something out.

Holding a plastic bag, I began to mentally announce the passage. I, Ren Yuki, passed my Copy Quirk of [One for All] to anyone who eats my hair strand within my hand.


[You have used the [OFA] skill of [Quirk Transference] to target your hair stand allowing anyone to obtain a copy of [OFA] once consumed. Notice if you choose this action, the target will only get the [OFA] Quirk as the basis for removing this Quirk from your Copy Slot from your [All in One]?]

[Do you agree to transfer only [OFA] per the user's request? [Yes/No]?]

[Do note if you agree, you will regain your previous copy slot as you lose your copy of [OFA].]

Interesting… I thought it was possible to transfer my Quirks or copies with [OFA]. But seeing I lose it but in return gain a copy slot sounds like a good trade to me.

Especially since I have the right Quirk to eliminate the vestiges for good. So glad that Nezu offered me the hair samples of my teachers for me to copy especially from my good old homeroom teacher.

Agreeing, I waited until I saw the popup show up just as planned to happen when I transferred my [OFA]. Just as planned.

[You have lost the skill [Full Cowl]!]

[You have transferred the Quirk [OFA] to target [Ren's Hair Stand]!]

[You have gained 1 Copy Slot after transferring [OFA]!]



Item: Ren's Hair Strand

Rarity Item: -

Type: Hair Sample

Description: This Hair sample belongs to the gamer Ren Yuki containing the copy Quirk [One for All] allowing anyone who consumes it to obtain this Quirk.


I was extremely happy about this development. Pleased even to see that I can have this transferred to someone else instead and obtain my Copy Slot again.

This changes everything for me big time. With this copy saved, I can reuse this again or possibly hand it over to All Might again being able to last longer in his form as much as possible…

Or give it to someone who I think deserves it more. I have a few people in mind who deserve this power, but for now, I'll keep this safe within my [Sub-Space] where I won't lose it.

I gotta take care of some ghosts that need busting. If it works I lose the Quirks that [One for All] assimilated but in return, I get the raw power behind instead without any ghost manipulating me in any shape or form.

I would rather have full control than some disembodied ghost judging my every action. That and if I have sex I don't want them of all people peeping into my sex life. No thanks.

I returned my attention to All Might's hair strand as I swallowed it whole going down my throat. Soon enough, I get sleepy as I see notifications popping up, grinning at this losing myself to darkness on a couch.


[You have consumed the Quirk Stockpile Power of [OFA]!]

[You gained the skill [One for All]!]

[You gained the title [One for All User]!]

[Notice [One for All] discovered embers of the Copy of [One for All]!]

[The vestiges have been alerted and drag the host into the [One for All Singularity] to discuss with them!]


[One for All Singularity]

Having drifted asleep, I soon found myself in a small room. No, I suppose that would be called Realm in this case.

No… rather this is my subconscious realm within One for All revealing a barren landscape surrounded by darkness…



The realm took the form of the ruins of a conference room with chairs, one for each holder, though two of them initially chose not to sit and stand in the corner with their backs turned….

The realm resembles the room where Yoichi was locked away by All for One, where the stockpiling Quirk was forced on him, and where Kudo and Bruce eventually rescued him, the birthplace of One for All.

Upon opening my eyes, I saw them. The previous holders of [One for All] sitting on the throne are equally shocked as I am. My eyes wandered down expecting a corporal form but instead revealed my form fully.

The first to respond was the first wielder gazing at me with an unknowing expression and speaking in a stunned tone, "Well… this is a first that something like this occurred. I've sensed that you took the power of [One for All]. I didn't expect our meeting to be instantaneous."

Blinking a bit confused I couldn't help but rub the back of my head as I responded equally as confused as they were, "Yeah… I'm gonna guess you 8 are the previous holders? Then that one…"

No words were needed. I saw the flickering golden figure. I mumbled out loud, "All Might's…"

The first to respond was Yoichi, rubbing the back of his head and nodding as he began to explain to me in a calm tone, "You are correct, but only a piece of his consciousness has been transferred. I suppose he didn't give you a chance to explain, did he, about my brother – "

Before any of them had the chance I finally acquired the Quirk I needed to get rid of these ghosts for good. Soon my hair turned up a bit and used the Quirk [Erasure] on the vestiges of [OFA]…


Gazing upon the vestiges of the quirks, I smiled as they each got destroyed into particles of light show. With all of them being ghostly vestiges and being a part of my body, now I can effectively use my Quirks in this space.

And the Quirk that worked best to get rid of them was Eraser Head's [Erasure]. The ability to nullify quirks and the reason why I took [OFA] now. Originally, according to All For One, like organs and cells, Quirk Factors were said to contain the raw spirits, or the 'individuality', of their users, which is then merged into One For All.

While that might not be the case with my [Erasure] 'canceling' the wielders they essentially became 'empty' shells. And being the new user of [One for All] the Quirk will inherit my 'individuality' as the main.


Seeing a brilliant ball of light, I soon see it cover the whole singularity. And I can feel my Quirk [All in One] kick in, activating its abilities. That means no more ghosts living in my head~

Since with them out of the way my Quirk [All in One] will get a boost from [OFA] out of this deal. One I'm hoping it boosts my Quirks or will be the same.


[The user has 'canceled' the vestiges of [OFA] effectively deleting them once the Quirk was assimilated into [All in One]!]

[The Quirk [OFA] has been updated!]

[You regained the skill [Full Cowl]!]

[The skill [One for All] has been successfully converted and absorbed!]

[Skill: [OFA: Singularity] is learned!]

[Due to eliminating the core and vestiges of the assimilated Quirks they have been lost in the process.]

Feeling a new surge of power within me. I felt the vestiges vanish as they entered my body obtaining their power as my own… Everything around me began to crumble making me realize the seriousness of what I have done today.

I'm the last one. The last line this world has before the world goes to hell in war, huh… I can't wait.


~Iwao O. POV~

[Hiroshima, Forrest, Mirko's Place, Japan]

Coming here, I knew it was time to cash in the favor. From Naruhata to Hiroshima I took my time seeing the little brat growing up.

The one that Soga introduced me to learn all he can about becoming a Pro Hero. He certainly has the willpower and talent to become one.

That and he can throw a mean punch. But knowing about now the Sports Festival is around a few weeks by now with the announcement being known.

Since I know I can't teach that brat much how to take him seriously without my Quirk; I decided to call in my favor on someone who can push him to his limits. Walking to the home of a certain solo hero, I heard a loud voice yelling at me, "Hey!! This is a private property here!! What the hell are you doing in my forest!!"


Slamming down, I scoffed, seeing this little brat hasn't changed much since the Underground Masquerade seeing this brat fully grown up. Who else but the solo heroine Mirko?

She looked at me confused as I spoke in a rough tone, making her recall where we met with a raised eyebrow, "Now, isn't that a way to treat an old friend? Been a long while, Tiger Bunny glad to see you aren't up to your usual mischief from the Underground Masquerade."

She paused, gazing at me, squinting her eyes before it clicked in her head as she muttered in a surprised tone, finally remembering me, "Huh…? Oh! You're that The Ripper from…. Before or O'Clock, right?"

I revealed my old hero license with a shit-eating grin in a confident tone, "Yup! And look at you grown up to be the fucking easter bunny!"

Her eyes twitched, seemingly annoyed her as she spoke, scoffing out loud, "The hell you want, old man?"

Getting straight to the point, I simply asked, returning a favor and getting her interested in my proposal, "Simple. I would like you to see if you can intern a certain someone for me as I pay my favor by saving your ass from the Underground Masquerade, not losing your Quirk. You can choose to send an invite or not when you see him in action during the UA Sports Festival."

She scoffed at my words, rolling her eyes, seemingly not interested in the offer, but all the same, agreed in a neutral tone, "Tch. Sure thing, old man, but I don't do sidekicks. Who's the brat I gotta watch and not send an invite to anyway?"

I laughed as I replied, putting my hands in my pocket in a confident tone, and said, "Haha… Well, you'll change your mind when you see him in action. The brat's name is Ren Yuki, and I'm certain you two will get along being battle junkies."

That seemed to get her interest. Whether the boy gets her attention or not will depend on his LUCK. And I'm willing to bet he has the skill and LUCK to do it.