
MHA: Be Quick! (A Reader Interactive Fic)

A girl finds herself reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia(MHA). As an avid fan of anime and fanfiction, having been reincarnated, she immediately attempts to figure out where she was. Though it took her an embarrassingly long time, she realised that she was in MHA. On her 4th birthday, marking her fourth year in MHA, she awakens her quirk and something else. _____ A semi-transparent screen blinked into existence in front of the girl. " This! This is a system! Holy shit! Hell yeah!" The girl jumped around her room, celebrating, as the transparent screen followed her eyes. " Reader Interactive System..." The girl read with eyebrows furrowed. She wondered how it worked. Then, more text popped up on the screen. [You may send messages to the readers! Type into the chat box below. Messages may take time to reach the readers.] The excitement was immediately wiped off her face. The girl sat quietly on her bed as she felt an existential crisis slowly begin to plague her. _______ This fic has a reader interactive gimmick that requires readers to comment. When chatting with the MC please add: To MC: Whatever you want to say to her. Have fun! The cover was Ai generated and photoshopped. It was strangely difficult getting the AI to generate an anime girl. It took less time to put the MHA logo at the bottom. This may evolve into a multiverse fanfic if it does well.

Ethan_peh · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

4. Messages and Quests

Ami sat in a puddle of her own piss, dread clawing at her heart.

As the girl got more and more lightheaded, a distinct ding sound rang out in her mind. Causing her to flinch in shock.


Then, on the system panel, a message popped up. Ami still soiled, leaned forward to read the text. However, the panel moved away from her as she leaned in to read it.

So, she leaned back a little, in hopes that the panel would go back to where it was. And it did, not that it made a difference. The panel seemed to be stuck to floating 30 centimetres away from her face.

Grimacing in annoyance, Ami decided to just focus on reading the message.

[Irlina(S): You might want to clean yourself and your room before it becomes worse.]

Reading the message, Ami couldn't help but shiver as goosebumps ran up her back. Frantically, the girl looked around her room as if she was trying to find hidden cameras or microphones. After her moment of foolishness, the girl shook her head violently. The system panel moved with her head.

Taking a deep and shaky breath, the four-year-old got off the floor and scampered her way into her toilet.

' I am SO lucky that I have my own toilet. I guess my parents intentionally gave me a room with my own toilet to let me clean up after myself.' The girl intentionally suppressed her thoughts on the whole fact that she had "Readers" for the moment, having decided to get herself cleaned up first.

Having been through so much, she quickly managed to get her panicked mind under control and got into her shower. In the shower, she took off her pee-soaked clothes and set them on the floor.

As she looked up, she noticed that the system panel was still floating in front of her. Her poor heart started to speed up again as she remembered that she was probably being watched.

She stared at the panel for yet another moment before she decided that she wanted it gone. It was making her focus on the "Reader" situation and making her more panicked.

' How do I... Swipe?'

Trying to remove the system panel she tried making swiping gestures.

' Swipe up! Not it...? Swipe down? Left? No... Right! Nope...'

" System off," She said quietly to the obviously inanimate, semi-transparent, panel. After waiting for a second, Ami let out a sigh.

For the first time since the panel had first shown up, Ami tried to grab the panel. To her surprise, she had managed to.

' Whoa, I thought it was just in my mind! All those system stories always depict their systems to be inside the main character's mind.


If I have readers, doesn't that make ME the main character?!' She thought suddenly.

With wide eyes, the little girl crouched onto the floor, still holding her system panel and started biting her thumb in an attempt to ease her anxiety. The easily distracted girl had promptly forgotten why she was in her shower and began thinking about the implications of being the main character.

' Does this mean that I have armour and will be insanely lucky? Am I already super lucky?!

But dad... DAD DIED! Is- is this plot?! Why does the father always die?! He was a good man!

Wait... Was I the main character even before I gained the system? What if-'

Suddenly, she felt goosebumps run down her back causing her to stop her train of thought. Ami had a distinct feeling that something rather annoying was going to happen to her if she didn't clean up soon.

Quickly, she looked down at her filthy self and realised that she was still holding the system panel.

' It is strangely cold to the touch... and hard too.'

Holding the panel closer to her face, she noticed that there was an icon with 3 dots in the top right corner. Assuming that these 3 dots would reveal more features or at least a settings menu, Ami pressed on it.

(System Panel Image Here)

As she had suspected it was a settings menu.

Though there seemed to have been quite a few different settings, the girl hurriedly clicked on one of the settings.

[Set a new gesture to summon the system panel.]

[Think of summoning the system panel while making a simple gesture.]

Seeing these, Ami took a deep breath and did as she was instructed.

' Summon system panel!' She thought as she made a swiping motion to the right with two fingers. Then, the prompt disappeared and she returned to the settings menu. Quickly, she pressed the other setting she had spotted.

[Set a new gesture to dismiss the system panel.]

Then, another prompt popped up.

[Think of dismissing the system panel while making a simple gesture.]

She did as she was told once again, however, this time the girl swiped left instead. Satisfied with these two settings, the girl swiped left once more and the system panel disappeared.

Ami proceeded to continue staring at the empty spot where the system panel used to be, almost as if she expected it to return immediately. However, even a few seconds later, the system panel did not return.

Letting out a sigh, the little girl turned a nob on the wall and water rained down upon her from the shower head above her.

For a moment, the little girl stood still under the scalding hot shower. She closed her eyes to enjoy it. The warmth seeped into her flesh and bones and brought her a momentary feeling of comfort, washing away the memories of the Abyss.

Just for a moment, she was free from the nauseating feelings of her soul being touched.

For a fleeting moment, the dreadful yet permeating cold that she always felt was washed away.

And then that moment was stolen from her by the ever-expanding Abyss and its unceasing corruption.

' Ah... my body has gotten used to the heat... Better wash up faster, Okaa-san or Onii-chan might enter my room.'

Ami washed her body quickly and made sure to use extra shampoo to clean her hair. She didn't want to stink like pee.

As the forgetful girl started spreading soap on her body, she remembered that her clothes were also soiled.

' Ah, almost forgot about my clothes!' She thought and face palmed with exaggerated movements.

Then, she picked up her clothes and began slathering them in some soap. She then cleaned the clothes and squeezed the water out of them with practised ease. After putting away the still rather wet clothes, she finished taking her shower.

(Simple Bathroom Map Image)

Then, she exited the toilet.

Ami made sure to stop at the door and took a good look at the marble floor of her bedroom. She quickly figured out a path to her cupboard, while avoiding all her pee and began moving.

(Simple Ground Floor Map Image)

Fortunately, she managed to avoid all the pee and got to her cupboard. From it, she pulled out her towel and dried herself. Ami proceeded to dress herself in a clean set of clothes. A simple t-shirt, some clean underwear and a simple skirt. All of them were easy to squeeze pee out of if she needed to.

Then, she pulled out 4 rags of old pee-stained clothes and got to work cleaning her mess. After she had soaked up as much pee as she could using her rags, she got to squeezing and washing in her sink.

Done, she started walking to get the mop in the corner of her room but was stopped midway by a stray sound.


A message- no, a quest popped up.


Quest: Run up to Bakugo And punch him in the face as hard as you can

Reward: Quirk-Explosion Pill (a tasteless pill that can be chewed on or shallowed that grants the Quirk: Explosion)


Reward: Quirk-Regeneration Lesser Pill (look above, it grants the ability to regenerate wounds 100% faster. Extra energy can be used to speed up healing up to 500% at a steep climb in cost)


Reward: ¥5,000

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?

Warning: You may only have 5 quests active at once.]

For a brief moment, a shocked Ami paused and stared at the quest.


Then, she snapped out of her fugue when she involuntarily let out a big yawn. Blinking a few times, she snapped back into focus and started reading the quest.

" Run up to Bakugo And punch him in the face as hard as you can. Bakugo?" For a split second, Ami's facial features went slack and her eyes glassed over. Not a moment later, she snapped back into attention and crouched on the ground in pain. A splitting headache plagued her.

" Urgh... At least, can remember who Bakugo is now... Why did I get a headache?" Ami's rubbed her temples slowly hoping to ease the pain. However, this headache had completely put her out of her good mood from getting a quest. With a swipe of her two fingers, the system panel winked out of existence.

After a minute, the heavily fatigued girl got back onto her feet with a little difficulty and got to mopping her floor. She was done in 5 minutes.

Next, she carefully... Yanked! The bedsheets of her bed and frowned at the pee stain on her new mattress.

' I knew I should have been more insistent that Okaa-san got me a futon instead of a bed. Mattresses practically can't be cleaned!' As she complained internally, she sighed. She then opened the curtains on her window and opened the window itself. She did this hoping that the bed would dry sooner and the smell of pee would leave with its drying.

As she began wiping her mattress with rags to rid it of as much pee as possible, she let out a sneeze.

" Hei, Choo!*Sniffle* urgh... Ow... my ribs..." For some reason, Ami suddenly decided to stop wiping her mattress and quickly got the pee-soaked rags into the toilet to clean. Cleaning those rags barely took the experienced girl 2 minutes, she then hung them on her clothes rack.

Then, the girl left her bedroom. Passing by the massive living room, she went straight up the spiral staircase to the second floor.

Walking straight to the door to the study room, she knocked on it.

" Come in," She heard her mother say. Ami opened the door and walked in to see her mother and 3 of her students sitting in front of her. Her mother, Sara Sasaki or Sara Fujiwara, was a Japanese tuition teacher for fun.

At least, that was Ami's assumption. The Sasaki family had plenty of money to go around.

However, Ami was rather impressed with her mother's salary as a tuition teacher. Sara Sasaki was being paid about 9500 Yen per hour, an absolutely absurd amount since each student paid her this amount individually.

" Ah, Ami-san, we were just talking about you. Is it true that you did not awaken your quirk? If that is the case, there is this new serum that a famous doctor who works at Jaku Hospital is selling. Do you-" The student who was speaking was promptly cut off by Sara Sasaki who spoke in a strict tone.

" Don't run your mouth unnecessarily, Inouye-san. My daughter will not be taking some drug for a bad quirk." The mother said sternly as she glared at her student and then at Ami herself. However, she was caught off guard as she found that her normally sullen daughter was smiling.

A truly rare occurrence.

" I got my quirk, Okaa-san!" The girl said with her arms akimbo, her chin held high and her eyes closed. Ami blessed the people in the room with a wide and bright smile.

The happy mother, suppressed a smile of her own to keep her stern image and asked her child a question.

" Can you show us your quirk?" The mother watched in amusement as her daughter shook her head and wagged her finger.

" No, Okaa-san. Later at dinner, I will show everyone. Now, I must go play with it some more in my room!" The little girl said and tried to run away quickly, only to slam herself against the door. Sara flinched as she watched her clumsy daughter get hurt and was about to stand up when she heard her daughter speak.

" I'm fine!" Quickly, the embarrassed girl made herself scarce and ran away. She made sure to close the door to the study room before she escaped. Running down the stairs she quickly made it back into her bedroom and collapsed onto the ground from exertion.

Ami wasn't a very athletic person and had practically no stamina to speak of.

Lying on the floor, the girl swiped right and the semitransparent system panel winked into existence before her. Immediately, the girl went to the settings menu and began playing with the many settings.

[Toggle distance from face through thoughts.]

" Yes..." the girl mumbled and pressed the `enable` option under the setting. Right after, she felt like she had a new limb.

" Whoa..." Ami began playing with it making the panel telekinetically move closer and further away from her face as she liked.

Satisfied with her control over her new limb, she looked at the next setting.

[Anti-third-party mode.]

Staring at the setting for a moment, Ami then pressed the `Automatic` option. And... nothing happened.

Blinking several times, Ami then moved on to the next.

[Toggle shape of system panel through thought.]

A wide smile graced Ami's face again and she pressed `enable`. Immediately, without a thought about safety, the girl moulded the panel into the shape of a sword.

Ami sat up and grabbed the hilt of her sword-shaped panel.

" This is so- Oh... awww..." In the end, it was just a panel in the shape of a sword. Though it was shaped like a sword, it was still a consistent quarter of an inch thick. Thus, making it completely blunt.

Then, the girl shaped the panel into a hammer. However, as she had expected the panel kept the same thickness.

" Not effective as a weapon..." Ami noted and returned to lying on the floor while the panel floated back in front of her face and returned to its previous rectangular shape.

[Toggle panel toughness through mental strength.]

Seeing the next setting, Ami smiled again

" Maybe it will work well as a shield...?" The girl quickly enabled the setting and felt her mind connect further with the panel. It was a strange feeling that the girl couldn't really describe.

[Toggle panel colour.]

[Toggle size of words.]

[Toggle summoning animation.]

[Toggle dismissing animation.]

[Toggle automatic dismissing function.]

[Toggle automatic summoning function.]

Ami didn't bother with most of the settings. However, she quickly clicked `disable` for automatic summoning. She didn't want others to think that she couldn't control her quirk. Lacking control over quirks was a dangerous thing in this world.

There are multiple incidents caused by lacking quirk control all over the world every day. People do not hesitate to call the police if they think someone is lacking the control required to ensure that their quirk doesn't get out of control.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar sound.


Remembering what she wanted to do in the first place, the girl scrolled down to find another setting.

[Toggle message notification volume.]

She quickly set its volume to the minimum she could.

Then, she exited the menu by pressing on the 3 dots again and read her new... quest.


Quest: Kill OFA as a 4-year-old.

Reward: Quirk: OFA pill, Quirk: AFO pill, Quirk: Mind Control, Pill Quirk: Possession Pill and ¥1,000,000

Expires: With the death of either party or if you are no longer a 4-year-old.

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?

ps: You must score the kill on him or a wound that kills him if someone else kills him before you can you don't get the rewards.]

Reading the quest, Ami couldn't help but be annoyed.

" Tch! Literally impossible. How am I supposed to kill All for One if I can't even get my bladder under control?! I might just piss myself if I see him..." She pounded the marble floor with her hand once and winced as her hand hurt.

Ami then scrolled up to the previous quest.

" Punch Bakugo... I should be able to get that done... Tomorrow maybe? Should be relatively easy to find an excuse to punch him..."

As Ami returned to the settings page to see if there were anything else useful, a sudden but familiar have of fatigue ran through her like a wave and she closed her eyes falling asleep instantly.

Why did Ami suddenly fall asleep?

It was because of her severe insomnia. Caused by her constant nightmares, Ami is normally unable to sleep on her own. She would normally take the sleeping pills the family doctor had provided her. However, sometimes, after several days of sleep deprivation, her body would shut down on its own and she would fall asleep.

Having fallen asleep, the system panel, which relied on Ami's mental strength winked out of existence.

30 minutes after, a concerned Kage walked into Ami's room after he received no response for knocking on her door. The brother sighed as she spotted his sister sleeping on the floor again. Then, the rather strong 14-year-old picked up his sister carefully and brought Ami to the sofa in the living room and set her down on it.

Then, the good brother stripped his sister of her clothes and put the custom-made diapers they had lying all over the house onto the girl.

Kage let out a sigh of relief and put the skirt Ami was wearing back onto her. Then, he took the girl's panties and brought them to the clothes room on the first floor.

The brother was just relieved that Ami hadn't wet him while he was putting the diaper on her. The girl had unknowingly done so several times and had traumatised the dutiful brother quite a bit.

30 minutes later, a soft sound rang in Ami's head.


However, the girl did not budge. Sleeping through the sound.

For two hours more, two more soft notifications rang in the girl's mind but the girl did not react to them.

She only woke up shortly after when her mother gently shook the girl awake. As Ami opened her eyes sleepily, Sara spoke to her daughter.

" Ami-chan, it is 7 pm. The cook has made our dinner." The mother said gently to her youngest.

" Urgh, hng..." The girl made several disgruntled noises but sleepily acknowledged that it was, in fact, dinner time. Ami's stomach growled as she thought of dinner. However, the drowsy girl still found it difficult to force herself up, even though she was motivated.

With her mother's help, Ami made it into the dining room with her mother. Then, Sara helped her daughter into her special seat and buckled the girl into her chair.

(Image of special chair)

" So? Ami-chan finally awakened her quirk. Will you show us?" Sara asked Ami. However, the girl did not answer. Noticing that Ami had gone back to sleep, both mother and son knew what they had to do.

The duo worked quickly.

Sara called for one of their two maids to take Ami's food back to the kitchen. Kage unbuckled Ami from her chair and set her down on the emergency bed in the dining room. Then, the duo went back to their seats and continued eating slowly in relative silence.

They only spoke if they wanted condiments for their meal or if one wanted the other to pass something. These were their personalities. They were quiet people and preferred to stay quiet in each other's presence. They still wondered, sometimes, how Ami turned out to be such an extroverted and loud child. Though they loved the girl all the same.

Approximately 30 minutes later, Ami woke up with a start and took in a sharp breath. Then, the scream started. With her eyes wide open, tears ran down her face as she screamed her lungs out.

Though this was a common occurrence, a concerned mother still got out of her seat and walked to Ami's side, holding the girl's trembling hands. The screaming quickly died down as the girl ran out of stamina, instead, she began hyperventilating.

Slowly, the girl calmed down, taking deep breaths to slow her heart rate.

One might wonder why Ami was still afraid of her nightmares if the same one haunted her every day for the past 4 years of her life. Wouldn't she have... gotten used to them by now?

First, though the theme of her nightmares was always the same. Her going through the Abyss while eldritch creatures touched her soul. It was never completely the same.

In one iteration, one of the creatures had more tentacles than she could remember. In another, another creature had fewer tongues but the tongues were somehow more barbed than she could remember.

However, the shifting nightmares were what made Ami scream her lungs out every time she woke up. It was the soul-rending, heart-ceasing, mind-numbing pain that originated from her soul being cut apart that was the source of her problems. The unforgettable pain was the main reason why Ami was sleep deprived.

No one wants to feel such pain multiple times after all.

Sara Sasaki as the good mother she was had tried her best to find a solution to her daughter's problem. She had hired experienced doctors and psychiatrists. However, Ami had been uncharacteristically uncooperative with them, forcing the mother to give up this approach.

She had tried learning psychology herself to see if she could help her daughter. Unfortunately, every time her daughter decided to open up to her, Ami would describe strange shapes, distorted monsters and unknown words that would scare Sara herself.

Ami quickly calmed herself and Sara called for her daughter's food to be reheated. Now awake enough to take care of herself, Ami made a quick trip to the toilet and came back to the dining room and took a seat in a regular chair.

" Okaa-san, Onii-chan, watched this!" Ami was going to do a little bit of trickery. Judging by the fact that her system was actually physical in nature and could be seen by all. She had decided to make IT her quirk, then she could take quests for more unnoticeable quirks or powers.

She summoned her system and as she had hoped, the system had appeared but was completely blank. This was the Anti-Third-Party mode. It was a pretty useless mode if not for the fact that it suited Ami's plan to use the physical form of her system as her decoy quirk.

Her mother and brother were both a little shocked as they watched Ami manipulate the semitransparent blue panel as she pleased.

" A sort of barrier quirk?" Kage asked as he conjured a shadow dart in his hand.

" Ami-chan, could you put it there? I want to test its strength." The brother pointed at an empty spot in the room and Ami obliged. It took a few mental gymnastics. However, Ami eventually managed it.

With a full swing of his arm, Kage launched his shadow dart at the system panel, now in the shape of a wide circular prism. Ami felt exactly when the dart hit the panel. She felt a light sting in her mind when the dart hit the panel and promptly bounced off it.

I didn't incite a wince from the girl, she was regularly subjected to torture far worse than what felt like an insect sting after all. However, Ami quickly realised that the panel might work as a shield in emergencies. It wasn't going to shield her from a hail of bullets or from large debris falling on her.

" I think I can take a bullet..." The girl mumbled under her breath. The panel seemed to transfer pain relating to what the panel was struck with. She was confident in withstanding the pain of being shot.

' It will hurt a lot though...' The girl thought as she watched the shadow dart dissolve and disappear.

" Your quirk seems to be quite strong little Ami. Does it help you with your nightmares?" Sara Sasaki asked her daughter. While the mother loved the fact that her daughter was always home with her, she couldn't help but be concerned about the girl's mental development. With her lack of social interaction, the girl might grow up to be socially inept.

" Um... A little bit I think? Can we visit UA tomorrow, Okaa-san?" The girl asked sheepishly after she swallowed the spoon of food she had stuffed into her mouth.

" UA? The hero school? Why would you want that?" Sara asked a little confused as to why Ami would suddenly want to visit a hero school. Kage choked a little on HIS food and looked a little hurt. Seeing her brother's expression, Ami quickly added more.

" We can visit Seiai Academy after that! Then, Onii-chan can give us a tour!" The girl said quickly. Immediately, Kage's expression changed into a proud one.

" Hmm... Okay... We can go visit UA and Seiai tomorrow. However, you must promise to sleep tonight, okay?" Ami suddenly didn't want to go through with this. However, before she could refuse, she heard the familiar "Ding" in the back of her mind and she nodded lightly.

" Good. Then, I will have to cancel my classes to make time for our outing tomorrow." Sara pulled out her phone and began typing messages. On the other hand, Ami began stuffing food down her gullet like a ravenous beast. Only to get a stern glare from her mother, causing the girl to slow down and eat like a person.

Quickly, the girl finished her food even with proper table manners. Then, she waved goodbye to her mother and ran off to her room. Her brother had already left for HIS room a while early.

Entering her room, Ami closed the door behind her, turned on the room lights and checked to see if her bed was now dry. Seeing that it was dry, the girl closed her window and curtains. Then, she pulled out new bedsheets from her cupboard and put them onto her bed.

Then, the girl wore her diaper, put on her pyjamas, brushed her teeth and jumped into bed.

Finally, she summoned her system panel to see her new messages.


Quest: Rob a candy store.

Reward: A magical ring that can create any candy once a day

Expires in 48 Hours

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

" Tch! Such a dumb quest." Without hesitation, the girl pressed on `decline` and moved on.


Quest: Eat A Sandwich (Repeatable)

Reward: The first time this quest is completed, any sandwich you make will taste 89% better than it should. Any consecutive completion of this quest will give 1 sandwich point spending 100 sandwich points gives you one sandwich

Time limit: until death

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

" Hmm... this one is also kinda dumb... But it is quite easy to complete... Sandwichs are nice too..." With a little hesitation, the girl eventually pressed `Accept`. Immediately, a new prompt appeared under the settings button.

[You have 1 active quest.]

Ami moved on to the next quest.


Quest: Sing your ABCs backwards in public

Reward: A boost in self-confidence and basic singing proficiency

Hidden Quest: ???

Reward for Hidden Quest: A larger boost in confidence and receive an instrument of your choice which when played will activate a mysterious ability (the ability the instrument activates would be randomly decided)

Time Limit: 1 year

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

" Singing proficiency..." The ability to sing well was something Ami had always wanted, even in her past life. However, in her current life, she kept yawning in the middle of verses whenever she sang. Neither accepting nor declining the quest, she simply moved on to read the next.

[ZoneTail(W): Interesting... (An unknown being shows interest in a poor soul)]

Ami shivered a little in fright. The message reminded her that she was likely not talking to humans but to creatures that are likely of similar nature to those that had touched her soul in the Abyss. Her face reddened slightly as she wet her diaper.

With a quick swipe of her two fingers, she dismissed the panel and got off her bed to have her diaper changed. After cleaning herself and putting on a new diaper, she took a sleeping pill from her bedside drawer and tucked herself into bed.

Thus, the silly girl with no sense of time went to sleep at an early 8.36 pm.

A little bit over 8 hours later, the girl woke up. She hadn't woken up screaming physically due to the sleeping pill. Instead, she had done a lot of mental screaming. Either way, Ami got out of bed and threw away her soiled diaper and went for a hot shower.

Body cleaned, teeth brushed, bladder fully emptied, the girl stood at the entrance to her toilet with her arms akimbo. She stood there for a whole minute just staring blankly at her cupboard, trying her best to forget and suppress the memories of the horrors she saw in her nightmares.

Then, the girl put on a new diaper and got back onto her bed. She was going to read her new messages and didn't want to soil her bed for no reason.


Quest: Don't pee your pants for 30 days

Reward: 99% chance to not pee yourself again

Time Limit: 3 years

Do you `Accept` or `Decline` this quest?]

Seeing the quest's requirements and reward, the girl started crying silently.

" Seriously...? I-I can't complete that... I can't even go a day without peeing myself..." As she sobbed silently at the futility of even trying to complete the task she had been presented with.

The girl still pressed on the `Accept`.


Words: 5076

Next chapter, Ami will complete some quests! Know that quests that were not declined nor accepted will still be in the chat log. Try to encourage Ami to return messages! She can actually send messages to readers too. She is just too afraid of offending the Readers and too shy. Was it smart for her to present her blank system as her quirk?

The next update is a week from now.

Please be informed that any quests or messages to Ami are currently going to be more than 30 comments behind. Meaning that Ami will only see new messages about 3 or 4 chapters from this one.