
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 4: Hamon and first contact with Momo Yaoyorozu.

For more than two full years, Emilia has been training and being trained, her body broken and repaired countless times, her mind strengthened and her will hardened to an incredible degree.

But not only did she have to train, she also had to be educated, and although she could not become a scholar, she could at least hold her own in the academic field in the future.

She didn't have many hobbies apart from wandering around the Internet, her strict life was busy enough that she didn't have much interest in other activities, but she loved watching videos on the Internet, she even thought about uploading her own videos several times.

Because of her interesting ideas about her training, her mother had started to listen to her more about some simple things, and so after a year of training to finally reach the first realm of refinement, she gave her mother a huge document called "Assumptions about Breathing Techniques and Ideal Partners".

This led to one of the most serious conversations she had ever had with her mother.

"Little Emilia, how did you come up with this? And where did you get these names and why are you helping this idiot?" although the beginning of her words sounded sweet, the coldness and contempt contained in her last question chilled Emilia's back.

The girl knew she could not lie to her mother, no, her mother was an expert liar and manipulator, how could a child lie to her face?

"It was said that long ago, in the time before the quirks, there were people who trained their bodies and used breathing to regulate them. If their experience allowed them to discover certain breathing patterns that benefited them in the long run, why not use a supercomputer to simulate millions of breathing patterns and pick a few?

One would be for people in general, which when done would allow them to relax, maintain their optimal health, enter a state of calm, and improve their stamina. Then the other one is for business, although I doubt that you can unleash your potential without a special body, but there are always people with special bodies in the world.

This breathing pattern, which we will call Hamon, as the document I sent you says, would give its user certain special abilities that I have invented. Even the techniques it can use I have thought of and written down.

I want the colony to advertise this 'secret breathing pattern' to the world, announcing that only a few can get the real benefits. Many won't care too much because of the small number of people who achieve it, but when they see someone who does, there won't be so much amazement.

I will teach Midoriya Izuku to breathe properly, because he is a person without quirk who wants to be a hero. Mom, I know it sounds stupid to you and I shouldn't limit myself to such low people, but Mom, this child has the will to go forward. He did that complicated yoga you asked me to do when she was younger, and he didn't waver, even though it caused him a lot of pain.

Her mother has sent me videos of up to four hours of this child just meditating. Don't you think I should encourage the growth of a person who has chosen to become stronger, even though she doesn't have the same advantages as others?

And as for the other names... they are other children that I have been looking for but have not found, I want to do that and form a small group with them and strengthen them and bring them forward.

Mother, you want me to become a higher being, but even higher beings will be lonely at the top, even higher beings want to have people by their side. Just like you are a higher being and you have Daddy by your side.

At the end of her long speech, Emilia collapsed in the dining room chair where she was sitting, not only was she exhausted and thirsty, but she kept staring into her mother's eyes to convey her desire and will, only then could she convince her.

Even if she didn't explain where she got the names or strange ideas like the Hamon, her mother wouldn't focus on that, her mother only wanted to see the determination in her daughter, nothing else. What if one day Emilia wanted to destroy the world? Her mother already had several plans and even prototypes of things that could help her daughter achieve that, as long as it was Emilia's will.

The woman looked into her little Emilia's eyes and felt her desire, her will and her determination, pride flooded her body as a terrifying smile appeared on her face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"Selene started laughing, that was her daughter, with incredible ideas, strange things often happened, like helping a useless Quirkless, or wanting to get a group of strangers on her team, or even the daughter of the Yaoyorozu.

Only his amazing daughter would do amazing things for everyone else! Her laughter frightened Emilia's invisible father, who only kept his head down while eating, but it also infected his daughter, who relaxed and began to laugh with her from the bottom of her heart, knowing that her mother would agree to his strange request.

"FINE, I WILL MOBILIZE THE RESOURCES OF THE SUPERCOMPUTER AND SEARCH FOR YOUR FUTURE PARTNERS! But, dear daughter, your training must be twice, three times as much as theirs, you must remain superior, always on top, on top. Do you understand that now you will suffer until your body is dust, you will be on the verge of madness, and you will constantly feel the breath of death and desolation upon you?"

With his characteristic horror-movie smile, he told his frightened daughter all about his expectations for the future. Luckily for them, this madness factor seems to be hereditary, and their daughter shivered with excitement.


It took Selene only a year to receive the two breathing patterns, collectively known as Hamon. The first was heralded as "an ancient miracle brought into the modern age by the Martians," which was well received by many people, rich old men, heroes, villains, researchers, and even office workers.

They used Hamon to stay healthy, improve their performance, and get proper rest. However, no one was able to trigger the "special" effect of this breathing method, except for a quirky boy in Japan with a peculiar seaweed hair.

As a result, Izuku received less harassment; he was even recognized as a genius by Selene Reinhart, the creator of Hamon! Even Bakugo no longer called Deku useless, at least not as often as before.

But what is Hamon? At first glance it seems to be a normal martial arts breathing technique, it is not uncommon and there are many of them. Today many athletes use it to improve their endurance.

But the Hamon is different, although it comes from an anime and manga series, its operation is 'logical', at least according to its rules and the rules of the fictional world.

By breathing, a person can create ripples of energy that spread from the bloodstream to the rest of the body, exiting through the limbs and other objects in contact with it. Hamon has the ability to manifest as sparks, similar to electricity, that can be seen by other people.

It has healing, empowering, rejuvenating and strange applications. A person can even walk on water or create a hovercraft out of tree leaves. Even soap bubbles can be used as sharp blades and lenses that concentrate sunlight into a point.

When Izuku turned eight years old, a package arrived at his home containing not only a detailed manual on how to train and use the Hamon, but also techniques and a mask to help him forcibly regulate his breathing.

"Mom, I got what Emilia-chan promised me, she said that with this I can become a real hero!" Izuku ran to his mother, jumping up and down and showing her the open box that contained what would propel him and his unknown companions to the top.

"Very good Izuku, but you have to put in a lot of hard work and dedication, you can't throw away all the effort Miss Reinhart put into you," Inko said, stroking her son's hair with a happy smile on her face.

She never thought that two years later, she would see the true hope of her son fulfilling his dreams, although she was worried about the future dangers Izuku would face, she knew well that with Emilia's help, her son would not only be strong, but also safe.


"This is our greenhouse, here we grow the modified varieties of the typical fruits, vegetables and greens of the land, making them bigger and fresher," Selene said while pointing with one hand to a huge plot of land full of greenery that was occasionally watered by some machines.

Next to her was Emilia, who looked curiously at the family of three that accompanied them, but she was more focused on the little girl who was looking with wide eyes at an apple the size of her head in the distance.

'Oh, when I asked my mother to put me in touch with some children, I didn't think she would bring one here, but I guess it's possible if you have Yaoyorozu in your last name' Emilia thought as she looked at little Momo Yaoyorozu.

Now she was just a tender little girl with black hair pulled back in a ponytail, looking fascinated at the various huge Mars brand fruits, not the girl with incredible attributes in the future.

But what is Momo doing with her parents on the Mars colony Olympus? Well, the ancestors of the Yaoyorozu family could be considered the first natives of Mars. Although the generation before Momo grew up entirely on Earth, support for the colony has never waned.

So they took their daughter to find her roots, as strange as that may sound. After a tour of the huge Martian colony and seeing super awesome things like a cow the size of a house or newly hatched little dinosaurs, they returned to the Reinhart house.

"Daughter, why don't you take little Momo to your room?" suggested Selene, supported by the Yaoyorozu.

And there they stood, in awkward silence, as Emilia searched for something to say to an 8-year-old girl she wasn't supposed to know.

'Being little again is a bit too exhausting' Emilia concluded after a sigh, but then she came up with a topic that could easily break the ice.

"Momo, what do you think about heroes?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts