
MHA: Cursed Shadow Hero

This is the story of a boy who dies at the hands of a powerful being who simply wanted to see him do something with his potential and reincarnate him in the MHA world, but as a girl! Follow Emilia Reinhart, a human born on Mars with a crazy mother who drives her to become a being superior to mere human heroes, a god to Earthlings! This world is an alternate version of My Hero Academia, where scientific and technological progress did not stop due to the chaotic era caused by the appearance of the quirks, giving rise to a Mars colony. The ROB modiffied this world and made it strange and complicated, so, there are a lot of diferrent things. This Fanfic doesn't follow the entire plot of the anime and manga of My Hero Academia, is an alternative world, too different of the main anime/manga. There are new things and new lore. Not a crack-fic. There are a second reincarnator, so the fic have tow character that reincarnates in this strange world. English is my second languaje, so, if you see any mistake, is me triying to re-write this using a translate, is a little hard to me write in english, but i will try to improve! PLUS ULTRA! Cover art created by an AI. The plot is not mine, although I modified a lot of thins of the plot, the MHA universe is not mine. I changed the tittle for a accuracy one, tell me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 13: Remnants of the Demonic Invasion.

After a good time at the beach, they all returned to Momo's village in the evening, exhausted but with smiles on their faces.

Emilia had shown them perfectly how good she looked for her age, although the trace of her muscles was hardly noticeable, her youthful figure attracted many stares, but when she told them her age, many were shocked.

Some were not, and he had to beat them until they left. The same happened to Jin and Momo, especially the latter. Although it was an awkward situation for the three of them, their friends used it to make jokes once the awkwardness passed.

They played volleyball, barbecued, swam in the sea and sunbathed on the sand, certainly having a great time and enjoying almost every moment of the day.

After an hour of grooming and changing clothes, they gathered again in the playroom, all sitting, hardly talking or moving, just hanging out.

Emilia hadn't forgotten what her mother had given her to do before she came to Earth, and she had to introduce the subject a bit before she could blurt out what she had to say. Depending on how things went later, her mother's experiment and one of her friends would have what they needed.

"Guys, would you like to hear a little true story from me?" asked Emilia, getting her friends' attention.

"Yes, I would like to hear you tell stories, you know how to make boring events interesting," Jiro quickly replied.

"Yeah, I never thought that World War I would be so funny when you tell it, of course, if we don't count the dead and stuff," Ochaco added.

So everyone settled down and waited for Emilia to start talking, curious about what part of human history she was going to talk about this time.

"This is about the 'Demonic Invasion' event. The radicals who orchestrated such an event had ideas like 'The quirks are gifts from God' or 'The age of civilization is over, it's time to return to our ancestral roots'.

They were also very anti-technology, especially technology inspired by quirks. For example, there is artificial gravity, which was achieved by deciphering the workings of artificial gravity by users of quirks that manipulate gravity.

They said that exploring their God-given gifts went against the "natural way of things. And as ironic as it sounds, it was researching a quirk of one of their members that led them to cause so much chaos," Emilia paused to take a sip of soda, then Jin took the opportunity to ask.

"Isn't that kind of hypocritical? You used the results of a quirk to tell the world that quirk-based technology research is wrong," Jin's question caused an evil grin to appear on Emilia's face.

"That's how radical ideas work, as long as they do it, it's not wrong, if others do it, it's wrong. It's like religion, haven't you seen how often they can do something but others can't? Like doing scientific research, killing others, starting wars.

This is a very simplistic and unobjective observation on my part, but what I mean is, don't think too much about the actions and motives of radical people, just think about their consequences.

The quirk used to trigger the demonic invasion was called "Mutagen", like that weird liquid from the Ninja Turtles. It was known to cause random mutations in living organisms, little things like making them hairier, giving them a different eye color, etc.

But with enough experimentation, one without morals, scruples, or judgment, what we know as "The Demonic Agent" was created. A substance of a nature that tends to corrupt living beings and cause them to undergo abnormal mutations.

In some terrible way, they managed to create different versions of this dangerous agent, some made the corrupted stronger and more durable, others made them faster, some made them develop sharp appendages to attack.

It was chaos, imagine a person with a super strength quirk being corrupted by a version of this agent that made them stronger and more resistant to damage. All hell broke loose on Earth.

Multiple attacks in many major cities around the world, it was something extremely terrible and horrible. The portals that connect the world were used to create such chaos, which is why there are no legal or public portals on Earth.

At that time, there were no heroes as we know them today, but there were heroes. Like a legend, HE appeared. A guy with a green armor, a red energy sword, and a very strong thirst for blood began to slaughter the 'demons'.

No matter if they were giants, no matter if they flew, no matter if he had to dive under the sea, HE went after them one by one. He killed so many that the demons were afraid of him. They could not speak, but when they saw him, they screamed, and humanity began to pull itself together and attack with him.

No one knows where he came from, no one knows what he looked like or what his voice sounded like, he had no name, but we all knew him as the Doom Slayer. When the threat ceased, many people, especially the governments of the world, tried to contact him, but they couldn't find him, he seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth".

At this point, Emilia went back to drinking her soda while her friends took in what she had told them. They already knew the story of the demonic invasion, but no one had told them about this supposed Doom Slayer.

"Why isn't the Doom Slayer in the textbooks?" asked Izuku confusedly.

"Right! From the way you tell it, he must have been someone super awesome," Mina added.

"And powerful, he led humanity against hordes of demons, according to the book, almost a billion people from that time were transformed and killed because humanity was unable to cure them back then. To this day, it is believed that we can prevent something like that, but not cure its effects," Momo commented, adding to the conversation.

"Too cool, I would have loved to fight alongside him," Jin said as his left eye glowed red with excitement.

"Wait, I think I heard a song based on the Doom Slayer," said Jiro, who quickly started searching a holographic screen that appeared in front of her.

Soon, a song full of horrible screams but with an incredible beat began to play in the background. It was like being transported back to the time when the Doom Slayer fought endless hordes of man-made abominations.

When the song was finished, everyone asked Jiro to transfer the song to their

song to their communication bracelets so they could enjoy it later.

"Oh yes, that's an excellent song, that artist made some more inspired by that story. You don't teach about it because you don't want to pin the whole result of the demon fight on one person.

Which seems stupid to me, look at how they praise All Might these days, but what can you do? After that, the other bio-terrorist attacks were just zombie plagues of various kinds, which do not cause much chaos, but any carelessness causes a lot of casualties.

But even in schools they teach how to kill zombies properly and even do drills in case a similar attack happens in the school. What habit," Emilia scoffed.

There would always be madmen who wanted to undermine the world, but since the big events, some of which were similar in effect to the demonic invasion, what followed were attempts that were, in her opinion, very stupid.

Some events were: The Human-Animal War, The Omnic Crisis, The 3 Villains' Reign of Terror. This last one in particular involved the three most terrifying villains of humanity after the Quirks, one of which was All For One, who caused chaos not only in Japan but all over Asia. The other two were in Europe and America.

After that, things like creating crazy machines, various zombies or city destroying villains were trifles for this current society, as Emilia said, what custom does.

Emilia looked at Izuku, her expression becoming serious as she remembered her mother's request and now had to take this difficult step. She took a deep breath and asked her friend.

"Izuku, if you could have an ability similar to a quirk, would you accept it?"

Such a sudden question surprised the group, not only that, but what it meant was even more unbelievable.

"Emilia, you..." Momo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Emilia, who raised her hand to stop her from speaking.

"Momo, let me explain, it's not what you think. After the crisis was resolved, some of the agent I mentioned before was found, and as is always the case in such situations, the governments decided not to destroy it.

It was decided to try to study it, but they soon realized something extremely terrifying: the demonic agent was not only a substance that corrupted living beings, but it destroyed their consciousness and implanted a new one. The consciousness belonged to the same person, the owner of the mutagenic defect.

No one knows how they did it, but it was something terrible, and not only that, something even more terrible happened. The few surviving demons became sentient, adding the new ones created by the researchers, it was found that this person was completely divided and somehow had contact between the pieces of his scattered consciousness.

It was as if they were forming a swarm. It was disturbing that this being called itself immortal, and the fact that each individual developed a different ability, similar to a quirk, made the situation even more dangerous.

Fortunately, it was stopped to avoid further risks. But samples of those demons with special abilities remained because they wanted to create a serum that would allow a person to acquire such abilities.

The serum exists, but those who ingest it not only acquire the ability, but also parts of the remaining personality, changing the way a person is and giving them the habits and actions of the so-called swarm.

Izuku, I asked you this question because of my mother. She thinks that even though the person's personality has left traces in the DNA that was used to make the serum, he is not alive and that your Hamon can purify him.

I didn't think it was possible before, but seeing your current ability, I think you can, especially since Hamon has such a remarkable effect on undead beings, and in the metaphysical aspect, it's a purifying ability.

"What do you think, Izuku?" although she talked a lot this time, no one decided to speak, they just looked at Izuku who was pondering.

Emilia finished her soda and paid more attention to her friend who was holding Ochaco's hand and seemed to be nervous. Everyone would be, especially him, even though he had overcome his weakness and had become strong, he still had to heal the damage inside him.

Besides, he knew that his path wasn't mediocre, not when he had friends with incredible quirks as well as incredible skills and techniques. He was just a Hamon user, a strong one, and even reached inhuman levels, but he knew that wasn't enough.

So he made a decision, he stood up and approached Emilia, bowing to her as he said in a serious voice.

"As long as I can remain human, I accept. You have helped me a lot and I don't see why you would want to hurt me. I don't know how to thank you, but I will never forget what you did for me."

Seeing Izuku bow to her made Emilia feel a little uncomfortable, but she understood why Izuku did it. She had helped him more than the others, maybe out of pity at first, but now she did it because he was her friend. She wanted her friend to have a way to be more useful to the group than a healer or a tank, she wanted him to be as necessary as the other girls. He also wanted to nip the cause of Izuku's emotional weakness in the bud.

At that moment, he remembered the words his mother had told him before he left for Earth.

"A powerful being stands alone at the top, but the most powerful one takes others with him to the top. Your determination to help your friends, especially the one without a temper, has shown me the true essence of the kind of powerful being you want to be. My child, go forth.

'To think that she would say such words, when she was younger, I remember her saying super arrogant words. But well, maybe she's improved, although she's crazier than before to suggest such an idea to me,' Emilia said to herself as a warm smile crept across her face.

Not only did Emilia grow and improve, but so did the people around her, twisting the fate of this world even more and causing ripples that would change the future beyond recognition.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

A chapter with some lore and a crazy idea~

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts