
MHA/BNHA Hana Shimura with Kamui

I am terrible at writing synopsis so here I'll just say this. Hana Shimura the sister of Tomura Shgaraki survives due to her Magekyu Sharingan, Kamui. She gets all of Obito's abilities and becomes a villain.

waryfishy · Tranh châm biếm
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92 Chs

New Room

Hana's eyelids fluttered open as she looked at an unfamiliar ceiling.

Sitting up she looked around, the room she was in was quite big about four by five meters with its walls and ceiling collared a pastel pink.

There was a built-in wardrobe right opposite her, its doors made of opaque glass.

Looking to her left she saw a bedside cabinet with a lamp looking like a woman's arm holding a Victorian-style railway lamp with a candle in it.

Further on in the center of the left wall stood a white wooden desk with beautiful carvings all across it.

Turning to her right Hana saw a huge window that stretched from one side of the room to the other letting in the rays of the rising sun.

Noticing how her bed was more comfortable than normal Hana looked down, the bed she now lay in was almost three times the size of her old one and had a nice comfy blanket on top of that.

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door and her sensei's head popped around the corner.

"Oh, you're awake. Did you sleep well?"

Hama nodded eagerly, happy to see her Sensei so early in the morning.

"I've brought you something," he said before opening the door fully revealing the tray in his hands.

A bright smile adorned Hana's face, "Thank you".

He chuckled, "No problem" and walked over to sit on the side of her bed.

Reaching under the tray he pulled out four pairs of legs so it could comfortably be placed above her legs.

Do just that he waited to see her reaction.

Looking down Hana saw that he had brought her a bowl of Miso Shiru.

Her face lit up and her black eyes shone with eagerness.

A chuckle came out of All for One's mouth as he saw her stare at the soup with such longing.

"You can eat, you know."

Hana quickly nodded and started carefully eating her breakfast.


"Yes?" Hana asked after quickly swallowing.

"I just want to let you know that as of tomorrow you'll be starting your hand-to-hand combat training."

Taking another spoonful of soup she nodded.

"Good, then I'll be taking my leave. I have some matters to attend to."

Standing up he layed a keycard on her bedside cabinet "If you use this you'll have almost complete access across this whole facility."

After her sensei left Hana quickly finished up her food.

Laying to one side she stood up her short black hair pointing in all directions.

Moving over to the closet, she slid open the glass door revealing a lot more clothes than she profusely had.

Quickly going through them she picked out a pair of black sweatpants and an orange hoodie with a black paw print on it.

Remembering that she still had some research material in her room Hana slipped on some black sneakers and went on her way.

About an hour had passed when Hana returned 'Why didn't he give me a map' she thought as she closed the door.

Walking over to her bed Hana dumped all the papers, she was balancing in her arms, on it.

Sitting down next to her bed Hana started grabbing random papers off of it and sorting them into piles.

They were sorted into four categories, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Sharingan, Necromancy.

The first was just filled with different hand sign combinations and their effects.

The second one was filled with Kanji and their effects when injected with her energy.

The third one was mostly what she had discovered her eyes could do.

And the fourth was created because Hana missed her mother and grandparents.

All she wanted was to have them back in her and Tenko's lives, but there was a way she could do that and that was by bringing them back from the dead.

After finishing her sorting of the papers Hana moved them into her bedside cabinet, making a mental note to work on them later.

Noticing she had nothing to do Hana decided to put in some more training as she always did when she was bored.

So for the rest of the day, Hana trained relentlessly pushing herself to the limit since she couldn't feel the pain.

It was only when it was going dark that she stopped and had a nice healthy dinner of beef rice and salad.


Extremely short chapter today and I'm sorry I just have very little time and just squeezed this one out so I hope you enjoyed it even with it being so short.

Also, I want to mention that I might be adding the bijuu into the story.

Question: Which Bijuu is your favorite?

Personally, I really like Chomei just purely on looks alone but otherwise, I like Shukaku.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)