
Meadow Moon The charmed Ones.

Three young women find out on their 18 birthday. That they are adopted. They are triplets. Their mother had to put them up for adoption because of a special gift that was given to them when she was pregnant with them Their power only work when to together. What is this power? Can they learn to use it. They go through a series of trials learning how to live with each other. They even meet a young werewolf princess Sue Ann whos pack was cursed. They remain in wolf form all month and only turn human every full moon. Can the sisters help her? They have to find away to reverse the cursed.

Christina_Felan · Fantasy
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11 Chs

History of Meadow Moon

Sue Ann and her dad arrive at Emily's house around lunch time. Since it was nice day outside they decide to sit out side. Sue Ann introduced her Dad as Adam Jones. Know that her sisters would not be able to her Adam . Emily did the same spell she did on Sue Ann. Adam began his story.

Well before I tell you why we were cursed. You need to know the history of Meadow Moon. In the early 1800's a group of witch found a love spot in a meadow. They decided that this was a love spot to build their village. They decided to name it Meadow moon because at night the moon seem so close that it felt if you were to stand on your tiptoes you could touch it. They soon found out across the meadow was village of werewolves. They soon discovered the other village was name Redwood after the werewolf pack that lived there. They build a wall around their wall to protect their village from the wolves durning a full moon. When a werewolf changes form they are never able to control themselves killing everyone who come in contact with them. The two villages were able to live in peace till one fatefully night.

It was the night of a full moon. The witch locked up their gate. The witches young knew better than to go out in the meadow one the gate was locked. In this night 3 young ladies decided they wanted to see the wolf's transform. They snuck out of the village and watched a wolf transform. They had thought they were hidden, but the wold smelled them. They were attacked. Only two of them made it home. The third was killed. The mother of the girl were very angry and her heart broke with the death of her youngest child. She vowed revenge on the wolf that killed her child

She searched and question every wolf she could find. She soon came across me. I had never meant to her her baby. They weren't even suppose to be out there. I tried to apologize but she wouldn't hear me. She just laughed and said the words that would haunt me for the rest of my life.

" Don't worry wolf I won't kill you. You will never die but you will be doomed to live you life as a wolf each month and only be in human form durning durning the full moon. This goes for the entire village of Redwood. Every generation will have the same curse unless you can find some one to lift it. The only way for members of your pack is to find a way to break the. curse. will be able to find it's mates is in human form."

Aria got up wiping tears from her eyes. " We want to help you but just last week we learned we were witches. we don't even know how to use our powers yet. We will do our best to help break your curse."" That is all I ask" Adam replied. "Thank you." " You are welcome. We needed to know more about this witch that put the cures on you. " Emily said there was also tears in her eyes. Sue Ann whispered "There will be a full moon is three days perhaps I can come by then and talk to you better. It will be late cause we have to wait for the full moon to come out. If you would mind leaving us some clothes out. When we turn back to human we are always naked."

Everyone agreed that the night of the full moon would be perfect for their next meeting. They would leave clothes out for them. They looked forward to seeing Sue Ann and Adam and hoped they could help them.