
MHA : Boost

just another mha story

xLucqs · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs


==Tatsuo POV=unknown place=

"Where Am I?" I think trying to observe my surroundings , well try to observe. Everything is just covered in darkness.

'Maybe I'm in limbo? Maybe god is busy and I'm awaiting my judgement to go to hell' I think as i picture myself in hell.

To stop myself from going insane surrounded by nothing but darkness and silence , I begin to think to myself. For some reason though , I feel sad and empty.

'My sister...is this what she would've wanted from me? To sacrifice my life by getting revenge for her? 'I begin to get more and more sad thinking about it.

'No she wouldn't , even if she died she would have wanted me to become the best person i could possibly be. After getting over the death of her I used my newfound determination to train for the sole purpose of killing and revenge. I could've used it for anything else and I tarnished my sisters wishes. I was blinded by revenge and didn't think once to what my sister would have wanted for me.'

I uncontrollably start to sob thinking of how I failed my sister , how I died for nothing and my petty revenge wasn't for her , it was for me and only me to get back at this world for taking her away.

'I'm sorry...I failed you Dad, Mom, Sister. I failed you all'

"If only I could rewrite my mistakes" I thought out loud , thinking of a miracle.

"Would you?" a mysterious person said

"Huh?Wha-" I start before being interrupted

"Would You? If you had another chance would you take it?" Said a completely white figure covered in a mysterious haze of black(basically FMAB god).

"Yes , I would but w-who are you?" I asked hesitantly while wiping the tears out my eyes.

"I am what you people call God , You know the supreme being , the one above all yada yada yada" The now identified God began saying.

"So what? You're here to give me another chance in hell? How will that work? "I asked dumbfoundedly, not really processing what he was saying.

"Hell? No quite the opposite actually, I'm here to reincarnate you into another world".

"Reincarnate? Like those novels? Why? I killed so many people so why do I deserve to live again. I was prepared to accept my death after the incident, now you give me a second chance?".

"Ah yes , the incident. The events leading up to your death were quite spectacular. After your sister died by the hands of a gang simply for being there, you were enraged so you trained in the art of killing for three years.in a blaze of glory you took out the entire gang with 1 gun and sword fulfilling your revenge before succumbing to blood loss. The crime scene was quite a sight. I didn't expect to see another soul in here so I was late coming in, not much time passed but your perception was slowed down so it must've seemed like ages you were here. Reading your mind i see you've had a change of heart and wish for another chance , so I'm here to give it to you." God said before smiling at me

"But that doesn't explain why I'm here , I know those men were bad people but surely god doesn't reward people for killing bad men. After finishing my Revenge I felt happy for a brief period but after I felt so cold and empty because I simply had nothing left to achieve…Please tell me there is another reason I'm here".

"Well there is actually a catch. You see , the gang you killed in the future would accidentally create a highly addictive drug. This drug caused extreme madness and rage but gave the user considerable strength. Many People got addicted to the strength and power gained from the drug. This resulted in millions dead at the hands of the drug and affected the world as we know it today. Simply put , you prevented the death of millions of people albeit unintentionally , because of this your "karma" points are enough to reincarnate into a world of your choice , except your original one".

"Ok" I give a short reply , trying to process all of the information before asking him a question

"I just have one question. Is there any way I can transfer my points to my sister? You see , my little sister used to love watching an anime called My Hero academia. I would always watch it with her and she would always wish to be a hero so she could save people. It was just a childish dream but she was truly happy when watching that show with me. If I can give my points she would want to go to that world, it was basically her dream. Wait...are you crying?".

*sniffs* "such a touching story. Hey even though I'm god I still feel emotions , I mean I created them. Back on topic , but I'm sorry there is no possible way to transfer points from 1 person to another. It simply breaks the laws of the universe that not even I can bypass."

"I suspected as much...Ok then. I've decided , I'm going to honour my sisters wish and dream and choose the world of my hero academia to reincarnate into, I'll become a hero for her and fulfil her dream. When I'm a hero I'll make sure no one ever went through what I did as well. I'm going to right my wrongs and become a person my sister would be happy to see.

"Ok...that's done. Let's go through the typical stuff first shall we? I assume you want to be born the same age as the protagonists? Live in japan close to U.A? and stay the same gender?". God said nonchalantly as if he was bored of doing this process by now

"Yes , Yes and Yes. just make my parents a normal well off family not involved in any bad stuff or politics. Can you also make it so I'm reincarnated at age 4 with my memories as a kid?"

"Can do...That's just some finishing touches , and that's finished . Now onto your powers , since you're in the MHA world your power will be a quirk. No wishes for chakra ,mana or anything like that , your power wouldn't fit in the universe and the laws would force you out. So, Using your remaining karma points you can spin the wheel of the High Tier Quirk Roulette Once."

'No chakra or Ki then...That would've been boring though' I think to myself recalling how absurdly overpowered Ki and chakra are especially in the MHA world.

A Massive wheel popped out of thin air split into 40 pieces each with different colours. Each piece had a name associated with it.

I notice some familiar names such as one for all(8th) in gold, Muscle Augmentation and Permeation in purple and Navel laser in blue.(Permeation and muscle augmentation are pretty op quirks. Permeation is close to gold but its in purple cause its insanely hard to master).

"Ok so 10% chance for God tier quirk(gold), 60% chance for High tier quirk(purple) and 30% chance for Good tier quirk(Blue). Are you ready?"

"Yep". I nod ,mentally crossing my thoughts hoping for either a purple or gold tier quirk.

'This spin has a large chance of deciding how much the future will be affected. With a blue quirk I won't be able to change it much but with a gold quirk I could change it significantly.'

The roulette begins spinning and gradually the wheel begins to get slower and slower until it seemingly stops at a purple piece and slows down. It constantly gets slower and at the last second the pointer switches to a gold section.

'Gold huh? Looks like luck really is on my side. With this power I can do this.'

"Hmm an interesting quirk... good look Tatsuo , make your sister proud and become a hero. I'll be watching , hopefully you won't disappoint".

Please give me tips to improve! its my first story. updates arent gonna be stable.

Here are some more fic recommendations:

Protocol I: Machibuse Hakuba(FF.Net)


Echo Chamber(FF.Net)

also fem izuku and katsuki. just warning for the next chapter

xLucqscreators' thoughts