
Metallic Rogue

How will you feel if your parents never believed in you? How will you feel if they never wanted you? How will you feel if the society trampled upon you? How will you feel when the world was against you? Jayden Nova, a student of the Science Sage School, who has struggled through all this setbacks, strives to achieve something in his life to prove to his parents that he isn't a worthless child, they, and everyone thinks. He fights back, but is pushed down, literally... ...and as fate will have it, he stumbles upon an orb, filled with a superior unknown energy and an AI, that came from the far future, where technology has become magic and helps him achieve what he always wanted.... ...to be the ruler of his own fate. [Loading...] [Loading completed] [Rogue System Activated]

JJ_Smart · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Respawn, Evolution And Mutation

A loud booming sound rocked the air in the Void Space, heating it almost instantly and twisting the space around, making everything look blurry and distorted.

The bodies Jayden has collected during the Battle Royale were turned to cinders, and the weapons, armours and armament were reduced to burning fragments and shards.

These shards were hurled through the air and reached Jayden almost instantly. They collided with his Rogue Suit and pierced some parts of his skin that were still in the process of receiving protection from the Rogue Suit.

Jayden screamed out loud and almost passed out from the sudden pain. His skin was burnt and torn by the shrapnels and he began to bleed profusely, the Creation Orb got to work immediately but was unable to heal him owing the tiny shards that were embedded deeply in his skin.

Jayden groaned in pain and struggled to move, he struggled to maintain the Illusion Energy in the room, lest it end up revealing his state and in turn questions raised.

The Rogue Suit has done its work, though not properly, if he had been a split second too late, some shards would have pierced his back and gotten to his heart.

Jayden layed down on his chest and stayed there for a while to regain his bearings.

'Nahshon, what happened?'

[...It is Draven, he is evolving]

'The last time I checked, Beasts don't evolve that way, so what really is happening?'

[As you know, he was respawning because he died to the blade of a Ascending Fallen Angel, I noticed that his respawn was taking longer than necessary]

[Naturally he should have been respawned within thirty minutes to an hour, but he had taken close to two hours]

[I thought probably because he is a powerful Shadow Beast, he needed more time, but when I looked into his cocoon with Void Eyes, I noticed something]

Jayden ignored the 'Void Eyes' that he had heard from Nahshon and focused on what was at hand.

'What did you see?'

[The outline of a sword]

'A sword?!'

[Yes, and when I looked further, I saw the sword belonged to the same Ascending Fallen Angel that you killed]

'But how? How did the sword get there? And how did the sword affect the respawn?' Jayden asked with intrigue.

The Rogue Suit had morphed into multiple instruments and were picking out the shards that were stuck deeply in Jayden's exposed body. Nahshon was doing this naturally, due to Jayden not being able to see them.

[Let me explain, the respawn process basically is reforming the Shadow Beast from scratch and returning it back to its previous state]

'Hmm... '

[The swords energy had altered Draven's genes during the creation of his body and deviated from the normal way of respawning, so instead of him respawning and getting back to his previous state, he was respawning, evolving and mutating, all at once]

[I do not know if he will survive this, but that can be possible of he absorbs a large amount of energy]

A shard dropped on a flat pan, echoing in the silent room. Jayden was thinking, he had no source of energy right now, but he could get some if he hunted beasts.

"That will be hard, sigh! I guess I'll have to contact Netero." Jayden said as he sat up, his body was already fully healed by the Creation Orb.

As he used his Mech suit to dial Netero, he asked. 'What does the Fallen Angels sword contain, I remember it releasing those creepy skulls and boosting the power of the Fallen Angel.'

[The sword contains Demonic or Cursed Energy]

[The cultivation system of the Ascending Fallen Angels is.... weird, they are originally Fallen Angels, or rather Demons, they have a history between them and Angels]

[The dispute was caused by the Demon race, they spread rumors far and wide saying that there was no difference between them and Angels, they were one and the same with only their looks being different, the Angels naturally countered this by saying that they were not and will never be, this made the Demons angry]

[As a hot blooded race, they started a war with the Angels and they both massacred each other and reduced their populations to a tenth of what they were]

Jayden drew in a cold breath, he knew that the Angels population numbered in the trillions, and if they were reduced to a tenth, then didn't that mean the demons were strong. He remembered how easy it was to defeat the Ascending Fallen Angel and felt that something was not right, so he let Nahshon continue.

[This led to a peace treaty being signed between the two races, but any moment, the Demons will make a move]

"Will!!!" Jayden said out loud. 'What makes you so sure?'

[They are Demons, Demons do not go by the rules, besides, I have retrieved this information a long time ago]

[As I was saying, the Demons began to plot on how to deal with the Angels, that was how a Demon, Laufey Drocton, came up with his dumb theory, that is, to fight Fire with Fire]

[It is not a dumb theory, but the way they went about applying it that was dumb, and that was how the Demonic Energy Sealing Technique was birthed]

'The techniques name is already giving me goosebumps.'

[Wait till you hear how the technique is used]

[The technique requires them to have a pure living soul trapped in a weapon of their choice, to make the weapon stronger]

'Pure soul, as in the soul of a new born?!!'

[Yes, this is to make the weapon strong and able to contain a large amount of energy in them]

[The next step is the most complicated and trickiest part of all. They start cultivating Holy energy into their bodies, while transferring their Demonic Energy into the weapon, that is why their sword contains a large amount of Demonic/Cursed Energy]


[The Holy Energy in their body must always be ten percent more than the Demonic Energy, if not, the Demonic Energy will revolt and destroy the Holy Energy until there is none left, if this happens, they will have to start all over. That is, if they survive the battle between the energies]

'Are you saying that Demonic Energy is stronger than Holy Energy?'

[No, Holy Energy is stronger than Demonic Energy, but the ratio has to be that way for the Holy Energy to totally supress the Demonic Energy]

[Also, they have to constantly feed their weapon the souls of people to keep the weapon stable as they add more Demonic Energy into it]

[That is all you need to know for now]

Just then, Netero's voice sounded from the Mech Suit.

"Mr Netero at your service."

'Huh, this kid.'