
Meeting my idols

Jeeya, a girl with a million dreams and protective parents, gets the one thing she wants the most in her life - meeting her idols. A messed-up situation shapes up when she crosses paths with them in a non-native land. Before she can get a hold of the scenario, she is caught up in a mystery K-Drama instead of a romance. To trigger her minefield life, a guy drops into her life as dynamite. BOOM! Will she light up her life, or will she blow up?

DaoistZ9OxoI · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Chapter 8- The night is young

Before I could get hold of this 'what-in-the-K-Drama?' situation, Jae Hye came running towards us, concern coloring her pretty face. Her elder brother started questioning his younger brother about what happened, giving me sideway glances from time to time. Jae Hye listened to it and pulled me into a hug and started chanting sorry. The boys looked like they would give a million bucks to be anywhere but here. They probably think we were making a big scene, which is the main reason I stopped crying, not because Jae Hee showed up to save us. I'm not a fan of a knight in shining armor scenario, so this makes the whole situation kind of embarrassing. God, they were just high school kids. What would they do to me? I mean, I've seen dramas where people die because of bullying, but it's just for the drama, right?

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. I thought you were pulling a prank but when I checked the location, you shared that's when I realized it wasn't. I'm sorry, so sorry, really sorry," she is crying, which is pretty devastating to look at.

"I was angry, but I'm alive so you're forgiven", I say, making a face. We'll deal with this later, not in the presence of your brothers, particularly your elder brother. I don't know if she got the message but she nodded.

I tell them my side of the story, how I got lost, found Jae Hyun, thought it was a prank, and jumped to help him. Jae Hyun didn't come back to his senses so he just stared at me, Jae Hye started to laugh as if I said something really funny, and as for Jae Hee...

"Are you nuts? Prank? If you have a brain, you should know those pranks would be in a public space filled with people not in some dingy alleyway", he sounded so frustrated. Well, he got a point.

"I told you; you could call me whatever it is, what if it wasn't my brother, what if they were all friends and were just playing around? Do you know how dangerous it is? Going out alone is one thing, going out alone in a new place where you don't know anyone or their language, seriously?", now he sounded angry. I hated how right he was and wrong I was here because all could do now is open my mouth to reply with a sassy answer which I know is not right and close my mouth. We go like this for about ten minutes. Thankfully, Jae Hye interrupts and asks Jae Hyun about the bullies and how long is this going on, which diverts Jae Hee's attention from me to his brother. He is in no shape to answer, he is so scared right now. So, they make him promise that he'll tell them everything tomorrow.

"Hyun ah, you can come to my apartment tonight, I'll mom", Jae Hee tells and pulls out his phone to call their mother.

Jae Hye didn't like that idea, she snatches his phone away and says, "You are going home, dad is out with his friends, and I'm at the dorm, a guy who doesn't want an apartment stays in an apartment, so mom will be alone", she stares pointedly at Jae Hee challenging him to correct her. When he doesn't reply she smirks and gives him his phone back.

"I'm starving, let's go fill ourselves with food, it's on me", she tells pulling Jae Hyun along with her.

I start to follow them but Jae Hee grabs my hand which is sudden and unexpected, so I didn't know how to react. But why is my stupid heart racing? I guess it is as flustered as I'm right now. We hate this guy remember? So, I'm hoping you wouldn't do this again when he's close or something, it's absurd, I give myself a warning and turn towards him. Woah, he looks handsome under the moonlight. Did I tell you his skin is smooth like pearls? Shut up.

"Huh?", I look at his hand grabbing mine, and at him, he lets go of it as if he was suddenly aware of what he was doing.

"Um, you should come with me. Jae Hye drove her scooter, so if she's taking Hyun with her...", he says and looks away as if staring at my face for longer than five seconds will make him inherit some of my diseases. Jerk.

"Okay", I nod and started to walk along with him toward his car. We were silent all the way to the restaurant. I was silently cursing Jae Hye for signing me up for this situation. Also, the ambiance didn't help, in fact, it was troublesome. The windows were up, AC blasted in full swing and the smell... The car smelled like him. He smelled like, I mean his car smelled like- woods, water, sage? I don't know but it is intoxicating in a way. Before I pass out (not because I didn't like the fragrance, it's the opposite), I turn off the AC and roll down the windows. He gives me a look but doesn't complain.

He stops the car in front of Subway; I could see Jae Hye and Hyun have already ordered and were waiting for us. I go sit with them and Jae Hee sits with me as they both already occupied the other side. Jae Hye is trying very hard not to smile, which is weird, I don't know what got into her. We enjoy our subs in silence, no one dares to speak anything. When all of us finished our food, Jae Hye stands up, "I'll drop Hyunnie at home, who knows you may kidnap my brother to your place. Drop my friend at campus", she doesn't wait for a reply before we could interpret what she just said she's already at the door Hyun on her heels. She sticks her tongue at her elder brother and waves goodbye to me and leaves.

Jae Hee sighs and nods his head, suddenly it's awkward. Whatever she's trying to do I'm so going to kill her for this. Well, I can make an excuse by telling him, I know how to get to campus and leave, but unfortunately, I can't. Neither of us is ready to break the silence.

"Uh, can we leave?", I ask him he looks at me and nods. We walk out together, the night is young and romantic, but wrong timing.

"It's still early, do you have any place in your mind that you wanted to visit while you are here?", he asks me which is surprising and also a little suspicious.

"I mean it's not like I want to spend some more time wi... um here, it's just, um, consider it as a thank you for stepping up for my brother", he is flustered which is odd. Did I mention he looks so adorable when he stutters? Shut up.

Suddenly I feel confident, "Surprise me"


"Take me to any place that is worth visiting"

He thinks for a while, I take this opportunity to admire, um, observe his features. His eyebrows knit together when he thinks, and his left index finger plays with his upper lip. He does it involuntarily, out of habit. I can almost see it on his face when he chooses a place and strikes out, and contemplates his options. He's so easy to read which is adorable. I turn my face forcefully away from him.

"Got it. I'll take you to a milk tea place, you might've seen it in so many k-dramas. It's quite famous for appearing in k-dramas. They taste excellent too", he grabs my hand (again, for the second time tonight) and drags me to his car. I guess he is excited for me to see his choice. My Havens, I shouldn't blush and feel what I'll feel when I watch a cute scene in K-drama, but no I'm already feeling it, whatever 'it' is.

The place is just five minutes away from the Subway joint. He was right I've seen it in a couple of k-dramas but I don't remember which dramas they were. It is spacious and cozy, spacious places can't be cozy but this place is, I wonder how they managed to pull off that vibe.

He finds an empty table with a nice view outside for us to sit. It almost feels like a date, I'm happy for a second but my mind had other ideas, it shows me a scene from our flight journey and I'm reminded once again that he is a jerk. I try to push it away but can't.

"What do you want?", he asks me with a smile, I would've fallen for that cute smile if my mind didn't remind me that he is a jerk. Humph, Jeeya.

"Coffee, anything with coffee in it", I say. He gives me an annoyed look. Oh, then I realize what I've done. He brings me to a milk tea place and I just asked for a coffee. I mean I didn't mean to annoy him it just played out like that, maybe deep down I wanted to annoy him. I mentally shrug.

"It's a milk tea place", he says emphasizing 'milk tea'.

"I can read English, it's written on the board outside", I say flatly.

"Then order a milk tea"

"Well, I don't do milk tea. I'm more of a coffee person", I shrug

"But their milk tea is the best, in fact, best in this region", he is getting more annoyed.

"Good for them, but I want a coffee"

"They don't sell COFFEE here, because this is a MILK TEA place"

"Then let's leave"

"God, you're impossible", when he stands up ready to leave that's when I notice the digital board at the end, it's a picture of Ha-neul, holding a cup with the brightest smile on his face.

"On second thought, I will give it a try", I tell him, he follows my gaze and looks at the source of why I changed my mind all of a sudden.

"You've got to be kidding me, five seconds ago you said you don't want milk tea, and now you want to try it, because of him", he points in the digital board's direction.

"I'm an Ave, I love them. You know if I was being honest with the statement of purpose I submitted, I would've written Haven. They are seventy percent of the reason why I'm here", he gives me a disgusted look. I don't want him to think this internship means nothing to me, so I quickly add, "another thirty percent is the internship"

"I didn't know Ha-neul Oppa liked milk tea", I say to myself.

"How come you didn't know this; you are his fan, you should be knowing everything right? That's what you 'fans' claim", he rolls his eyes.

"Excuse me, I'm his fan, not a stalker. I need not know everything about him. Now, quit talking and order whatever his favorite is", I regretted the moment I said it out loud, even to me it sounded bossy. I half expected him to get angry but he got up and went to place our order. Oof, that could've ended up differently.

He comes back and sits quietly, they start to play Haven's songs, for which I try hard not to dance and make a fool out of myself. He scrolls through his phone, I observe everything around me (which also includes him, only once I glanced at him, um maybe thrice, okay more than thrice). Our drinks finally arrive, I really hated the smell. I wasn't lying when I said I'm a coffee person. Before I could give up and run away, I take a sip, all could taste was raw milk. I try not to gag. He looks at me and laughs.

"Ha-neul oppa's taste is unique, which didn't suit me, that's all", I try to explain but he calls out my bluff by raising his eyebrows.

"Okay, it tastes awful"

"Here, you can try mine", he slides his drink to my side and holds his breath as if he couldn't believe he suggested that I take a sip from his drink to save him from embarrassment. We started to have a normal conversation after that, after all, it wasn't that bad. When I thought everything was going fine, I hear someone call out his name.

"Park Jae Hee?", I turn to look at the owner of the voice, a tall mean looking guy stood with a girl clinging to him. I thought they might be friends but judging by the mocking look he gave Jae Hee, I think not.

I turn to Jae Hee, he's clutching the glass so hard, before he can break the glass, I pull it away from him. He looks angry and hurt.

"Let's leave", he says and storms out without waiting for me, I walk fast to keep up with him. He is leaning against his car, forehead against one of the window breathing shallowly. I dare not ask anything about that guy, anything at all. He opens my door; I get in without looking at him. He slams the door a little hard which makes me flinch.

That mean-looking guy was still looking at us which this creepy smile on his face, I felt hatred towards him and I don't even know him. If he is capable of bringing this reaction out of Jae Hee, then he might not be a good guy.