
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 16: Duel between Emilia and Jin.

Emilia and Jin were in a large training room, surrounded by various pieces of equipment such as weights, treadmills, and so on.

The two girls were in a secluded area, it was a circle drawn on the floor with white paint and it was big enough for them to fight without worrying too much.

Both were about 10 meters away from each other, Emilia was wearing a white flannel and red shorts, besides her bare hands and skin showing her special dark coloring.

Jin, on the other hand, was wearing a simple black top and white gym shorts, holding a pair of red mixed martial arts gloves with some fuchsia detailing.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," Jin said, taking an initial stance similar to Juri Han's, both hands raised and slightly closed, her torso leaning back a bit as she lifted her right leg, but without bending it completely.

"Honestly, you know I'm going to crush you, right?" replied Emilia with a teasing question, adopting a simple and open stance, basically standing without any preparation.

Her friends stood at a distance, not only to watch, but also to protect themselves from further devastation. The fight could be carried out with the full power of the girls because they had a healer par excellence, Izuku and his Hamon could even heal their broken bones in a few seconds.

There was silence between the fighters, they hardly moved, looking for an opportunity to attack; although Emilia's stance was sloppy and had many openings, Jin could not think of anyone who had a similar style, a red-haired ogre from another universe who was considered to be the most powerful living being.

Jin knew that Emilia was physically strong, possibly more than all of them together, so he had to be careful and proceed cautiously, especially since he knew that Emilia's fists and feet were quite tough.

Then, as if it was a signal they both received, the two girls rushed at each other, quickly closing the distance between them to make contact. Jin began with a swift kick to Emilia's torso, who blocked it using her left arm as a shield.

The clash of forces sent Jin back several steps, but Emilia only took two steps back before lunging at Jin, moving her body and channeling all her energy into a hard left that hit the girl's stomach and sent her flying a few feet.

But before Emilia could get close to her, Jin managed to spin in the air and fall to the ground, rolling a bit and then catching up.

"You really hit hard!" the purple-haired girl complained, annoyed that the difference in strength she had failed to calculate before had caused her to take so much damage at the beginning of the fight.

"The black skin on my hands and legs feels soft, but it's incredibly hard. I've noticed that the growth on my elbows and knees has already stopped, which means that only those areas are 'protected' so to speak," Emilia didn't mind saying this because it was information they already knew, except that her skin had stopped changing recently.

Knowing that there was no more time for small talk, they both went back to fighting, this time Jin being more cautious and taking into account the reaction of the difference in strength with Emilia, starting a show of skill between them.

For every medium, low or high kick, Emilia always used her limbs to defend herself and then counterattack, and although Jin dodged or defended, she took damage. But she also managed to hit Emilia several times with her superior speed and agility.

They continued in this simple back and forth until they began to use more serious techniques, as if what had happened before was just a warm-up. The realms of refinement that Emilia had trained so much in were no joke, as she was very advanced in the second level, she could see Jin's movements and act accordingly, and she could even see several future moves and find several counterattacks.

So when she saw Jin in the air, spinning around to gain momentum before launching a kick filled with red energy, she already knew what to do, so she took several steps to the side and attacked her newly fallen enemy with her outstretched hand.

As if his hand was a claw, his attack mercilessly struck Jin's torso, then made a quick sweeping motion, tearing not only his top, but also five layers of blood on his opponent's body.

Jin had also trained in the realms of refinement, but she had just started at the second level, so she could only notice Emilia's actions, but she was not yet at the level to anticipate multiple attacks, so she was injured in this way.

There is a certain aspect here that was not mentioned, but it is key: Emilia was brutally trained by her mother, and although she does not have the fighting experience that Jin has, the very high quality of her training compensated for this disadvantage.

Although the damage seemed to be painful, Jin couldn't help but smile, the pain only made her want to fight Emilia even more, she could do it without any restrictions and without having to follow stupid rules like in the tournaments she was going to, that made her very excited.

Knowing that her opponent could anticipate her attacks, she decided to use her experience, she knew that was Emilia's weak point, so she started her attacks again. No matter how much Emilia watched her moves and calculated future ones, she couldn't avoid them all, especially when some of them seemed to be random, as if they were filling space.

The tables were turned when Jin jumped into the air, spun around and then connected with a kick imbued with red energy to Emilia's nose, breaking it and sending her flying a few meters.

The blonde girl didn't complain, simply squeezing out her blood and ignoring the loss of blood as she continued the fight, this time with softer moves, but full of brutality. She used her claws to claw at Jin's body or her fists to strike at her in an equal exchange of blows.

Soon both of them were filled with bruises and cuts, but it had hardly changed the rhythm of their breathing. Emilia planted her feet firmly on the ground and then lunged at Jin, who at first thought it would be a normal exchange until she felt a strong shiver run down her back.

She knew it was her sense of danger warning her, so without thinking, her left eye spiraled and glowed bright red as she quickly jumped backwards. Emilia had delivered a downward slash that hit the ground, creating a small hole.

Emilia had concentrated all of her power into that attack, and had she not held back, we would have seen a scene similar to Tsunade's power in Naruto, to give you a visual idea.

This gave Jin the signal that things were getting serious, so he covered his body with red energy and a smile appeared on his face. Now you might ask, why doesn't Emilia use her quirk?

This is a duel, so while you can do things like break bones and make deep cuts, it's not like you're going to kill each other. Emilia's quirk would end things very quickly since it would be a 2vs1, plus her shadow was twice as strong and it didn't make sense to waste an even fight like that.

Jin made a gesture that any Street Fighter player would recognize, then she channeled her energy, creating a red ball that pulsed with power. And since we don't call out attacks here, you could only watch as it quickly traveled towards Emilia.

Emilia kicked hard, deflecting the attack towards the ceiling, and soon there was the sound of a small explosion and the impact. Momo and her friends looked up to see the hole that showed the blue sky outside.

Still with her leg raised, Emilia quickly brought it down, stopping Jin's foot and creating a collision that sent gusts of wind. An armored foot against a foot covered in a crimson glow, both quickly lowered their limbs to quickly attack each other.

They clashed between punches and kicks, although Emilia was slower, she was able to defend herself against the faster and more numerous attacks of Jin, who was in her enhanced mode due to her quirk.

This time there was a really powerful and merciless clash, sometimes Jin hit Emilia's face, leaving it full of cuts and a closed eyelid, but she was not the only one damaged.

Emilia's fists and claws, as well as her occasional ones, had left deep cuts and terrible bruises on Jin's body, but even with so much damage, neither gave up, and although Jin looked more injured, both knew that the other had suffered equal damage.

This was evidenced by the fact that both of their clothes had been torn to shreds, leaving only tattered, blood-stained rags, and although Jin preferred to attack Emilia's head, the rest of her body was not spared.

But things were about to end when Jin felt that his breathing was getting heavy, the improvement his quirk gave him was about to end, but he didn't want to just lose like that, he wanted to give it his all, not just fall down from exhaustion.

Then he was hit in the side by a strong kick from Emilia that clearly broke one or two of his ribs. He flew some distance before stopping and sitting up, wincing in pain.

"I don't have much time left, so I'm going to give it my all in this final attack," Jin made his intentions clear, taking a deep breath before grimacing in pain at the damage to his body.

'She's a monster,' the girl thought to herself as she saw Emilia barely reacting to the physical damage she had inflicted on her, but she soon focused on her own.

All the red energy traveled to her right leg, turning it a deep red, similar to the blood dripping from her body. This took her time as it was not an attack she had mastered yet, but Emilia did not choose to interrupt her.

"Well, I've given this attack a special name, it's called Bloody Kick," Jin said, mocking her style, then quickly propelled himself towards Emilia.

Before reaching his opponent, Jin jumped and spun several times to gain momentum and quickly descended with a powerful kick.

Emilia did not try to move, it seemed that this attack had the peculiarity of restraining her opponent, so it could only be defended or blocked, and Emilia did not want to just block.

"Then I will hit you with my only named attack," Emilia replied, tensing her body completely, using every muscle in her body, and using the complete control of her body to transfer the power generated by her body completely to her right arm.

Izuku, who watched from a distance with his green glowing eyes, saw how Jin and Emilia's threat level seemed to have increased in that instant, and knew that his ability could not see everything before it presented itself.

"To think that their abilities are so high... I have to keep training, I have to get over myself and access the true power of the Hamon I saw in my mind," Izuku whispered, amazed at the display of power he was about to see.

"Bloody Kick!"

"Black Punch!"

They both shouted as their attacks collided, the air seemed to be expelled from the area of impact, the sound of the blow was like a rumble and the bodies of both girls came crashing out.

Emilia spit blood, her arm was broken, even her fingers were broken, causing her terrible pain, she never thought she would not get used to the pain coming from her fingers, which made her make a mental note for future training.

The reason for her spitting blood worthy of a Chinese novel was not only the fact that she had overstretched her body by using all her muscles to their maximum, but also the force of the impact her body received from her and her friend's attack.

Her organs were shaken, several ribs were broken, her toes were also broken, and her shoulder was shattered.

Jin's leg was broken, her organs were also shattered, more broken ribs were added to the previous one, and due to the tension caused by her spinning in the air, she had also injured her neck. His head was fractured and gushing blood from the fall. Not only that, the exhaustion caused by the activation of her quirk was terrible, and although it was not as incapacitating as before, due to the current circumstances, it was the last straw before she passed out.

Emilia could barely move, and as she lay on the ground, she realized she had won when she saw Jin fall.

"Looks like I didn't suffer as much as she did, but ROB knows that, her energy imbued attacks do terrible internal damage and even protect me, if it wasn't for the lack of stamina and her low level compared to mine in the refining realms, I would have lost," the girl mused quietly as she watched Izuku heal Jin.

She knew that if Jin improved in not getting so deeply exhausted due to the activation of her quirk, even if there was the short time disadvantage, she would be incredibly strong, which added to the kick capable of locking her enemy would make her a formidable opponent.

"If Jin improves the speed of her last attack, it will be terrible," said Izuku, who seemed to have heard Emilia talking.

The boy began to heal his friend with his Hamon, keeping silent so that Emilia could fully absorb the outcome of this fight. She knew that both girls would improve, that their powerful attacks would become more refined and skillful, making them incredibly dangerous in battle.

But not only Emilia and Jin gained a lot from their fight, the spectators did as well, they could see a clear path for them, knowing that they would soon be so strong and much more, they couldn't let their friends get ahead of them.

'What an amazing duel, I want to have another one soon,' Emilia and Jin, who were completely healed and partially naked, thought as they sat together on the ground with their heads down, reflecting on their previous fight, something that will soon become a habit for everyone.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

What do you think about the duel?

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts