
MHA: Average Latino guy sent to a world of heroes and villains.

I die to Later on to meet an angel who Gave me only 2 wishes. To later on to be free falling from the sky to a city were heroes and villains fight like kids of who is Better. so yeah... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... this the part were i explain stuff dont i Uh well And now I am reincarnated into a world of my own choosing and that is Hero academia. Why? you may ask because i want to mess around, have fun, and to make my simple dreams come true. and to fuck around with the characters of the new world am reincarnated in I Am only there for the rush, and joder a ambos lados of the coin (to fuck the two sides of the coin) life is short sooo why not have so fun out of it -Reckless and full of wrecks, Let's Go!-

c_fanficsCSM · Tranh châm biếm
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El nombre is Cansio but every one calls me C born in south america but move to the USS grow up there yada yada yada

you get the point

but what i didn't account for was for me to die in a brutal way in one of the safest country were everyone lives happy, with their hardworking lives, happy marriages, the freedom of speech, and the salary that every person would like to have.

Aaaaaaaah such nice country

























who am i kidding

is all a lie there is no happy marriages, only replaced by unhappy couples fighting over who gets the kids or money. Of course the woman takes it all even the cafe Machine. Since they trust a woman who the majority of time spends it on facebook watching a video of porque injecting your niño is a bad idea because it gives them Autism.

oh yeah and even if you mention that you don't support a certain group or don't even support their way of thinking, oh boy will you have a bunch of messages the next day

ALRIGHT lets not focus on all. . . . of this

and focus on how am i standing next to my mangle body on the pavement as a gringa is hysterically screaming onto her phone calling for the authority's to do something about it

all of this happened in a matter of seconds it all went fast, just like a blink of an eye.

might as well bring a shovel to detach my body from the pavement.

"Oh dear it seems that your life has encounter a tragic end"

in a rush of panic i turn my head quickly to the left. Standing next to me was a man well dress in white clothing.

"Santa Madre de Dios!" i scream loudly as i step back as i almost trip backwards, thanks to jump scare this fool gave me.

"Hmm it seem that you are really stress maybe you should relax and breathe before you have a hearth attack" he said in a playful tone that was follow by a chuckle.

i stand there petrified staring at this man or thing or what ever it was because for his features he seem one of them Dudes from a telenovela who get The chica After like 23 episodes.

'A handsome hijo de puta'

"Well now we have to discuss about the current situation you are in right now so follow me please" he began to walk to a nearby cafe.

i stood there like an idiot as he walk to the corner of the street to the cafe shop

he turn his head to my direction as he kept walking to the cafe shop. "come on don't be afraid" he casually said that as if this was normal thing that happened

i had to follow of course i want to know what the shit was happening. he pick a table on the outside of the cafe. We both sit on the table facing each other

"My condolences for your tragic death " he spoke "Tragedy can happened to any one, nobody is safe not even innocents and it looks like your in quite the shock for what is happening all around you"

Can't say i wasn't in shock. All i did was to go pick up the pizza that i order a couple hours back before

talk about hot n fucking ready

Then BOOM! i am now here sitting in a table in front of a guy who looks exactly as Chayanne

"Well . . . . . i cant say i am not . . . . shock and confused or maybe even a little Uhmm how could you say . . . . . Uhmmm . . . . OH YEAH Mind fuck"

"Oh My such a language, but i too would have say the same thing if i were in your shoes." he was sitting in a relax posture laying back

" Oh and sorry for not introducing myself property. The name is A and yours is Cansio am i right pffffft of course i am right who else would i be talking to if it wasn't you Jeez how much of a dummie am i"

I starred at him with disbelief as he called me by my name since this the first time i seen this fool. "How did you now My name?" i ask in a low tone that was mixed with fear

"Well That is because I am an Angel and just like any other Angel we now a lot of stuff that will make anyone go crazy. But i am a bit different from my brothers and sisters" he spoke as he lean forward

"different? how?"

"Well just like you humans we have different jobs, for me and some others we specialize in stabilizing a well decent balance numbers of human, for those who were unfairly or were early kill". I look at him confused, it was already hard to cope with what just happened few seconds and now this. . . . . now this is Beyond what i can comprehend "add to much on the balance falls down take out a bit the balance still falls down so we kept the number of all species balance and when i mean every species i mean species out side this planet itself."

"Oh dios mio" does that mean that we are not alone in this universe and other realities exist?

this feels like one of those stories people post online about dying and going to other reality's or worlds. This felt like a existential crisis

"by that i mean sending you to other worlds, and realities of your own choosing, either that or you could go with the big man himself up there it all depends on what you choose, almost like a second opportunity, depending on their life choices they had taken, like if you did commit a sin not so grave you can still have redemption abd even have the opportunity. . . . but if you have commit outrageous amount of sins that you don't repent, then down you go. but i highlty doubt you commited numerous sin's since you still look young"

Things have taken a mad turn for me. Sitting here talking to an angel it is a unbelievable, this couldn't get any worse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . or could they.

"So what is going happen to me man?" i ask

"well for 'You' My friend you're going somewhere else and you are free to choose whatever place, world or reality you like to be in."

I starred at him for a couple a second later to turn my head to where my mangle body was seeing it has my innards were scoop up and put in a ambulance car and so for the rest of my body. "Well i die in fuck up way thanks to some guera so . . . . . . why not"

"Alright" he clap his hands together and rub his palms together

"remember is up to you the world you choose, so ill wait for you to tell me you there"

If anyone is given the chance to go to a different world, in a heartbeat they would have choose what they like. but for me i have no idea

bu there was one world i would llike to go to.

"Sooo . . . . . . can you send me to the world of My hero Academia" i said as i lean forward

He smirked "Well well it looks like you decided to go to a fictional world and why would that be? is it for fun? trying to change the story so that you can save a character you like? or is it that you want a harem?" he chuckled

"No, Do i look like a Person that never had a parental figure in their life" i said with a annoyed voice

"Alright, alright, chill. i will send you there but before i do, you have two wishes " he raise his two hand showing two fingers.

"Two wishes is it like ?" i tilt my head

"Yes two, it is a rule that apllies to you and the rest but there is restrictions according to the world you choose to be, since in their world they have powers call 'QUIRKS' " his relax expression went to a serious one

"what are the rules?"

"number 1 rule: Be grateful. Just because you are given this opportunity of a second chance you are not so different from the rest

"Number 2 rule: Have fun however you like it doesn't really matter how, but you do you. it all depends on your choices"

and lastly number 3 rule: No cheats or god like powers. You are not special you are a Human made of flesh and bones. back to rule 1 you are not a special snowflake ."

"these are the rules" his expression went more to a relax one "now for your Wishes what would it be?"

for my first wish it will certainly be to have at least one super power or quirk whatever they call it in the show and manga.

but what kind? he did say whatever i want but nothing of cheats or god like abilities. I am not very fond of godlike abilities or powers it is tempting but i feel like only those with no parental figure will actually choose that just to feel better about themselves and get what they couldn't get in their depressives lives.

So right now i am thinking on why not have the abilities and body of Adam smasher from cyberpunk the game and the show. He is a unstoppable cyborg killing machine who doesn't hesitate, lacking any human emotion that will make anyone hesitate or any disadvantage the human body can have like getting tire in the middle of the battle. but what truly shines is the weapons off high caliber and the implants. The sandavisdan it heightens all your senses making everything around you slower but it makes you faster like quicksilver from x men , at the same time you reaction speed in combat is increase. For the weapons able to shred a human into pieces in a matter of seconds, penetrating tanks as it was nothing, and lets not forget about the rocket arm.

according to it's description the rocket arm can shoot out small missiles like iron man but instead of normal missile you get a varied warhead selection that you can blow any one to dust and you can constantly use it as much as you want but sooner or later you run out of ammo but that can be fix by my second wish.

it's down sides would be loosing my grip on humanity and feeling no emotions and were is lo divertido en eso if i can't feel any emociones and you could be easily get destroy by someone who is stronger than you if your not carefull but it.

and for my second option it would be to have the ability of the Gauna's from the manga Abara. Since their armor are almost impenetrable to any human weapon they are creatures divided into two factions the white gaunas and black gaunas

the white Gaunas have are more fierce and brutal making but what makes them so dangerous is the fact that they can infect humans and turn them into White gaunas bending them to their will and even combine with each other. but their regeneration is slower and it takes a lot of time leaving them open for any blows to the head. while the black gaunas they are not so much of opposites but they do not lack in regeneration, they use black matter to regenerate faster But that doesn't mean they are nearly impossible to that is if a white gauna appears. Their armor it's affected to by the black matter adding bone and keratin into the mix.

They can make any weapon out their limbs mostly arms. while for their speed they can move faster than what a human eye can follow making it impossible to see them move. but if i obtion that ability i will star form a pupa making me weak but to the point were i can get kill by weapons of high caliber and to become strong, eating anything will do but if the situation is dire than there will be no choice but to go for humans.

this two thing were the only ones that came to my head either be a cyborg killing machine or Be a monster that eats a human to become the apex predator

So what would it be.

what do i choose?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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