
Melody Of illusion

Dream is something that every person can experience.It can give you sense of joy,but sometimes,a nightmare. Kintaro was a fresh graduate of Art's and Entertainment Specially on singing. Kintaro turn eighteen on this year but he Didn't celebrate his birthday as he was super tired after the day. In the night when Kintaro fall asleep,He have a dream about living in another time and era,which his not very familiar,but that's not all.even the Living That he saw on his dream was not human but....A DemiHuman?! He see a different kind of DemiHuman.be It a tiger, Lion,Turtle, Phoenix,a fox, and even a Dragon are there living in harmony. Kintaro also saw his self in that dream and he was given a fright as this Body is not a human, instead,Its a DemiHuman.this DemiHuman has a blue Long hair color,which is styled like an Ancient time.His blue Eyes was very tempting as his face looks pretty and handsome at the same time. but that's not all,he also discover that,In that dream,Hes married into another DemiHuman,and what's more is that DemiHuman was also a male like him! Kintaro then wake up as he thought that it was a very interesting dream,but later,He didn't expect that, that dream will appear every night as the dream make a progress on its story. Kintaro didn't think about it too much as he only thought ' I should stop reading fantasy novel temporarily ' But everything has changed as everyday,he discover that he will learn something new Until he learn the Truth on why he keep dreaming about it.

MelodyRain1005 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 37: Who Is that?

On a room that has a spacious space,and looks like a dressing room for the actor and actress. there was a two woman talking to each other as a surprise and excited look plastered on their face.

"Really,Kira?" The woman who wear a mini skirt and have a sailor uniform asked Kira.

"It's True,May" she then nooded as she continue

"But we don't have any clue on where he is now"

May was a beautiful girl and was talented in singing.he was adopted by Kira's family as they grow together and treat each other like a real siblings.

Kira then frown as concern show on his face,but that frown didn't last as she said

"Don't worry about it too much" she comfort as he add "if he's alive till now,maybe he was in a good situation"

Kira then nodded silently as she thought that what May did said has make a sense ang very logical.she then changed the topic as she said.

"Okay, lets not worried about it" as she continue "good luck on your mini concert today.Im sure many people will love to see you again" She said with a cheerful smile.

May then smiled as she said "thank you for cheering me.You should watch my mini concert okay?" She reminded Kira.

Kira then nodded as she say "of course of course,I will watch it from beginning till the end"


On the other side.Kintaro was walking toward the direction on where a mini crowd had been gathering as he ask the other

"Why there's a lot of people gathering here?"

The person that he asked then look at him and a annoyed face can be seen as he look towards Kintaro,but that Annoyed face suddenly vanish as he saw Kintaro's handsome face as she say "little brother over here, actually there is a famous talented singer who will perform here.not inly that,that singer is groom by one of the Ancient family in the world....the Fox Family"

The woman said as a look of admiration can be seen on his eyes.

Kintaro then nodded as he know about the ancient family.he know that Fox Family was a family which receive an inheritance from their ancestors,as they pass it down to the younger generation.

Kintaro then ask the girl if he can have a chance to sing on the stage.the girl thought about it before pointing at the small booth and said "Just go there and say you want to sing on the stage"

Kintaro then nooded and bid farewell to the woman, before walking toward the small Booth and talked to the people in charge on it.

The guy in the booth then nooded as he said "you will perform after Miss May"

Kintaro then nooded as he said thank you to the guy.


A while later.Many people then shout the name "Miss May! Miss May! Miss May!" Repeatedly,as a beautiful woman who had a yellow hair, which Match his Bright personality and looks.

"Hello everyone!" May greet the crowd as she wink to them before saying "today,I will sing you all my favorite song titled : Midnight dreams"

May then began to sing as she close her eyes.

This song was all about the teenager, who pursuing its own goal inside it's dream,but after waking up from that Wonderful dream,the teenager will realize that the reality was a cruel world as it wish that it should never wake up from that dream.

This song leave a bittersweet emotions to the audience.be it a young,kid,or adult.they all felt the emotion that they didn't experience in their whole life.

While May was singing.Kintaro was shock as a one thought past his mind

'this....this feeling is similar to the Voice And Heart Union technique!' as a disbelief was plastered on his face as he add

'she even reach the second level of it same as me...Is this the power of the Ancient Fox Family?'

After May performance.the crowd's give her a thunderous applause and deafening cheers as they shout "Amazing as Always" while some are giving their love to her, be it a male or female.

May then bow his head as he give them a heart blow kiss before leaving the Stage.


"You really did well,May" Kira said before she continue"You even reach the Voice And Heart Union,second level in just two years "

She said in awe.

If Kintaro heared this,he will be shocked greatly as he reached this stage less than two weeks!

May then Smiled and say "thank you sister Kira.I also didn't expect that I can reach this level" she said happily.

While they're talking,the staff of the said place suddenly said

"Thank you for your beautiful performance,Miss May" as he continue

"Now, lets introduce our last singer,Kintaro!"

All the audience was dumbfounded as they thought that the performance of May was the last.whats more is that they never heard the name Kintaro in the world of entertainment, what's more on singing.although,they still clap their hand as a sign of respect.

"Who is this Kintaro?"

"I don't know, it's my first time hearing him"

"Let's get out of here.Its just an unknown singer anyway"

The crowd began talking about who is Kintaro.

Kintaro then showed up on the stage with a smile on his face,as he wear a simple and casual clothes.although,he wear a simple clothes,his pretty and handsome face make the crowd focus on him.

"Wait! That's him!"the girl that Kintaro asked earlier suddenly said with an excitement.


Before Kintaro show on the stage....

May was shocked,as she was curious on who's Kintaro was.

Kira,who's sitting beside her has a questioning expression on her face as she thought 'Who could it be? And his Name was similar to my younger brother '

As she thought about this,the man in question suddenly appear on the stage with a simple clothes.but Kira didn't pay attention to it as he look at this man face as he feel a yearning and Suddenly urge to hug this man.

"Why....why I'm crying?" She whisper softly and looked at May.

To her surprise,May was also shedding tears as she said " why I feel like I finally found so important to me?....."

The two of them then look at Kintaro and pay him more attention.the more they pay attention to him,the more they feel a familiarity toward him.

Kintaro didn't know this as he began to introduce his self and ready for his performance.

May and Kira then stay behind to watch his performance,as Kira pull her cellphone to video The man who's in the stage.