
Melody Of illusion

Dream is something that every person can experience.It can give you sense of joy,but sometimes,a nightmare. Kintaro was a fresh graduate of Art's and Entertainment Specially on singing. Kintaro turn eighteen on this year but he Didn't celebrate his birthday as he was super tired after the day. In the night when Kintaro fall asleep,He have a dream about living in another time and era,which his not very familiar,but that's not all.even the Living That he saw on his dream was not human but....A DemiHuman?! He see a different kind of DemiHuman.be It a tiger, Lion,Turtle, Phoenix,a fox, and even a Dragon are there living in harmony. Kintaro also saw his self in that dream and he was given a fright as this Body is not a human, instead,Its a DemiHuman.this DemiHuman has a blue Long hair color,which is styled like an Ancient time.His blue Eyes was very tempting as his face looks pretty and handsome at the same time. but that's not all,he also discover that,In that dream,Hes married into another DemiHuman,and what's more is that DemiHuman was also a male like him! Kintaro then wake up as he thought that it was a very interesting dream,but later,He didn't expect that, that dream will appear every night as the dream make a progress on its story. Kintaro didn't think about it too much as he only thought ' I should stop reading fantasy novel temporarily ' But everything has changed as everyday,he discover that he will learn something new Until he learn the Truth on why he keep dreaming about it.

MelodyRain1005 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
45 Chs

Chapter 36: I Hope You Succeed!

It's already 6:30 in the morning, as the group A was Eating at the cafeteria happily and talking to each other actively.

All of them was telling to each other about their self, like hobby, Nickname, Birthday, etc.

"Kintaro,when is your birthday?"Lucia asked

"my birthday is on October 5" Kintaro reply as he continue "But I didn't celebrate it cause I'm very tired at that day"

Lucia thought about it carefully as he raise her finger to count before saying " so your birthday is already over" as he add "Mine will be this November 13" as she smiled.

"we have the same birthday sister Lucia!" Mayumi suddenly said,which shock the group.

Lucia was shock as this was the first time knowing that Mayumi and her had the same birth month and day.

Lucia said after smiling " We're like a twin if that's the case" before laughing.

the other also Nodded as they thought

' the two of them was similarly beautiful.thr only difference is that Lucia give a cold and freezing atmosphere, While Mayumi giving a calm and warm feelings '


after their Breakfast.everyone went to their Rehearsal room as they continue to practice and improve their acting and ofcourse,their disposition.

Dio, who's on the side suddenly smiled as he said " okay, everyone did a great job" he compliment as he said " Since all of you Is feeling tired,I will let you to have a rest for today.We will go to the mall and have some fun!"

everyone was thrilled to Dio's sentence as all of them then praise Dio like " You're a very good brother!" while some are " brother was more handsome today!"

Dio only smile at their compliment,as he glance at Kintaro with a invisible loving look.

Kintaro notice this look as he began to blush and didn't look directly at Dio's eyes.Instead,he only nodded his head as a sign of approval.

all of them began to prepare while they're talking about it fervently....

"It's good,I will buy all the materials needed for the script!"

"finally,We can flex our handsome face their brother!"

"Mayumi, let's have a window shopping and food trip there!"

all of them then enter the car that they used The past day as they drive toward the biggest shopping district in the city!


when all of them reach the Shopping District.They were welcome by a loud and lively atmosphere.

the scents of Flower's can be smelled from the flower shop.the fervently shout of the vendor to attract the people to buy their product and use their services.

the group of Kintaro had a smiled plastered on their face,as they went along the way.

"you all can now go wherever you want" Dio said before continuing "Me and Klein will go out first to attend some matter related to our entertainment"

the others then Nooded as they bid farewell to Dio, before also leaving.

"Let's go to the swimming pool at the rooftop!"

"Mayumi! come here, let's go and buy some clothes!"

"Where can I buy that materials again?oh right, it's should be this way...."


everyone went to their own way excitedly as Sciziro and Kintaro was the only left,while mulling over on what should they do.

"Kintaro,look" Sciziro called before saying

"There's a place that let you have a small concert here,and what's more is that their also a famous Influencer who's currently singing on the stage"

Kintaro thought about it for a while before saying"then let's go and check it! " he said cheerfully before adding" I also want to sing "

The two of them are ready to depart,when a familiar voice suddenly shout.


both of them turn around,as they saw a man who have a golden hair color and eyes.this man was very handsome as he has a fierce aura around him.

Kintaro and Sciziro was very impressed about this man disposition and aura until....

"Sciziro,wanna go out?"He asked as a puppy looked was plastered on his face.

Kintaro and Sciziro was dumbfounded as they thought 'Where's the fierce aura?! where's the justice?! where's the prince charming effect?!'

Sciziro then scratch his head as he say

"well, Brother Leoniel,Me and Kintaro actually decided to go into the theater today"

Leoniel then look at Kintaro with a Pleasing look as if saying 'Please let him stay with me'

Kintaro then thought ' did he want a date with him... secretly?' before saying " It's okay Sciziro" as he continue " I will just look for other after going to that small concert place"

Sciziro was hesitating if he should go to Leoniel,when he suddenly heared Leoniel saying "we will go to the restaurant and eat to our heart content.My treat" as he smiled at Sciziro.

Sciziro then made up his mind as he said

"Okay let's go! Bye Kintaro,we will meet again later" before looking at the restaurant direction as his eyes was shining brightly.

Leoniel and Sciziro then walkout,as Leoniel give him a satisfied look before leaving.

Kintaro could only Smile bitterly as he thought

' I hope you succeed on bending him' Before chuckling and went to the place on where small concert is.


Meanwhile.Lucia and Mayumi was Happily trying out a different clothes while giving them a compliment.

"wow! Mayumi,you look very charming in that dress" Lucia said as she clap her hand.

"thank you Sister Lucia" Mayumi reply shyly as she said "You also look gorgeous on that black dress"

Lucia then smile at this compliment as they continue to switch to a different kinds of clothes.


outside the Shopping Mall.there was a man wearing a black clothes as a black glasses was covering his eyes.

this man was holding a phone as he say

"Little Miss,The target is inside the clothes shop"

[very good very good!] a voice of a woman sounded on the other line

[ just wait their and ready to proceed our plan] he advised calmly

"okay little miss" The man reply before hanging up the call.

on the other side of the phone.awoman was smirking At the phone as he said.

"I will now let you know the consequences for fighting over a man with me!" as he laughed wickedly.