

An explosion ends the life of a young university student, but fate had other plans for the young man as he's brought to life once again but NOT on his world. Follow the adventures of the Demon King as he struggles to the road of heroes.

Shadow_Wolf13 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Quirk Apprehension Test

The days passed with more training, studying, making gadgets for their hero costumes, and in Ochako's case working in a small café. Ziggy spent more and more time training Shiki and managed to train Ochako with her quirk as well. Needless to say, she was unable to move after THOSE training sessions. Kambe was more lenient with her since she was new at the hero training. Most of the time though her training befell in Shiki's hands, that's when his blood relation with Ziggy became apparent, even Ochako had started calling him a demon because of the hell training he put her through, but for all her complaining she did everything he told her to, and mostly complained for the aftereffects, not the training itself those complaints were few and far in between.

As for the gadgets he put more care into Ochako's than his own. He focused mostly on the aftereffect of overusing her quirk. Her nausea. He created a choker with an electrical lock that stimulated a reduction in headache and nausea, in addition, he also made two wristbands for each hand that suppressed nausea. All three accessories worked by putting light pressure on her pressure points. They were light and the pressure was barely there but they were well made and they did what they were meant to do. The wristbands also included a lower and an upper spear for small maneuvers in mid-air or self-defense. Finally, he made her a belt with clings equipped with light grenades and smoke bombs, the belt was connected with an armband on her left hand that included the controller of the clings in her belt.

As for himself, he made goggles with X-Ray vision allowing him to see through objects (walls, floor, etc), Night and Thermo Vision respectable, Zoom in and out, and finally record what he sees. The goggles were connected to a small earpiece that was both a recording device and a communicator. He also made Plasma Swords, The swords in their deactivated form looked like nothing more than the Hilts of the swords, they have a cylinder appearance and black color with silver details, more specifically at the end of the hilt they had imprinted the Edens Zero Crest. Once activated four small grippers open up forming a star, they send small blasts of the laser pulse that helps to form the blade. The Hilts were made up of multiple parts that developed and protected the internal components. They contained a pair of retractable plasma blades that can form different shapes of blades. The blades use laser technology (atomic emission spectroscopy) which uses a highly energetic laser pulse as the excitation source. The laser is focused to form a plasma, which atomizes and excites samples. They are razor-sharp and can slice through most materials with relative ease. He also created a Graphene Dagger, which can slice through solid objects in an instant, and is so thin it can only be seen from a side angle not to mention even radiantly translucent to a certain degree.

In the end, he decided to make their Footwear for their hero outfits as well. Ochako's boots were the same color as her skin-tight bodysuit and gloves, dark gray with pink details. Her ankle boots allowed her to deftly move both in the air and on the ground, they also included shock-absorbing outsoles. Shiki had black combat boots with a secret compartment for his dagger, his soles were also able to absorb shock, and in addition silenced, to a big degree, the sound of his footsteps.


Starring himself in the mirror in his new outfit, he took notice of his more muscle-defined body and his wild untamable black hair. All things considered, it was natural that by now he would grow to ha a speed-type physic, given his training all these years. Broad chest so unlike his dad, and so much like his grandfather. He had his mother's black hair but his father's onyx eyes and untamable hairstyle, and his body physic of his grandfather, the jawline of his father, and the sharp characteristics of his mother.

Sighing he shook his head in order to bury the memories of his parents, from both worlds, and his two most defining moments. He forced his eyes off of his face and focused on his school uniform. Dark teal pants, a white shirt, a red tie, and a gray jacket with teal details. He hated it. He hated school uniforms in general. But it was mandatory and he only had to wear it for a few hours, since he wasn't a full-time student like his cousin sister. Unlike other days though, today he had to attend all day, it was the first day and the orientation, he had to meet his classmates and his teachers, and after that, he only had to be present for hero-related classes.

Leaving the mirror behind he walked to the entrance and put on his black sneakers.

"Onessan, come on. I don't want to be late" He yelled for his sister to hurry.

"Shiki" His aunt called sprinting toward him. "You can't leave without lunch" she scolded him, pausing for a few seconds, examining his face that held a small almost invisible smile "You must be excited, you have been training for this for a majority of your life"

"It's just school..." she waited, knowing there was a but coming "But, I am somewhat excited. This is the first step out of many toward becoming a hero. One step closer to my goal" He whispered the last part.

"I'm really proud of you sweetie," She told him and hugged him.

"Thanks," He said hugging back

"Group hug" Ochako yelled as she joined, with an impressive force coming from her petite body, into the hug.

"You're suffocating me," Shiki said while trying to breathe in some oxygen for his lungs.

"You're being dramatic" Ochako said removing herself from the hug.

"Here's your lunch, sweetheart"

"Thanks, mom. See you later"

"Take care, oh and Shiki try to socialize a bit"

"Don't get your hopes up" He immediately crumbled her hope.

"What do you think our classmates will be like?" Ochako asked as they walked to their new school, trying to fill the silence.



"Fine, I don't know... probably bubble airheads with an All Might fetish" She looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"You just described me..."

"You're my classmate" He pointed out, earning him an exasperated exclamation from her.

"Do you think falling boy passed?" She asked after a few seconds of silence

"I hope not"

"You really have an antisocial problem"

"I just don't like the guy"

"Why? you don't even know him, I'm sure if you get to know him you will change your mind"

"Don't think I will, as for the why... he just seems... I don't know emotional?" Her deadpan expression was proof enough of his unreasonable reason. "Like, someone that can be used as a stepping-stone and cries a lot" He tried again.

"Again, you don't even know him"

"I'm a good judge of character"

"You're an awful judge of character" She corrected him. "Shiki, I'm not gonna hide the fact that we are all worried about you. You're only friends are your doctor Sakura, her husband Sasuke, their idiot friend Naruto and their Leader Kakashi. And they are all the same age as Kambe-Sensexcept for of Kakashi-san"

"They are not that old"

"Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and Kambe-Sensei are in their early to mid-thirties and Kakashi-san is in his mid-forties, I think, hard to tell with the mask. Point is, other than me you have NEVER hung out with ANYONE close to our age. And not only that but you refuse therapy as well" she lowered her voice at the last part.

"Because I don't need it" he fired back

"Don't you though? Sakura has acknowledged you have PTSD and mild depression" 'The wonders of Death and reincarnation' Shiki thought. "You work hard at everything you do and keep yourself busy in order to avoid both, interacting with others and your emotions. You lock yourself in your room either reading or experimenting for hours. Sometimes you don't even sleep."

"I'm fine," he said through greeted teeth

"You're clearly NOT" She almost yelled. She took a calming breath and stepped in front of him. "Shiki, please just try to open up to someone"

"I don't need to... I have you at my side don't I?" He asked pleading for reassurance.

"I will always, ALWAYS be at your side. But you need more than just me. You need people to stand by your side, people whom you can trust, but in order to find those people you have to take a leap of faith and let them in."

"It's not easy" He whispered

"I know Otōto, but you'll just have to trust in people. Not everyone is like that trash, and besides, you will have me all the way through it. I can help with introductions and break the ice, and no matter what I'll have your back just like I know you will have mine." She said and hugged him

"I know you will" he whispered to her ear as he hugged her back. They stayed like that for a couple more seconds before separating and continuing their walk toward the school with mild chatter filling the silence between them.

As they got closer to their classroom Shiki could hear voices from within it, and at the entrance stood a boy with familiar green hair. Shiki cursed his luck even though he was aware that he would be in the same class as him. Unlike his reaction, Ochako was excited to see another familiar face and run toward him.

"That curly green hair... You're the plain-looking one".One small curse left Shiki's lips, though it was hilarious seeing his reaction "You passed as Present-Mic said. Of course you passed your punch was incredible" Shiki saw the greenate's eyes linger on his sister as he tried to form words, he went between them and looked the greenate straight in the eyes, as his overprotective big brother sense activated. The boy seemed to cower in his intense starring. Ochako as discreet as possible put a little pressure on his hand, knowing very well of his fierce protective side, and signaling him to introduce himself.

"Shiki Tsukiyama, her brother" His frown got a little bit deeper, ignoring all the staring from the rest of the class as well as his sister's facepalm.

"Um, right..." he trailed off then seemingly remembering something "I-I only p-passed because of what you said to present mic..." he stumbled with his words.

"Huh? How do you know about that?" She asked poking her head behind Shiki, signaling him to move aside. He did with some reluctance. As the two kept talking he scanned the rest of the classroom and examined the people within. He saw her before he felt her poking him gently.

"I don't know if you remember me from the entrance exam, I just wanted to thank you for saving me," the floating clothes told him as she bowed.

"I remember you. There's no reason for you to thank me after all isn't that what heroes suppose to do?"

"Yes, but you were the only one that helped, that noticed me," she said the last part in a hushed voice, still Skiki was able to pick it up. "Anyway, you were so cool out there. It was incredible"

"It was Manly," Said a red-haired boy, at Shiki's raised eyebrow the boy went on ahead to introduce himself. "Enjiro Kirishima, I was in your battle center, at one point we worked together though my hair was black" As he introduced himself he also displayed his quirk.

"I remember," He said glancing at the green-haired girl that was also in his battle center, then his eyes moved to the yellow human caterpillar behind his sister, catching the man's eyes.

"I wonder what our teachers will be like" he heard his sister say.

"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends," The man said making the three standing in the entrance freeze up in shock"This is the hero course" He sipped what he thougit was coffee, or at least hoped it was, the man seemed like he needed it. "Okay, it took you eight seconds before you get quiet. Time is limited, you kids aren't rational enough. I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa, nice to meet you"

Most of the students exclaimed their surprise at his introduction since he looked more like a homeless person than a teacher. He must have had a rough night or day or maybe life in general.

"It's kind of sudden but put this on and head out onto the field," He said as he passed the gym's uniform to Shiki who hadn't moved an inch and was closer to the man, he eyed it considering the fact that the man was sleeping with it before cautiously taking it.

As they headed to the changing rooms the boy with the red hair felt the need to ask him.

"Are you really going to wear that?" Shiki just shrugged not giving him a verbal answer and entered the changing room "Not much of a talker huh?" he unconsciously said out loud.

"He just needs time to adjust and open up, he's really nice once you get to know him," Ochako who was behind the other boy told him before she too went into the changing room.


"A Quirk Assessment Test?!" Again most of the students exclaimed.

"What about the entrance ceremony? the orientation?"

"If you're going to become a hero you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes. You guys have been doing these things since junior high right? Physical tests were you weren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the ministry of education is procrastinating." He turned towards Shiki. "Tsukiyama, you finished at the top of the practical exam right?" He pointedly ignored the blonde scrutinizing face. "In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"Didn't need to go to junior high, but if I had to guess it would probably be around seventy meters"

"Right, I forgot you're a special case. Anyway, try doing it with your quirk then." Aizawa said as he threw him the softball which he easily caught. Around him, he heard a few people gossip and comment on his apparent Special case. The three people that were aware of the reason didn't feel the need to clear the misunderstanding, though Ochako wanted to object she knew her brother better than anyone, creating a scene or putting more of the spotlight on him, will do more harm than good. Though, she supposed it wouldn't take Shiki a long time for him to get the spotlight solely focused on him. "You can do whatever you want as long as you're in the circle, Hurry up give it all you got" Shiki's forearms lighted up with his ether energy, making the familiar ether markings appear on his skin. Then the softball immediately shot up, soaring through the sky and making it appear as it could fly when in reality it was falling upwards. "Know your maximum first," Aizawa said as he stared into the sky along with the rest of the students. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero," He said as he showed Shiki's score to the rest of the classroom, who once again exclaimed their surprise.

"Infinity??? Are you for real" Said a blonde boy with a black lightning bolt design in his hair? As he went back to his place he took notice of the heterochromatic boy studying him, along with three other people. A tall black-haired girl with a ponytail, the sand-haired boy who once again growl at him as he studied him, and of course, the greenate crybaby, who was muttering under his breath. He let his eyes along with his mind wander on every student present. He tried to no avail to remember any possible information about them. He remembered a few quirks that he liked. The tall girl with the ponytail had a creation quirk. She could make anything she wanted as long as she knew the molecular structure. He remembered being fascinated with her quirk, because of the potential it could have in technological development, to have any desirable part to build something, with no expenses and whenever he wanted. He still finds it fascinating. Then it was the heterochromatic boy, His quirk was half fire, half ice. He always wondered how he had to regulate his body temperature, was it split like his quirk? He also knew the quirks of a few other of his classmates since he met them. Kirishima, who could harden his body, Floating clothes had invisibility, obviously, could she also create shields like the invisible woman from fantastic 4? And the green-haired girl from his center with the frog quirk.

"It looks fun? Huh" Said Aizawa with a dark tone that sent shivers down his spine. He knew that tone very well, from Kambe-Sensei. Whatever Aizawa-sensei had in store for them it wouldn't be nice. "You have three years to become heroes. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? All right, whoever comes in last place in all eight tests, will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion." His focus now completely on his sensei, trying to find the deceit but failing, he knew he wouldn't fail and he most certainly knew Ochako would be fine, but this technique it reminded him... "We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students" Removing the bangs off of his face he said with a dark grin and high amused eyes "Welcome to U.A. hero course" Yeap, that guy reminded him Kambe-Sensei, well at least he knew he wouldn't be babied.

"Last place will be expelled? but it's only the first day. No, even if it wasn't the first day of school this is still unfair" Ochako said A hand with minimal pressure on her shoulder calmed her down, easing her from her stress.

"Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. The world is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school too bad. For the next three years, U.A. will do all it can to give one hardship after another. Go beyond, plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you got." The determination in everyone's eyes was far too visible to their sensei. "Alright, the demonstration is over, the real thing begins now."

First test: 50-meter dash

Ochako touched parts of her body to lighten her weight and have a better time, while her opponent was naturally fast. After them was a blonde boy with a weird-looking belt on his waist. Apparently, his quirk was a laser and he used it, as a thruster to push himself forwards, though he made himself sick at the process, while his opponent outran him. The third pair was the sand-haired boy who used his explosion quirk to push himself forward, against the crybaby boy who didn't use his quirk, If he remembered correctly he couldn't control it yet.

"Tsukiyama, Asui you're next"

'Tsukiyama? The infinity guy that also took first place from me?' Bakugo thought as he tried to burn holes into Shiki's back with his menacing stare.

"Didn't that guy say he was Uraraka's brother? How come they have different surnames" A girl with pink skin said.

"He's my cousin and my adoptive brother" Ochako who overheard them chimed in.

"On your mark." Both Asui and Shiki got in a runner's position. "Get set." Green marks started forming on Shiki's skin, gaining his opponents' attention. "Go" Afterimages of himself in various colors formed his path before he too fall sideways towards the end line. "1,5 seconds, 5.58 seconds"

"He's faster than me? I did not expect to see someone with speed above mine," Ida thought while at the same time he tried to analyze Shiki, before deciding to try and talk to him.

"Hello, my name is Tenya Ida, from Summei Junior high" Shiki just raised his eyebrow. 'The stick in his ass from the exam orientation?' Shiki thought.

"Shiki" He simply said, he preferred people calling him by his first name, a habit he had from his first life since he lived in America and everyone referred to him as Katsuki... wait wasn't there a guy that had the same name as he did before? he eyed the sand-colored teen. 'The green haired's crush'

"Your time was incredible, my quirk is a speed type yet your time was far more impressive than mine. If I may ask what is your quirk?"

"You'll have to figure it out" He replied, he didn't like sharing information about his quirks. Besides, his Satan Gravity was more or less obvious. His attention was on the students that were currently running.

"Excuse me, but I am a very blunt person," said a monotone voice on his left. He only glanced at his temporary opponent with the frog quirk, before he averted his eyes to the next pair of students that were getting ready to run. Even so, he made it obvious that she had his attention. "From what I've seen in the battle center I would guess is gravity manipulation"

"Indeed," He told her.

"No wonder you are so powerful, that's like one of the fundamental forces," Said the floating clothes. Damn, he really needed to learn her name.

"Floating clothes" He addressed her, acknowledging her presence.

"I have a name you know" she huffed.

"Which you never told me."

"Toru Hagakure," she said somewhat embarrassed.

"The marks of your quirk are beautiful" the frog girl blurted out. For a moment Shiki froze, that was a first.

"Thank you?" he said somewhat unsure.

"May I ask what the teacher meant when he said you're a special case?" the glass-wearing teen asked

"I suggest you stop burying your nose in other's people business" Irritation filled his voice, Ochako seeing his expression run to his side.

"Otōto, did you see my time? Nothing like yours but it was much better than my previous right?" She tried to avert his attention, giving at the same time the stink eye to Ida, the moment Shiki's eyes were on her though she smiled brightly. Obviously, Shiki knew what she was trying to do, and that made him smile, a tiny smile, invisible to most, but not HIS people.

Second test: Grip strength

Shiki stared at the crybaby boy that tried to concentrate on using his new quirk. His gravity couldn't do much on this occasion, so he was limited to his natural strength.

He eyed the device. The natural abilities of humans also evolved in this superhuman society, no matter if they were quirkless or not. The device read 89

Third test: Standing long jump

Just like before Shiki's quirk activated and before using it the afterimages appeared. He could fly so he just got the highest score. The blessings of flying err... Falling sideways?

Fourth test: Repeated side steps

That one was the easiest one yet. It was also hilarious as he tried to stifle in his chuckles as he watched the short guy with grape-styled hair. Until Ochako elbowed him. The unfairness of it all? She kept laughing.

Fifth test: Ball Throw

Just like him, Ochako's score in the ball throw was infinity. He said his congratulations with a double squeeze on her hand. His attention was pulled to the person who just arrived and hid poorly in the trees.

It was the crybaby's turn now, and from the looks of it, All Might was stalking him. He watched as he tried to use his quirk only for his sensei to erase it.

He saw as the green-haired teenager became determined and ended up breaking his finger in order to get an acceptable result. Creepy grin = Kambe-Sensei vibes

The rest of the tests went by in a blink of an eye. The sit-ups, the seated toe-touch, and the long-distance run. Just basic fitness tests. Tests that Aizawa-Sensei forced Midorya to take with a broken finger. Yeah, Aizawa was either Kambe's long-lost brother or Kambe himself disguised. That was not good, one Kambe was enough for the world, he was more than enough, he was too much, in Shiki's honest opinion

Shiki, ended up in first place, while the ponytail girl, Yaoyorozu Momo was in second place and third place was Todoroki Shoto. Twentieth and last place was the crybaby who had an almost panic attack before Aizawa-Sensei spoke. (A/N. Shiki replaces Rikido Sato)

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion." Again, most of the students had dumbfounded and hilarious looks on their faces. "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks". He said with his signature evil smile.

"Of course, that was a lie. It should have been obvious if you just thought it through." Said the girl with the ponytail.

"Did you know?" Ochako asked him as they started heading back.

"It wasn't a lie" At her confused expression he added "He was impressed by that wimp, and since he saw potential in him and he was last place he covered his threat by saying it was a lie. It was the truth but it could also change into a lie"

"It's only the first day but things are so much different than before. It's exciting"

"Yeah, it really is"