
Meeting my idols

Jeeya, a girl with a million dreams and protective parents, gets the one thing she wants the most in her life - meeting her idols. A messed-up situation shapes up when she crosses paths with them in a non-native land. Before she can get a hold of the scenario, she is caught up in a mystery K-Drama instead of a romance. To trigger her minefield life, a guy drops into her life as dynamite. BOOM! Will she light up her life, or will she blow up?

DaoistZ9OxoI · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 9- Hmmm

Driving with a stranger (pretty much) in a new city at eight at night must be awkward. It should be even more awkward if both people are silent. But I felt comfortable. This silence between us was awkwardly comfortable. I was watching the beauty of Seoul in the night, capturing as many images as possible through my eyes and storing them in my brain. My hands itched to reach for my phone and take pictures, but I didn't want the distraction. If I want pictures, I can come again another day, but the feel of just watching for the first time with wide mesmerized eyes won't return.

As for Jae Hee, he is calm now. I knew he was calm because until now he didn't look at me, but I could feel his glances from time to time.

I sigh, "Say what you want to say"

"Don't mention this to Jae Hye. She'll be upset"

"Why would I tell we ran into her trashy ex to her?"

"What do you know about him? It's not even a week and she told you about HIM? That's impossible."

"She didn't tell anything. The way you reacted when you saw him, his filthy creepy tormenting nightmarish smile, obviously he can't be your ex, so...simply put I guessed"

"Woah, not bad. I can't share the details of their relationship. It lasted for like two weeks but she went through a lot because of that...", he stopped knowing whatever he was about to tell would be bad.


"Language, Jeeya", he gave me a stern look.

"What? I was just helping you"

"I get why my sister is so invested in you. You both are so much alike, she'll say whatever is on her mind without thinking, loves to annoy people, overthinks a lot, and the list goes on. Yet different at the same time"

"You are telling me that I'm annoying?", I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I said my sister is. Huh, we are at the dorm. Good night, see you tomorrow"

"Good night, I wish I could not see you tomorrow", I mutter the last part. With that, I get down and close the car door. He smiles at me before driving off, it's annoying. I want to go back to calling him a jerk, a part of me knows we are far from it. But this new thing whatever is budding between us (Not us... us, just us) I don't want it. This is totally new to me, my whole life I've only looked at my idols and k-drama actors as my boyfriends, the boys around me, psst, don't even get me started. I'm not saying I might like Jae Hee, that will be the last thing I would do, I'm damn sure about it. Still, this rhythm of my heart is changing when he is around. I guess it must be because I find him annoying. Ahhh, whatever. I've already done so much in one day. In the dictionary of an introvert, this is too much socializing. I just want to go to bed.

Jae Hye is doing her night skincare routine when I get into our shared dorm room. Her face lights up in a mischievous smile when she sees my face.

"Woahhhh, how was your date, ma girl?", she asks with so much enthusiasm I feel like smacking her.

"I thought we were on the same page. What are you trying to do?", I try to sound angry but it comes out as more disbelief.

"What am I trying to do?", she asks but it's clear as her skin that she knows what she's trying to do.

"You know what that is"

"Enlighten me"

I have a feeling if I answer this with a subtle explanation it'll only encourage her, so I decide to ignore it. She notices that too and smiles. Both brother and sister are annoying.

"Did you drop Hyunnie off? Is he okay now", I ask in concern.

"He is such a baby, that too a considerate worried baby. He promised me he'll not stand the bullying and talk to his homeroom teacher tomorrow. If not, I'll go to school myself and teach those morons a lesson", she says determinedly.

"Take me with you, even I'll kick their butts"

"And get on the wrong side of my big brother? No thank you"

"What? See, you're doing this again", why would he care about what I do? She has decided something and told it so many times to make it work. Actually, I'm afraid it might work.

"You won't get it now, good night", she turns her lights off hinting she won't say a word after this. I whisper a good night and go to change. I need sleep, a long peaceful one, to face tomorrow.

We meet for lunch after meeting with our respective mentors. The first half of the day went in a flash. I should've known better when we were smiling so sweetly at me yesterday, the smile meant, "Today will be the last day you smile. Brace yourself to wrestle with me in a fiery pit". Jerk. Don't judge me already. I'm not talking badly about him without any reason. Jae Hye slumps and groans near me on the bench.

"Your brother is unbelievably..."

"Hot?", she cuts me off and adds nonsense. I nod a no.

"Handsome? Cute? Beautiful? Out of a magazine kinda beautiful?", she keeps on adding stupid stuff. See, she has misunderstood 'fake it till you make it'.

"Annoying. That's what he is. The very next second I entered his room he gave me three big books. I thought it was for reference, he didn't utter a single word. I was so scared of his split personality, yesterday he was all cool, and today again the cold shoulders. Back to the books, he said I have five days' time I should read all three books and take notes, what the hell is wrong with him? Not just that, only after I read those books I can enter his lab, jerk. Also, every day I have to practice Korean too. He'll test me on it. WHAT THE HELL?", When I finish talking, I'm out of breath. Honestly, I expected a firework reaction from Jae Hye but she just sat there motionless.

"Yaa, say something"

"How many books did you say?"


"How many days?"


She motions for me to see beside her. There sat six bigger versions of my books. I clasp my hands over my mouth.

"If your mentor is a jerk, mine is a mentor from hell. He generously gave me three fucking days. Can you believe it?"

"Your brother is the best", I quickly retreat.

"That's what I thought. Today is our only free day, to celebrate the remaining days with the mentor from hell, I'll take you to coin karaoke. Let's goooooo", this girl is like a smartphone. She can switch to any mode she wants so quickly.

"I don't think I can come, physics interns have a party to get introduced, before ten minutes only they texted in our group", I don't want to go. I know how these parties will be, my knowledge of K-drama says it sure will include alcohol which I have never tried and have no intention of trying in the future.

"I'll tag along. I hate to send my little girl alone to a party with strangers", she throws her hand over my shoulder. Awww, I'm melting.

"Disclaimer, I'm not a party person"

"I found that out when you walked in with that Haven's phone case and a pretty smile. Ambiverts can detect an introvert's presence, I got you", god, I love her.

We reached that restaurant around five and I already hated it, the place was crowded, loud music was erupting, and people were talking so loudly. I couldn't contain my expressions, which was pure horror. Socializing is one thing (of course, I hate that too) but sitting for hours with about to get drunk people is horrifying. Jae Hye takes my hand and walks confidently toward our table. She sits near me, thank God, I would've had a panic attack if it wasn't for her.

Within minutes the table is filled with interns from different nations. A guy approaches us, I silently pray for him to go away. He stands behind my chair and speaks. I tell myself that he must be here to talk with Jae Hye, I don't need to look at him.

"Jeeya, right?", Shit.

C'mon Jeeya, just a hi and bye.

"Yeah...and you are?", I slowly turn around, woah he's handsome, his face was angular but covered with his curtain fringes, I could make out a tattoo sneaking out on his right arm where he has pushed up his shirt sleeves. I've never met him before, how does he know me?

"I'm Yuki, from Japan. I saw you at our orientation, I had a feeling we'll get along you know, help each other out with our internships and stuff", he's full of confidence and handsome too.

Jae Hye clears her throat, uh oh, someone doesn't like this. I'm going to talk with him just to annoy her.

"That would be awesome, we can hang out too, can I get your number?", I give him my phone. I don't know where I'm getting this confidence, but the more I talk the more irritated Jae Hye is. Success.

"Thought you'd never ask, here", he gives me his number which I know I'm not going to use. He leaves happily after that. Whatever was that?

"WHAT WAS THAT?", if she doesn't like something she sure as hell knows to let other people know she doesn't like it.

"What was what?"

"That dude, I don't like him. Yuki, what kind of name is that? Why the hell would you give him your number?"

"Uh huh correction, I got his number"

"If I get to know that you cheated on my brother, I'll kill you", there she goes again. I'm so done with her.

Unfortunately, the chemistry interns also have a party here today, she didn't know because she didn't check her messages. They occupied another table, she promised to come back after five minutes and fled. But never came back, traitor. The first few minutes were okay, we exchanged our names and stuff, but soon things started to get out of hand. They started to pass down a bowl with alcohol filled to the brim, I sat in the far end so I'm safe. That's what I thought. When it was my turn, the bowl was refilled again. This is the right moment for a meteor attack.

If I turn this down, everyone will be so annoyed for being an anti-party person and spoiling their fun. But I can't just drink for that. Should I just spill this on myself and excuse myself? Yeah, that would be the only possible solution for this situation.

Out of nowhere, Jae Hye came and takes away the bowl from me, and finishes it off. The crowd goes wild but I'm concerned. She's so drunk already. After this, no one is in a state of mind to question our leaving. With so much difficulty I drag her along with me. For a second I consider calling Jae Hee but I don't know how he'll react to this. So, I can't call him. I walk for a few more minutes. It's almost dark now. I should hail a cab. I try to wake her up to book a cab.

"What's with you and dark alleyways?"

"Fuck", I jump at his voice.

"Language. Never mind, this idiot here texted me to come to pick you up before. I thought you were wasted but the situation here is the opposite", Jae Hee sighs. Wait, she texted what? When will she stop this game?

"Psst, you need not come to pick me up, in the future, because I don't drink", I put her in the back seat of the car and headed to the passenger seat.

"Didn't ask, don't care", he mutters under his breath but I heard him clearly.

Jae Hye, I think your gaslighting is working. My heart is betraying me. Instead of finding him annoying, why am I thinking he is cute?

No, no, no, no, no, no...