
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 22: Date between Emilia and Mina.

Sorry for the delay and the shortness of this chapter, these days have been hectic. I had a date, I chose subjects for my new semester in college, adult stuff(?) Enjoy this chapter full of love~.


Emilia was sitting on a public bench near a small park where some children were playing, her nervous expression and her eyes constantly glued to a holographic screen showed how tense the situation was.

But what had turned our fighter blonde into a nervous wreck? Quite simply, she had asked Mina out on a date. At the time, the situation was perfect; the pink girl had complained that she was a little tense about the upcoming exam she was about to take, and what better way to relieve the tension than to go for a walk and find something fun to do?

In an act worthy of teenage impulsiveness, Emilia asked Mina out in front of her friends, earning surprised and teasing looks from her friends, even Izuku gave her a thumbs up as a sign of respect and approval.

Here she was, nervously waiting for her date to arrive, not noticing that her friends were watching her in the distance.

"Hey, she seemed very confident when he invited her, and now..." commented Ochaco as he pointed to the nervous Emilia in the distance.

"She looks like a scared hamster," Jin scoffed.

"She overestimated herself," Jiro said.

"Impulsivity caused by raging hormones," Momo added, shaking her head gently.

'Should I ask Ochaco out on a date,' Izuku thought, it was something he had been thinking about ever since he saw Emilia ask Mina out.

After a few minutes, Mina arrived and sat down next to Emilia, the girl wore a blue tank top and white shorts, while Emilia wore a white top with a black jacket over it and jeans with small rips.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting," Mina apologized a little nervously.

"Don't worry, I just got here," Emilia lied, she had been waiting for almost half an hour, but she didn't want to tell Mina that.

"Phew, that's good, do you want to go somewhere? Oh yeah, that you hardly know the city..." Mina mumbled her last sentence, the nervousness of the situation was getting to her a bit.

While Emilia was also nervous, she tried to maintain a facade of calmness as she made several suggestions to Mina.

"We can go to an arcade; I don't know why they're so popular again. Or we can get an ice cream, or a pizza, or..." as she threw out one idea after another, Emilia soon realized that she was talking too much.

Soon there was silence, but then both girls started to giggle without knowing why.

"Seriously, how long have you been waiting? You're more nervous than I am," Mina claimed curiously, but with a small smile on her face.

"Well, I've been waiting for almost half an hour, but that's because I'm super nervous, my hands are shaking and I can feel my stomach turning. I'm also excited, I've been wanting to go out with you for so long," shaking her shoulders and sighing, Emilia just decided to be honest with the girl in front of her.

"You don't have to be nervous, we just have to act like we always do and do activities that any pair of friends would do, with the detail that we're not that close friends~" the pink girl finished with a teasing tone while she subtly placed her index finger on her lip.

Understanding the reference, Emilia's cheeks blushed a little as she remembered the times she had awkwardly made out with Mina and how unreal the current moment felt.

Something inside her was afraid, how could a girl like her be afraid? It was because she didn't want to simply realize that the now she was living in was unreal, a dream or an illusion.

There she was, sitting next to the person she loved, close enough to smell her scent, hear her breathing, and notice everything deep inside the girl. He loved her, not because she was his waifu before his reincarnation or anything like that, he had known her for years and developed real feelings for her.

Not knowing if it was her own decision or her teenage hormones acting up, she walked up to Mina and gave her a kiss on the lips; her eyes closed, her chest heaving and her head foggy, she felt herself in the air.

Soon she felt Mina return the kiss, they both placed their hands on each other, pulling their bodies close enough to share the heat that burned inside them. No matter the time, no matter the place, there was just them.

Emilia understood right away. It wasn't the date that mattered, it was her, Mina Ashido. He would even go to a garbage dump if he was accompanied by this girl. And remembering the dangers of this world that surpassed the original, she felt that she was no longer just fighting to reach the top, but to protect.

The girls just walked through different places together, talking and sharing what they saw or their own things. It was an incredible day for them, one they would remember forever.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts