
Meadow Moon The charmed Ones.

Three young women find out on their 18 birthday. That they are adopted. They are triplets. Their mother had to put them up for adoption because of a special gift that was given to them when she was pregnant with them Their power only work when to together. What is this power? Can they learn to use it. They go through a series of trials learning how to live with each other. They even meet a young werewolf princess Sue Ann whos pack was cursed. They remain in wolf form all month and only turn human every full moon. Can the sisters help her? They have to find away to reverse the cursed.

Christina_Felan · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Sue Ann

    Sue Ann was very excited the witches had agreed to help her. She rushed home to tell her father. She hated the curse. She had being wolf for 29 to 30 day and only be han during the full moon once for four hours when the full moon was his highest point.

       She found her dad down by river getting a drink. "Dad"she said. I have found some to help us I meet them tomorrow." She said nuzzling up to her dad. Even in wolf form her dad vert handsome. He had jet black fur and beautiful copper eyes. Her dad sighed. " I am sorry baby girl I didn't mean to put this curse on my pack. I can't believe they still want me to be Alpha." "Dad how many times do I have to tell you it's not your fault. How were you suppose to know that Amanda's girls were going to be there that night. Everyone know that a werewolf can't control themselves when they are transforming." Her father sighed " Oh sweet pea I don't deserve you.

She went to meet Aria Daisy and Emily. So Sue Ann tell the girls what you just told me. Sue and started to explain when Aria angry replied" You must be crazy. I only hear her barking Emily laugh and said" Thats what I hear to." Daisy said I am not crazy. I can hear her speak just fine. Maybe that part of my gift I can speak to animal Hold on I will fix it. She lean down and gently whispered in Sue Anna ear. " What I can hear let the others her. So I say it so it shall be" She then asked Sue Ann to speak. When Sue Ann did the other finally heard her. Sue then explained to them what she had told Daisy the night before. They listen and felt sorry for herm They agreed to help her. Since it was getting late they asked Sue Ann to come back the next day to explains why her pack was cursed in the first place. Sue asked if she could bring her dad. He knew the story better than her anyway. They said it would be alright and Sue Ann left.

When she got to pack she found her dad. " Dad". she said " The witches are willing to help us. I need you to come with me tomorrow to tell the story of why we are cursed" "I will go" her dad replied " I just hope they don't judge me." " Oh daddy once they here it they will know it's not you fault." Her dad then walked off to be with the other males in the pack.

Sue Ann really hoped that they witches would be able to help them. She had just turned 19 and wolf's can only find there soul mate in human form. When they turn 19 they get this strong connection with a male of their pack. They instantly know who thier soul mate is just by looking at that person