
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 17: Return to Mars.

Emilia looked boredly outside, just observing the emptiness of space while she sighing as she remembered what had happened a few hours ago.

It was already the day she had to leave, during her stay on Earth she had had a good time with her friends, visiting emblematic or touristic places in Japan, going to amusement parks or attending some festival.

She had his communication device full of photos taken to preserve the best moments, as well as videos that portrayed how much he enjoyed himself.

What was special about all this was the progress of his relationship with Mina, they were not a couple or anything like that, they just shook hands a lot more, sat together and sometimes joked with each other.

Obviously, their friends noticed this strange behavior between them, and seeing how Izuku and Ochaco behaved similarly, they assumed that there was something going on between them, but they didn't mention it and took it in stride.

It was the future, it wasn't unusual to see same-sex couples hanging around, and since they knew beforehand that Emilia had feelings for Mina, they weren't too surprised.

How did her friends know that he was interested in Mina? It was easy, Emilia wasn't someone who was very subtle, to say the least, and the only person who found out about all this late was Mina, whose cheerful and outgoing personality simply didn't notice these details until she thought about it.

Why mention all this? Well, because before boarding the ship that would take her to Mars, Emilia was bid farewell by her friends.

"Are you really coming next year?" asked Ochaco as he hugged Emilia tightly.

"Yes, my mother wants me to adapt to the country and the environment here, she said she doesn't want her daughter to look like a peasant who's never been to the city," Emilia replied with a joking tone.

"That's good, although I will need more details about when you will come and how long you will stay, because..." although Momo was very different from the original work, her diligence always remained and even seemed to increase as she took over many of the activities of her group of friends.

"When you come back, we'll be stronger," Izuku explained, causing Jin beside him to snort.

Jin had always wanted to fight Emilia, but she always told him that she wanted to enjoy her vacation and ignored him, which annoyed our purple fur a lot.

"Next year I want a duel, and there will be no excuses," Jin declared, unleashing her lust for ruthless combat.

"Oh no, now you can't deny that you're a battle junkie," Jiro joked, pointing at Jin with a holographic screen that had previously recorded her words without her noticing.

While everyone talked, Mina remained silent with a smile on her face, watching the group's interactions with excited eyes, although inside she felt a little sad about her friend's departure, she was happy that the atmosphere had not become heavy because of this event.

A few minutes before Emilia could leave, she rushed over to the pink girl and hugged her tightly. Understanding that they needed a private setting, the rest of their friends left, but not before dedicating teasing whistles to them. Embarrassed by the situation, both girls blushed, but barely put any distance between them, staring into each other's eyes.

'Say something,' both girls thought, deciding to break the silence.

"I-I want you to..." realizing that they were both talking at the same time, they stopped what they were trying to say.

They fell silent again, as if waiting for the other to speak, but when they realized that things weren't going to go anywhere if they continued, they both came up with the same idea.

As if in sync, they embraced, pressing their faces together and placing a soft kiss on each other's lips. It was just that, a simple kiss, but it seemed as if time stood still for both of them.

There was nothing sophisticated or exciting about it, but the simple touch of their lips made Emilia and Mina feel elated. They could feel each other's softness, taste and wetness, it seemed they had tasted the best the world had to offer.

This contact did not last long, but the memory was burned into their minds, the aftertaste in their mouths and the feeling of warmth in their hearts. They said nothing, they had already said everything they wanted to say with the previous kiss. They didn't even need another one, one would be enough until they saw each other again in a year's time.

Separating herself from her memories, Emilia walked to the bed in her room. It was a simple cabin, though it looked cool and comfortable, which was one of the advantages of having a private spaceship in the family.

She decided to sleep for the rest of the trip, knowing that what awaited her upon her return would be more brutal training to improve herself.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Is a short chapter, but is a transition one!

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts