
Me and the dead against the world

Miguel awakens a very rare talent “necromancer” this talent isn’t well known and requires souls and corpses before he can summon a servant. Taking place in Las Vegas, the Guilds are littered with criminals and taking advantage of the weak. When he awakens he gets a F rank which is almost a normal person.Can he make this new career work out? Can he find a place where he belongs? Can he protect what's important?

LuckyGambit · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


Mike walks out of the ARA Las Vegas branch "…Alright!!! Wooohoooo" People around him wonder if they are looking at a crazy person. After looking around at the crowd that just heard him, he gets to his car and drives away. People just return to their routine and ignore the crazy person, since in this place, events like this would frequently happen with newly awakened.

Inside the ARA building, Liv looks over the results. "How in the world is this possible?" she turns around to the assistant. "Quick! Classify these results, no one can find out about this, make sure no one without a higher clearance than me can see these results and bury them in archives" The assistant thought this was strange "Go! Now!" but she followed orders anyway. When the assistant left, Liv made a call immediately. "We have a problem… You're gonna want to see this… he summoned 6 familiars… "What do you mean you already know...".

When Mike gets home, he stares at his newly acquired hunter's license with the letters in bold at the top "C-Rank." Mike was very happy, and suddenly he got a call. "Hey sis… yup, I got the license. Guess what rank… Yeah, exactly, wait, how did you know… So what if Liv found out…. Alright, alright, it's done already, and it's not like it's going to cause a big problem anyways…. Yeah, and I think I have 2 party members, so I'll be able to move forward with the dungeon plans we talked about last time… hello… hello," Mike noticed that Lily had hung up on him.

In a building with the word Savage on the front, John enters a locker room. "Well damn if it isn't John." James was getting dressed with hunter equipment. "James? Wow, I haven't seen you since high school. How have you been? " John noticed the red colored badge James wore "Wait for you in the advances, Hunter party… how…. I've been trying to get into that team since I joined" James laughed "I just joined and they gave me this" John looked down at his grey colored badge that had the words monster processor on it, James smiled "o yea I saw your friend that punk, mike, looked like he wasn't doing too good in life either, alright john ill see you out there make sure you clean up after me properly" john frowned at that comment.

A man walked in and James walked out "Hey John hurry up or ill cut your pay if you hold us back we have that new hunter we have to make a good impression on, I hear he is backed by the higher-ups because his father is friends with the guild master" john started to realize that he wouldn't be able to make much of a career at his guild since anyone that knows the guild master would have a complete upper hand when it comes to work. John noticed that his efforts there wouldn't lead to anything no matter how hard he worked. Suddenly, John continued the rest of his day slowly and made mistakes to annoy his boss. Little by little, the manager got angry. During the raid that day, James left monster corpses for John to take care of, and John kept leaving them behind. James noticed what John was doing and got angry, yelling at him and cursing until his manager got there, wanting to suck up to James the manager looks at John angrily "alright that's it, your fired!, effective immediately" John looks at them and smiles "wow finally" he thought, john drops all the resources he had collected so far and walks out of the raid, returns to the guild building and changes out of the guild equipment, then goes to the HR department and plays a recording of his manager firing him "I have been fired and ill be expecting my last paycheck and severance by the end of the week as per my contracted terms" john then dropped his badge and left the building.

When John arrives home he yells "Mike I'm home and ready to…" he suddenly notices that Mike is on the couch with a woman "Oh, my bad bro be back later" John suddenly turns around and is about to walk out "john wait up, it's not like that just come on over" john stops then turns around "come on, you remember Mollie from highschool right?" john looks at Mollie and smiles."Of course I do, I didn't know you two were. " Mollie blushes for a moment "No, no, I'm just here because Mike said he might know about some safer dungeon work, that's all" Mike sits there and smiles at both of them "So is she going to be one of the party members we need for what you commented yesterday" john was skeptical but waited for his response "that depends on what she answers to the next question… Mollie, would you be willing to help John here with monster dissections to collect more resources, he would probably do most of the work but we would also need someone to help us organize and take inventory of all the resources we hand over to the ARA so we don't get ripped off" Mollie thinks for a moment "honestly sounds like the perfect job, but what's the catch?" Mike sits back."There is no catch, I just need people that I can trust, I know I can trust John, and you never seemed to be a bad person. considering you where already going to stop being a hunter then I think it would be better to trust you than a complete stranger, I also remember I saw you lie to the teacher once" mike laughs for a moment "not sure about now but back then you were a horrible liar" mollie seemed a little agitated and nervous, john laughs and looks at mike "I see what you mean, if that's what you mean then shes perfect" Mollies annoyance was apparent in her expression but she quickly calmed down "alright, you might be right but I would appreciate you two not teasing me, I was bullied enough in highschool" mike and john laugh together "john and me wont let you get bullied, since your one of us now, from now on we're a party" Mollie looked at Mike and John "not to bring down the mood but I really need to know about how we are going to get paid and what this 'party' is going to be doing" John get a little serious "yea Id like to know that too" they both stare at Mike "alright since your both ok with joining, guess I can talk about it now… I have a private investor that will be able to get ahold of dungeon rights for us, they would receive 40% and we would split the remaining 60 percent" John looks intensely at Mike "Usually the raiding party takes up about 50% of the profits so that only leave 10 percent to be split between us 3 which won't be much unless we are raiding C rank and above" mike smiles "so what percentage would you want for your loyalty?" Mollie seemed nervous to talk but suddenly blurts out "10 percent" John whips his head at Mollie "Wow for an organizer or a resource collector 8 percent is pretty well paid" Mollie looked at John, "he asked how much would it take to keep my loyalty and that number is at 10%" Mollie and John look at it other as if they where irritated with each other "alright 10 percent, done, john should get at least 15 percent since you're gonna be spending on equipment" they both look at Mike in surprise and John closes his eyes in disappointment then opens them "even if you didn't take a percentage, there isn't a raiding party that would raid for the remaining 35%, at least not a good one" mike smiles and says "don't worry about it I already have that part covered, but if I give you guys that much will you work with a nondisclosure agreement? I would also need you two to take on responsibilities as needed since we are just getting started in this, and only after the NDAs are signed will I be able to explain my plan for the raiding party" Mike saw that they were hesitating at the ridiculous plan that mike had, and they were worried about jumping into an irresponsible scheme.

John was fed up with his previous guild and had nothing to lose in giving it a shot, Mollie had nothing since her father's death and didn't want to worry her mother by returning to her previous party, and a life of paperwork in an office was not tempting. After a moment of thought for both John and Mollie, she lifts her head "All alright in" Mike looks at John "You already know I'm in" Mike stands up "Perfect" he takes out his cell phone and makes a call "come on up, their in… the door is open" he then hangs up and takes a seat again "their bringing up the NDA right now" John looked at mike in confusion "so you already knew we would accept?" Mike laughs."I knew I could count on you, honestly Mollie accepting is a happy surprise, but I hoped it would work out. " Mollie thought it was strange, so who is coming up" Suddenly the door opens and Lily walks in "That would be me" She walks in and sets two manilla folders and pens in front of John and Mollie, she then opens them and points "I need full names and signatures here, and here. Once you have signed, we can continue. " she then walks over to the fridge grabs a beer, and turns around, waiting for them to sign. John and mollie sign the documents then mike looks at them and closes the manilla folders and puts them away, then looks at Lily "Alright miguelito you can tell them now" mike smiles "ok, so check this out" he then summons rocky "rocky here is one of my servants… he and the rest will be our raiding party which is how ill be able to pay you guys that percentage, we will first start with D-rank and when ready I plan to move onto C-rank" Mollie looks at rocky in disappointment "your really are underestimating dungeons" mollie starts to get mad "are you crazy, my father died in these dungeons, I will not be part of your suicidal raid, thinking that a couple dogs will be able to do anything in a dungeon is just stupid" John was also slightly disappointed "mike shes got a point, putting up a couple dogs against dungeon monsters is suicidal" Lily puts down her beer "normally I would agree with you but this is slightly different, go ahead and bring them out for a little bit to gain their trust miguelito" mike summons all the servants in the room "and there's more to come" mollie looks around worriedly "so their all familiars right?" mike laughed and lifts his arm towards Jenkins "Jenkins put my hand in your mouth" Jenkins does as he is told and mike holds it there for a moment then pulls it out "they are definitely under control so theres no need to worry… alright everyone take a nap" they all disappear "don't worry, well give it a test run, as long as we all do our part well revisit working together for another dungeon afterwards, if all goes well" Mollie was still worried that this might be dangerous but she accepted it "when do we start then?" Lily took another drink from the beer "I just got paid today and I'll buy the rights tomorrow we should have the rights by Monday morning" John sat back "Perfect, that gives me enough time to buy the equipment" Lily threw away the beer can "unfortunately I won't be able to help you buy it" John laughs and looks at mike "that's right I haven't told you yet, I made my manager fire me so I get my last paycheck and severance pay, so that means that the equipment is going to be paid for by the savage guild" Mike joins john in the laughter as john explains how he angered his manager and James.