
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Kỳ huyễn
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117 Chs

Void Eyes

On the planet where the Arena was located, the first battle of the Interstellar Tournament had just been concluded, and the fighters had been asked to return to their residents to prepare for the next rounds.

The Asuras, Beast Kins, Elves, Ascending Fallen Angels, Cyclops', Warborn Golem Centaurs, Zanarians, Ustapians, Nagas, the few Orcs that survived, and the Humans had departed to their various zones on the planet.

The fighters that had barely reached the one thousand mark had further been dwindled down to just four hundred, all due to one human who was staring into space with a shocked look on his face.

"HOW?!!" He screamed and grabbed his face in utter shock, however, he soon began to chuckle lightly, the light chuckle turned into a loud laugh, then he raised his head up to the cloudless skies of the Void Space and began to laugh maniacally until he began to choke on his saliva.

"Space and Destruction aye. Can't wait to see what they can do. Nahshon ho...."

[You need to get Space and Destruction Energies to be able to use them]

Jayden's smile crumbled and a slight frown was creeping up his face slowly.

'Why do things always have to be so hard, I have no idea how I'm supposed to get Space or Destruction Energy, Where would I find it even? If I do find a way to get to it, Do I have the power to secure it? I doubt it'll just be lying out there somewhere without a powerful person guarding it.'

As new questions popped up in Jayden's mind, his expression turned uglier. By now Nahshon had called him six times and he still hadn't heard him.

Jayden sat down and began to ponder, he sat for ten minutes straight without moving a muscle, only his regular breathing differentiated him from a live statue.

'I can just ask Nahshon, It's that simple. Urghh.... I can't believe I've been racking my brain this whole time when I could have just asked him... or her. Whatever'


No reply.

"Umm... Nahshon."

Still no reply.



"Ohh... So you're there!! Didn't know, for a second I thought you were asleep."

[I am an AI, AI'S DO NOT SLEEP!!!]

"So then why didn't you answer me?"

[Why would I, I have been trying to get your attention to tell you how you can get one of the energies, but you did not even listen, so you will have to figure it out on your own, I will not help you until I see you fail ten times]

"And who told you I was going to fail?" Jayden said with a smirk on his face.

He got on his butt and sat with his legs crossed, he placed his hands on his laps and emptied his mind.

[Peaceful Mind has been activated]

Jayden's mind was cut off from the outside world and all sounds were filtered, not like there was anything in the Void Space making a sou...

"I heard something just now." Jayden's eyes shot wide open.

"Nahshon, I think heard something just no..."


Jayden didn't question Nahshon, his danger sense was tingling and the hair at the back of his neck was standing, the air around him was filled with a weird energy he had never encountered, and a sense of dread was descending on him. All this things caused a massive amount of adrenaline to pump into his body.

Nahshon in the process of manifesting the spatial tear that led out of the Void Space was accessing the situation.

A black cocoon that was some meters away from Jayden was pulsating and releasing a grey and black ripple in the air.

[What is wrong? Did his respawn go wrong? Everything was supposed to go smoothly without any hiccups]

Due to Nahshon not having a physical body, he was able to wander around the Void Space without anything having a strong enough resistance to block him, but for some reasons, the black cocoon was doing just that. It blocked him thoroughly not even giving him the chance to peer into it.

In spite of that, Nahshon still had a way.

[I guess I will have to use that, I am sorry Jayden, it is for your own good]

Nahshon in his formless state floated above the cocoon that was getting unstable with each moment.

Everything that was happening hadn't even reach half a second, Jayden was still in the process of jumping through the incomplete spatial tear. He knew that the kind of danger he was facing right now wasn't one which he could come out alive from, in that case, he was leaving as fast as he could.

Nahshon who was nothing more than a thought, was moving just as fast as one, as soon as Jayden was halfway through the tear.

He began to suck in energy from the void Space rapidly, it wasn't Jaydens Energy tank that he was getting it from, but the raw Space Energy that resided in the void space. This was what he wanted to tell Jayden about, but he wasn't paying attention to him, perhaps it was fate that wanted that to happen so he could make use of the Energy, he couldn't tell, now wasn't the right time to start pondering on things that were beyond his reasoning.

The Energy was rotating around him and forming a tornado of energy, something on that spot where he was was beginning to grow, it was swelling and getting larger by the nanosecond.

The thing being created was soon as large as a building, but surprisingly, it was just as dark as the Void Space and only Nahshon could see it.


Nahshon's voice resounded in the Void Space, causing ripples to be sent out through the Void Space. In response to his words, the thing that was growing suddenly fluttered and revealed itself.

An eye, a pitch black eye with purple pupils and irises, each a different shade was revealed.

Its mesmerizing beauty was captivating as stared at everything and nothing at the same time, and under Nahshon's commands, it turned its gaze to the black cocoon, immediately, the cocoon stopped stirring and turning as if time had been stopped in that area, the black and grey ripples that were in the process of spreading out were halted.

[This is as much as I can do, I hope this gives Jayden enough time to leave before the cocoon detonates]

Alas, luck wasn't on their side this time, the Void Eyes shattered and dissolved into nothingness. The Space Energy had been depleted completely and it was all left to Jayden now to protect himself.

The cocoon resumed its unsettling stirr and before they knew it, it detonated and began to destroy everything in its way.