
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 19: Two Years Later.

It had been two years since then, Emilia had intensified, but instead of focusing on her physical improvement, she wanted to improve her fighting skills and techniques.

She realized how hard she had worked this year when she looked at herself naked in a huge mirror. She saw the countless scars on her body that her mother had made sure were not erased because she was "no longer a child" and it was not necessary to have flawless skin.

Only the wounds on her face were gone, because Selene might be a cruel mother and an obviously crazy trainer, but she was a woman who appreciated beauty, and she didn't want her daughter's pretty face to be ruined by scars.

Talking about Emilia's physical changes, we can notice that her height had grown to about 1.73 meters. Her body was outlined with muscles, she did not have a bulky figure, but rather an athletic one. Her blonde hair had grown to reach her lower back, her blue eyes shone calmly, and her whole body exuded a very strong, confident aura.

If we leave out the scars on almost her entire body, we can say that she was a barely blossoming beauty, although she was annoyed that her chest area had developed too much for her liking, reaching a D cup. Other than that, we can say that the rest of her body was where it should be, with a body that was pleasing to the eye due to her training and good nutrition.

Her friends had not been left behind either, all of them had not only grown in this time, they had also become stronger and it was only a matter of time before they would shine in the future events that would befall this world.

Now, Emilia had followed her mother into a room full of other people from the colony, all wearing white coats and looking very busy taking care of their things. They just looked at Emilia and bowed slightly before going about their business.

"Mom. Can this machine really fully evaluate me?" asked Emilia, looking at a strange human-sized capsule with a glass hatch, similar to the cryogenic chambers in the movies.

"Yes, I managed to finish it a while ago and it has been tested, now come inside and let's see your progress and the state of your body. Think of it as a review of your body on a deep level," Selene replied with a smile in her eyes as she watched her daughter enter the machine.

[Body Analysis Camera 1.3]

[Beginning analysis of subject]

[Scanning outside of subject]

[Scanning inside subject]

[Cellular level analysis beginning]

[Brain Analysis Beginning]

[Collect all available body information] [Collect all available body information]

[Offer in-depth diagnosis of subject]

[Subject's name: Emilia Reinhart]

[Age: 15 years old]

[Life Expectancy: 150 Years]

[Status: Healthy, pubertal stage]

[Height: 173 cm]

[Quirk Name: Cursed Shadow] [Type: Mutant/Emitter

[Type: Mutant/Emitter]

[Physical Stats: Strength 5. Stamina 6. Reflexes 5. Flexibility 4. Agility 4].

[Mental Stats: Mental Strength 6. Thought Speed 6. Reaction Speed 5. Mental Endurance 5. Control 6.]

[Total: 52]

[Average: 5.2-A]

[The levels are calculated as follows: 1-E, 2-D, 3-C, 4-B, 5-A, 6-S. *]

[Emotional state: Infatuation. Several hormones related to love, good mood, happiness and pleasure are detected in the subject's body].

[No residues of drugs, enhancers, psychoactive substances, and stimulants are detected in the subject's body.]

[General condition: Subject is in optimal condition, but superfoods are recommended to supplement nutritional needs].

"Wow, my little sprout has really grown," Selene falsely wiped away tears as she looked at her daughter's data, while Emilia stepped out of the machine, feeling uncomfortable.

She had felt the excessive scanning the machine had done on her due to her high level of Mental Power, it's a passive ability that every person with a lot of Mental Power gets, as well as sensing other people's stares, hostility, murderous intentions, some simple emotions, among other things. Mental energy certainly had many uses, but she could not use all of them because special conditions were required.

She could not emit murderous intent, at least not a really powerful and bloody one, all because she had never killed a person, and she could not emit mental pressure because she did not have much combat experience. However, she could radiate her confidence, pride, and fighting spirit.

She's also tried to train herself not to allow her mind to reveal itself so freely, which, along with brainstorming with her friends and her mother's help to find a way to avoid mental intrusion and manipulation, led her to create such a technique, which is why her mental resistance stat is so high.

Emilia took a clear look at her status, paying attention to her stats and the fact that even the machine could indicate that she was in love with a person, which certainly showed how thorough her scan was.

"I see all this and I feel naked," Emilia complained, looking at a full body slide of her, but without any skin, just showing her true 'insides'.

"It's the result of a lot of work, my dear. They used to have to strip naked, and the early prototypes even stuck needles into the subject's body," Emilia said, ignoring her daughter's somewhat stunned expression.

"Mom, did this thing kill anyone?" asked Emilia curiously.

"No, but when the beam we used for scanning malfunctioned and blinded a poor bastard, we had to say goodbye to him," hearing the coldness of her mother's tone, Emilia knew she had to stop answering, she understood what she meant by 'goodbye'.

"Hey mom, I'm moving to the country soon, will you miss me?" deciding it was better to forget the past, Emilia decided to act like a baby and clung to one of her mother's arms, making little eyes at her and talking very high pitched.

"Oh my darling, of course I'll miss you, so I'll keep an eye on EVERYTHING you do on Earth. But don't worry, I don't mind you 'playing' with that pink girl, I had my wild years too," not quite catching her mother's strange reference to her youth, Emilia was embarrassed that her mother planned to watch her, but she didn't complain.

Maybe she would have been upset before, but after growing up with a woman like Selene for fifteen years, not counting genetic factors, much of her mother's way of thinking and seeing things had stuck with her. Whether she knew it or not, she had learned many things from her mother and made them her own, with her different way of being.

But she was still her daughter, so was it wrong that Selene was literally under surveillance and had no privacy? No, she had been living like this since she was a baby, her shame was more in the fact that her mother would probably see her making out with Mina and if it went any further... but proving once again that like crazy mother, like crazy daughter, she found it more exciting.

"I'll show you how hard I'm going to kick ass on earth! There's a certain blonde with red eyes and exploding hands that I really want to beat the shit out of!" declared Emilia, unashamedly displaying her thirst for battle.

Selene saw that her daughter had a strong urge to fight, so she typed a quick message on the holographic screen that gushed from a white wristband she was wearing. After receiving a reply, she looked at her daughter with a macabre smile on her face.

"Do you want to fight an army of killer robots?"


*: Taken from official statistics, modified in my own way to fit this world. These statistics are only meant to quantitatively highlight aspects of a person; calculating the threat level is another matter, which will be better explained in the future with a demonstration of Midoriya Izuku's skills.

These stats are for reference only, it doesn't mean that having a high strength level makes you more powerful than a person with a quirk that increases strength, nor does having high numbers make you stronger, everything has its limits and it all depends on how you use what you have, a person with low stats can beat another person. Having similar numbers does not make them equal in power either, it is more to show their outstanding aspects.

These stats are individual. Endeavor may have a Strength stat of 5, but that doesn't mean he has the same strength as a Strength-based Quirk user with a Strength stat of 5.

The stats given in the wiki or other information sources are not followed, they are just used for reference, but will look completely different.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts