
Me and the dead against the world

Miguel awakens a very rare talent “necromancer” this talent isn’t well known and requires souls and corpses before he can summon a servant. Taking place in Las Vegas, the Guilds are littered with criminals and taking advantage of the weak. When he awakens he gets a F rank which is almost a normal person.Can he make this new career work out? Can he find a place where he belongs? Can he protect what's important?

LuckyGambit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Monday morning Mike met with Lily at the her guilds building and he entered the meeting room with Lily and Chance "you and your sister moved a lot faster than I thought you would… to already have your license, a team and the dungeon rights its no wonder your family… not just anyone could be so decisive" Chance places a folder in front of mike "this is the paperwork for the dungeon rights" he then places another folder in front of him "this is the contract stating that in exchange for the dungeon rights you will be turning over 40% of the earnings from the dungeon to your sister" Lily turns around and looks at Chance angrily "I told you I didn't want an actual contract for this!" mike takes the paper "calm down sis, this is an insurance to make sure the other party members don't get greedy and try to take all of it, although I don't believe this is necessary either, it is the logical thing to do" Lily calmed down "thank you chance, and you don't have to worry about my team, they're good people" mike stands up and takes the first folder "I better get to work" he starts to walk out "who knows maybe ill be helping you guys soon enough" Lily smiled and Chance chuckled  "I hope so mike, see you later".

Mike travels to the dungeon. When he arrives, he sees that the space is separated by caution tape, but there are no ARA agents like in other dungeons. the dungeon is completely unmanned. behind him John and Mollie walked up to the dungeon entrance when they arrived they noticed that Mike looked around with a worried expression "Hey Mike, me and Mollie are ready whenever you are" Mike quickly put on a smile "All alright, let head in and not waste any time while we're at it" mollie looked worried "you don't even have any equipment..." Mike didn't acknowledge the statement and entered the dungeon without John and Mollie. John couldn't help but feel worried at the thought that this might not work out and that his friend could get hurt, although cautious of the situation they were in both Mollie and John followed after Mike. when they entered they saw Mike with Rocky and Bonny in a dungeon with the terrain of barren lands, the large boulders and dry lands with the grey clouded skies give the sensation that there won't be much to find here, John looks around "So how are we going to do this?" bonny finds a boulder and lays down leaning against it. "don't worry, you'll see my servants drag back monster corpses soon enough, just get set up here." he then starts to walk towards the portal, while rocky and bonny stay still. "I'll be right back." Mollie looks at him in surprise "Hey you can't leave us here alone. That wasn't part of the deal!" as he continues to walk out of the dungeon  "Don't worry Rocky will stay with you and Bonny seems to like Rocky enough to stay with him so you should be safe, if anything happens just step out of the dungeon, ill be back in a moment" he then leaves.

John and Mollie are completely surprised, they thought that Mike was taking this seriously but his actions didn't exactly inspire confidence, John unfolds a table and starts setting up and organizing his tools, Mollie looks at him worriedly "What the hell are you doing, what if we get attacked", John doesn't stop "whatever happens im already invested in this, there's no use in backing out now when we haven't even started... besides, those two don't look worried, I doubt we have anything to worry about until they do. " Mollie looks at Rocky and Bonny but does not stop worrying. after a while, Mollie looks at her watch impatiently "Where the hell did Mike go, he said he would be right back, it has been an hour already" Mollie notices that Rocky sits up quickly from lying down and looks at them. behind Mollie and John, Mike enters the dungeon again pulling a cooler and a cart behind him "hey guys I brought beers" Mollie looks at him irritated "why aren't you taking this seriously, we are not here to camp out, how are we going to make anything sitting back and drinking beers" suddenly rocky can be heard growling and looking outwards "looks like you guys got some work to be done now" 3 orcs are seen in the distance pulling large rat-like monsters, they large sharp claws could easily slice thought a human.

John looks at Mollie "All alright, we got lucky, those claws on these dungeon rats are like gold, they are used in crafting equipment, unfortunately, that's all that salvageable from them, but since they are gluttons and hoarders, so checking their bellies and their nest can sometimes lead to unexpected results" Mike lets go of the cooler and cart, takes a water out of the cooler and starts walking with the Orcs. "I'll be back guys. Don't worry, Rocky and Bonny will stay behind." Mike looks at the monster corpses and uses his skill, summoning 12 new dungeon rat servants

Mike follows the new servants as they lead him to the nest which is infested with what seems like hundreds of rats, mike takes a moment before jumping into this situation since he only has 3 orcs a goblin, and 12 rats to go up against the nest. Mike doesn't want to be overrun by the rats, so he instructs 3 of his new servants that they are to bring the corpses closer to him while the others continue fighting. he walks past the brush between them and the entrance to the nest, and the servants follow. "Attack, but do not enter the nest, continue the attack until I say so, when hurt, only named servants can fall back and recover, the rest of you... fight till there is nothing left. " Once Mike stopped speaking, the servants headed out. One by one, the new rat servants kept bringing back corpses, and Mike kept making more servants. Fortunately, these rats seem to have many weak souls to replenish those they use. Mike thinks to himself that although he is getting many servants, this is no way to farm souls, but it is certainly chipping away constantly at the nest. he notices that the named monsters are cutting through the monsters easily without breaking a sweat, and the ant servants are multiplying, although the summoning doesn't take much out of him Mike notices that the more damage the unnamed servants regenerate the more tired he feels "listen up!... all unnamed summons are not to take any more of my power to regenerate". after a while, the number of enemies began to dwindle and the toll on the new servants was apparent compared to the named servants, even Jenkins who was a lower rank than all the others was having an easier time.

the fighting stopped and the servants waited on his command, mike opened up his menu and noticed the total familiar count at 93 which he knew meant that he had  87 new servants which surprised him because he could feel he had lost many in this encounter. he looked again at his servants and noticed that half the rats were wounded, while the wounds on the others were already slowly healing. "All alright everyone heals up once" Every wound quickly healed up and Mike felt dizzy and weak, after taking a moment to gather himself he stood up straight and walked into the nest, only to see that the rats had scattered through tunnels and in the nest could be seen humanoid remains that had been picked and gnawed on, rusted weapons and armor. the rat servants began to drag the remains toward Mike, although they were technically corpses Mike wasn't sure if he could summon a human servant, he wasn't sure if it was possible but it was worth a shot, using the better souls in his inventory he activated the skill on the 5 remains in front of him. To Mike, everything gets blurry and then dark. Suddenly, the opposite happens, but all he sees is the ceiling. he sits up and holds his head because of a headache and notices that his servants are all around him in protective stances.

he stands up "Alright, guys, let's get back to..." he hears movement behind him and turns around to find a guy and girl in tattered clothes, both with dark long hair, sitting on the floor and looking weak and dirty "holy shit this worked..." Mike could feel the same familiarity from them as he could from the rest of his servants. the two new servants looked at their new master and Mike could feel the same rebellion from them as he could from Bonny "Alright new guys, you two should take a nap you look tired" They melted away into the shadows.

Mike gets back to the portal and Rocky barks and wags his tail "Hey John look, Mike is back"  They both get up from the beach chairs "What the fuck is that behind him, are those rats pulling other rats?" Mike gets there and takes John's seat "You not going to need this seat for a while" The rats bring in the corpses and head out to collect more, john looks at the pile of corpses "alright looks like we going to be busy for a while" Mike relaxes into the chair and covers his face with a towel "you mean your going to be busy, I need some rest" Mollie rolls her eyes "you get tired when you familiar work hard I see" when Mollie looks back Mike was already deep in his sleep sitting in the chair.

hours later mike wakes up in a tent, confused at how deep his sleep was that he doesnt remember getting into the tent "damn, the mana exhaustion is no joke" mike pulls up his menu and notices that he recovered his mana, he then gets out of the tent and sees john working on the "thanks for setting up the tent for me" John continues working on the dismanteling "do i look like i have time to tuck you in" he points the butchers knife at Mollie, who is organizeing the byproducts of the dismanteling "she did that all on her own" Mike smiles at her and thanks her "John how long have i been out" john looks at his watch "ive been at it for a little over 12 hours, if you didnt wake up i was about to crawl right into that tent and take myself a little nap" John stabs the knife into a wooden board, take off his apron and washes his hands and face in a bucket then gets into the tent "wake me up in 6 hours and ill finish up" Mollie puts down a create with disected claws down "guess ill be taking these, and selling them while he is asleep" mike worries for her carrying all the monster supplies on her own, but she easily stacks them and carries them while walking out of the portal "almost forgot she is also a hunter".  Mike looked at the pile of corpses and ordered the servants to stop. Instead, he ordered them to protect the camp and only to resume hunting and collecting monster corpses until after John woke up. Mike decided to see Lily about the new servants since he didn't know if others had human families, so he walked out of the portal while John was sleeping and Mollie was out.

While Mike waited for his sister in the guild's quiet room he summoned the two and waited, soon enough Lilly walked in with her coffee "So what do you need so early in the morning, aren't you supposed to be in the dungeon with your team?" When she noticed that there were others in the room, she seemed confused and looked at them carefully. the tattered clothes of the servants were damaged beyond repair, and their appearance seemed like beggars right off the street. "I know you my brother, but you can't just bring anyone in here, my guildmates might get mad" Mike stood up "They are not exactly people" Mike looked to his left at the open menu screen "This guy is an Elven assassin and... she is an Elven Healer. " he lifted their hair to show their slightly pointy ears," I summoned them from corpses in a monster nest in the dungeon. " Lilly was in shock. She didn't know how to react to this news and accidentally dropped her coffee. "Who else knows about this?" as she locks the door. "Spit it out, who else?"No one, I've only gotten them yesterday, and they have been in storage since then." Lilly took a deep breath in relief. "Sit down, we need to talk".