
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 14: Purification and Injection.

Izuku and Emilia were in a small, completely closed room, the room was small and there was only one source of light. In front of them, there was a table with a blue vial on it.

They had chosen this place the next day, with Momo's help it was quickly found near the village and used for the purification of the Ability Serum, as Emilia called it.

"This is the serum you need to purify with your Hamon, try to focus on the remains of consciousness and what can be negative for your body, leaving only the best," Emilia told him with a confident tone, although inside she couldn't believe how her mother, a scientist, wanted to do such a metaphysical experiment.

What if the Hamon doesn't work? Or if it does, but alters the serum, making it just a liquid without its real functions? Only a madwoman would take such risks, but remembering the various uses of Selene's quirk inspired by folklore and even fantasy novels, she admitted that her mother had reason to trust.

Izuku nodded, then reached for the vial and placed his fingers on it.

"Hamon Overdrive!" Izuku shouted and used the power of his breath with all his might, creating golden sparks with reddish tones.

The boy focused all his attention on the task before him, not only to manipulate the Hamon with extreme delicacy, but also to find out what to destroy and what not to destroy.

Then Izuku felt his vision blurring, his body losing control and although he was still producing Hamon sparks, he felt trapped and incapable. Soon, everything went dark and he felt completely disoriented.

Flashes appeared in front of him, they were strange to him as he did not understand what was happening or where he was, and with nothing to do he began to pay attention to these strange lights.

Soon he noticed that he could see something else, they were short random images of things he had seen, if he concentrated even more he could feel the emotions and sensations of those images.

They were his memories, some things he remembered and some things he had completely forgotten, like what he had for dinner two months ago. Then he realized something, it was somehow in his mind.

He didn't expect his mind to be such a strange place, but the subject of mind and consciousness is such a mysterious thing even for humanity in this age. Every new breakthrough and discovery in these areas only creates more questions and doubts, like an insatiable well that can never be filled.

"Why am I here? I was supposed to purify the 'Ability Serum' as Emilia called it," Izuku wondered as he would have any other time, only he didn't expect what happened next.

"I brought you here, boy," a female voice echoed, causing Izuku to look back and notice something, someone who wasn't supposed to be here and of whom he was completely unaware.

It was a woman with red hair, tall, beautiful facial features and a dazzling body that seemed to come from the depths of the carnal desires of every man or woman who saw it.

Izuku felt a strange urge to approach her, but managed to calm down when he realized how strange the situation was, it was not normal what he saw and felt at this moment.

"Oh my, you seem to have much more willpower than your young body would suggest~", the woman said, lengthening her words and using a sensual tone with a slow speaking pace.

"They usually see me and pounce on me, trying to tear me apart, conquer me, make me their own... but I devour them. You are the only one who has tried not to, and in fact you want to destroy me with that pesky power of yours," though the beginning of her speech may have been sensual and left little to the imagination, her last words were cold, cruel, and merciless.

"You're the remaining consciousness in the serum, aren't you?" even though he knew the answer, Izuku asked because he wanted to confirm things.

"Oh yes, I am. There's no need to deny it, even though I shouldn't exist in this serum made of the remains of the bodies I possessed, I'm here because this ability is special, unique and very precious. I cannot let you possess it.

The others who gained my other abilities only ate pieces of me, but here you have me complete and immortal, what will you do little one, will you try to eat me or run away? Either way, you won't be able to avoid merging with me, and even if you won't become a beautiful creation of mine, you will be something greater~" Her chilling words made Izuku know that he was in complete danger, he was in absolute danger and worst of all, he knew that he really couldn't defend himself.

The Hamon has metaphysical abilities, but it's not like they will be useful in his mind, but he had to try, he couldn't just fall like that, he won't run away and he won't merge in good faith. He will fight, even if in the end his mind is lost and disappears, he will fight.

No matter who stands in front of him, he will fully receive Midoriya Izuku's fighting spirit! His will seemed to harden and grow because of her determination. He looked at the floating memories and felt the despair in some of them, the desire to be a hero in others, the love, the affection, the pain, the sadness, the loneliness, the happiness, the fear, the courage.

At that moment, in that instant, as if in response to his wish, the Hamon covered Izuku's body. In his mind, this product of his breath appeared, giving him a warm feeling and nourishing his being like the sun nourishes the plants in the earth.

Then he understood something and a smile appeared on his face.

'Damn, I look like a protagonist of a shonen anime, I hope this doesn't turn into a seinen,' Izuku muttered inwardly, looking at the devilish woman with fierce eyes, a flame appeared in them as she started to walk slowly.

"Your annoying power can't help you here! It only makes me uncomfortable, it's not as useful as you think!" the woman said somewhat annoyed but even more excited when she noticed Izuku's approach.

"At another time, I would have thought that my power was growing too fast, but it's just that I already had this power since Emilia made me realize that I had earned all this with effort and sweat.

You're going to do something super cliché like possess me and be reborn, aren't you? My God, the old villains are just as bad as the new ones. But thanks to you, I understood that my friend not only wanted to nip the source of my mental weakness in the bud, but she also wanted to teach me something more fundamental.


Literally, as if a sun exploded in Izuku's mind, red sparks charged with the power of her will, determination and something more, faith, shot out of her body. These sparks covered the whole place, touching nothing but this woman, breaking the veil that covered her and revealing her true appearance.

She was a disgusting figure, covered in blood, pustules, and wounds. With exposed, brittle yellow bones protruding from her entire body, she had no eyes, only two pearls oozing black ichor.


"What an ugly woman," Izuku sighed, ignoring the tirades and insults she shouted at him, he just continued to move closer to the woman and then put his hand on her forehead.

"I always wanted to say this... destroy yourself!" with his command, all the red sparks gathered in his hand and hit the woman's body and started to react with her.

Her skin seemed to boil and dissolve, her body slowly disintegrating and her hoarse screams fading as she disappeared.

"Thank you...!" Izuku seemed to hear when it was all over and there was only him in his mind, seeing his Hamon completely red.

"I'm still too weak to withstand such power, but soon I'll be able to show half of what I'm capable of for the U.A entrance test," Izuku said only to realize that he was leaving the inside of his mind.

"This place needs improvement..." when his figure disappeared from this place, he realized that he had regained control of his body.

He still sent Hamon into the vial, but stopped when he saw that the liquid inside was now completely golden and had a consistency similar to molten metal.

"Looks like it's complete and I see we have what we need," Emilia said, reaching over and taking the vial in her hands.

She could feel a strange warmth coming from the vial and strangely enough, she could also feel a pulsation coming from it. She knew that he wasn't alive or anything, but these signs showed how extraordinary this serum was and especially how powerful the ability it would give Izuku would be, even if she didn't know what it was.

Without delay, she prepared a special syringe, filled it completely with the serum and approached Izuku with it.

"My mother said I just have to inject this into you and then you'll know what to do next," without understanding the meaning of her mother's words, she didn't think much about it and injected the liquid directly into Izuku's neck.

Golden sparks of Hamon appeared all over Izuku's body, this time without the red trace, but the intensity of the sparks was greater than before, they seemed more concentrated.

"I think I understand... I have to use Hamon to adapt it completely to me and make it mine. It won't be a power obtained through a serum anymore, it will be MY POWER from now on," Izuku said in response to Emilia, noticing that she didn't quite understand her mother's intention.

'Mrs. Reinhart is really scary,' Izuku thought, realizing that this woman probably already expected her to meet the consciousness of the swarm and didn't really care if she could get out of this trouble or not.

In a way, Izuku was right. What Selene wanted was to test Izuku's will and determination once and for all. She wasn't going to let her daughter just help someone without any will, she wanted to see if Izuku was worthy with this event, which she personally called 'A harmless test'.

If Izuku died and was possessed by the rest of the swarm, it would prove that she didn't deserve her daughter's efforts and she might even have used the Swarm as Emilia's new partner.

But Izuku managed to overcome that and earned this new power in his own right, one similar to a quirk, in fact it was obvious that he would be listed as one in future records.

He gained the one ability that the Swarm listed as unique, special and highly prized. When the sparks disappeared from Izuku's body, he instinctively turned his gaze to Emilia.

His eyes began to glow with green light as he saw something he couldn't see before. Not only that, his mind felt lighter and his head cooler, as if he had poured cold water over it. He realized that this was an indication of a breakthrough in his mental power.

His circle of friends are familiar with mental power, an ability that all humans possess, and that those who have related quirks use incredibly well. But even ordinary people can use it, even if only to a small extent, but with hard training and meditation, they can.

The one who did it best was Emilia, followed by Jin and then Momo, then there was Ochaco, himself, Jiro, and then Mina. Although even Mina was superior to the others, she was the last in her group. An example of people who use their mental power is Endeavor, which allows him to manipulate his fire so skillfully. All Might also uses his mental power, he is not number 1 just because he is strong.

'It seems that this ability has given me more mental power, which means I can use more of it and maybe improve my training, but I don't understand what I'm seeing. No, it's something else, it feels very different. It's like an abstract vision of the danger Emilia represents.' The realization came to Izuku as he was lost in thought.

If it was the latter, and he was almost sure of it, but he still had to confirm it, then he knew why the Swarm valued this ability so much and how much it suited him.

He told Emilia this after noticing that she started to look at him strangely, which earned him a prayer from her.

"Try to quantify it and you'll be amazing."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

There is a incoming storm in my country, so if i don't post any chapter tomorrow, you know why.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts