
is it a threat?

Four hours later in the alley of a gas station Vin-nis looked around and down at his shoes.

His soles were now gone as his feet were fine, the clothes near his chest were fine, he opened the bag and pulled out some new shoes after placing them down he, changed his outfit even putting on boxers.

When he was done he noticed that he was being watched by the station employee who was throwing out garbage.

" Did you have a good look? What all did you see?" Vin-nis asked as he looked in the lady's eyes "kid you shouldn't get dressed outside, don't you have common sense." She rolled her eyes as she went back into the store.

Vin-nis knew she saw nothing as he listened to not her words but her mind. He was called a little creep and the lady was debating if she should call the police on him for public indecency but nothing about his arrival.

Walking out of the alley Vin-nis wandered the streets he was sure he was in a different state from the voices he heard. Some people were speaking about buying some illigal substances.

As he was getting use to the vibe of the area he found himself in front of a building as he read it he realized that he was right, Colorado Public Library is what he read.

After spending some time in the library he started walking the streets he found himself in an interesting situation.

"You looking for something?" A shady looking guy asked as Vin-nis looked towards his direction

"No" was Vin-nis's reply as he was continuing on his way a couple of blocks later he was asked again but this time it was a group.

"You come to our territory, look around and you think you can just walk away." One of the people said " let me ask you something... Are you a narc?" The guy asked as the rest got in a circle around them.

Vin-nis thought for a moment he was a student at the corps academy before being labeled as a criminal and from what Google says he understood what the guy was asking, looking at the group around him he could smell metal, drugs and paper the kind he needed.

After counting the people around him, Vin-nis smiled

" My good people it is your honor to give me all your items that I believe will be of use." Vin-nis said the group started laughing "ay he ain't no narc, the kids crazy, but he's got some balls on him." Another guy said as he walked into the circle.

"Hey kid you looking for a job?" The man asked Vin-nis was patient as he watched the group relax " I just require your items not the weaponry or clothes but the money in your pocket." After finishing his statement he went into action every once in a while his speed would kick in and he would lose control of his strength as they were laying on the ground some injured, others were half dead.

Taking the money out of their pockets Vin-nis looked at the green bag and white bag opening them up and dumping them onto the group that were crying out in pain.

When Vin-nis was finished he smiled and chuckled as he counted the money while walking away it was more then Clint gave him Vin-nis looked back at the wounded men " thank you and please do come again I haven't got a home nor place of work, so I was really in need , let's say about twice a week." Vin-nis nodded as he took their groans of pain as a yes.

Two weeks later Vin-nis was walking down the street towards Pete's kitchen since the first time he visited after beating up that one group. He was liking the food that was served especially the patty melt with fries he show up every two days.

Today was no different as he walked the street it was darker than he'd usually go, since that fight two weeks ago he's been keeping his guard up as they've tried to retaliate a couple of times.

" There's that freak." A man said to another as he was pointing towards vin-nis

" You guys lost to some kid?" The man replied with a little anger "stay out of it I'll take care of it." The man added as he held his hand in the air with a finger out and rounded up his people that was around.

"Hey it was me and mines let me come with." The first guy said as he watched the man start walking away, the man chuckled and looked back " you and yours lost to that brat it's pathetic. You think I'll bring your weakass along." The man said as he continued walking.

This conversation didn't escape Vin-nis's ears he had a small smile on his face as he thought a big pay day was on its way to him. Vin-nis walked as if he didn't hear them as he turned a corner to find a more private place for the fight.

The group followed not to close or to far behind him soon Vin-nis found the perfect spot it was by some train tracks further away from prying eyes .

Vin-nis stopped and listened to hear how far they were away from him but as he listened he heard some very slow heart beats of he didn't pay attention he would've thought that the people following him had no heartbeat at all.

He had a thoughtful look on his face ' calm breathing, slow beating heart, they must be trained in some sort of martial arts.' coming to this conclusion he adjusted himself for a longer battle his speed and strength wasn't something he could count on as it wasn't under his control yet.

Vin-nis felt their intent they wanted him dead.

"I think we went far enough boy." The leader of the group said as they approached "it seems you knew I knew." Vin-nis said as he turned to look at them.

"Before you die I have to ask what are you?" The man said as he held his hand up having his group stop "me? I'm a victim of money problems." Vin-nis was interrupted "No, what are you, you can't be human." The man said as his eyes squinted.

Vin-nis looked at the man with a small smile "no idea what you're talking about, is it because I beat up your friends, well I just happened to be." Vin-nis was interrupted again.

The man shook his head and stared at Vin-nis "this has nothing to do with those pets, it has to do with the fact that you have two heartbeatsone weak but the other." Vin-nis was caught off guard with what was said that he didn't know what to say "how" the man cut him off with a smile on his face "the thing is kid, you came from nowhere and messed up my business, your smell is off and you have two heartbeats, I just want to know if you taste good." The man said as fangs appeared in his and the groups mouths.

Vin-nis was taken back by this slight change " what am I? What the hell are you!?" Vin-nis said as he took a step back as his danger sense went off he just barely dodge an attack.

The group pounced right after, Vin-nis dodged a couple and blocked a strike that was aimed at his head as it pushed him back ' what the hell, it's like fighting a dark elf' Vin-nis thought as he rolled backwards once he got to his feet he was kicked in the jaw as he was dodging a blow coming from both sides.

The kick lifted him off the ground and sent him flying into a wall as soon as his back hit the wall he coughed up blood.

" Your bloods purple, let's not play any games here, you don't want to speak maybe you'll find it easier to scream." The man said as the group attacked in unison

Vin-nis blocked his head as he was hit over and over again until he fell to the ground, the group started stomping him.

Vin-nis found it difficult to move as he was feeling his power was welling up within him

" That's enough" the man said as the group stopped there attack, Vin-nis started healing as he looked at them around him "you're all dead!" Vin-nis roared as he was climbing to his feet he hasn't felt like this since he got to this planet, he felt fear and anger his life was on the line.

The leader walked up as Vin-nis got to his feet, Vin-nis was feeling slightly dizzy the man was in front of him Vin-nis only saw a fist hit his face then stomach then his face was hit into the wall Vin-nis felt like he was going to black out.

Vin-nis heard a swooshing sound as he fell back since he was unbalanced, the man stopped as he looked around " it's the day walker!" One of the man of the group shouted as his blood hit Vin-nis as his body turned to ashes.

The leader looked at the ashes " let's go!" The group and man started running as a black man in a trench coat wearing shades and a white man with graying hair started approaching the area.

Vin-nis looked at the two with blurry eyes as he was trying to get back to his senses, the black man walked up as he was looking at Vin-nis.

Vin-nis shook his head as his wounds were healing, the last thing he saw was a fist.

Waking up Vin-nis felt a weight on his body as heard voices in the distance

"You think it's a new kinda vamp or one of those eternals we've seen?" The black man asked the other guy. The white man was sitting in a chair looking at a computer screen "don't know but I've never seen a bloodsucker with purple blood before and as far as the eternals go I doubt it's one of them." The white man stated.

"Well do you think it's a threat?" The black man asked

" I don't know blade why don't you go in there and talk to it or something!" The white man gruffed as he was busy finding the next nest location.

Blade walked into the room where they placed Vin-nis

He walked in staring at Vin-nis contemplating on how he should start.

"You can look all day if that's what you want to do but come the morning when I break these chains, you're gonna wish you didn't kidnapped me." Vin-nis stated as he looked at the chains having his hands wrap around them.

"What's your name kid?" Blade asked as he leaned against a wall.

Vin-nis stared at blade from his bedded position "you know you caught me after I got jumped, one on one you'd be done for and you know it." Vin-nis said as he breathed in "I can smell the fear on you do I scare you that much? Why's that, when you speak you have fangs you're one of them, no wait your heartbeat isn't as slow as them, so what are you." Vin-nis added on trying to anger blade.

The door opened and the white man entered "don't let him anger you blade, kid what's your name and where'd you come from?" The man asked in a kind grandpa like tone.

Hearing the question Vin-nis started thinking about his home, his mother, his friends shaking his head and thinking about the conversation the two had he thought it through "I am Vin-nis Tezin Ma-nim from the planet Xandar, the planet I am from has three suns and the city is more beautiful than this world of yours, as for what you want to really know." He paused as he laid his head back " I am stranded, with no way back home, I am no threat to you or anyone you may know, but those guys... No those things that jumped me I am very much a threat to." Finished with what he said he closed his mouth and eyes as he felt that he could break the chains at anytime.

"You can call me Whistler, so you say you're an alien, from a different planet stuck here, from what you call it Xandar." Whistler reaffirmed in a I don't believe you way.

"Believe or don't that's up to you I have no reason to lie. According to your calendar I'm just 13 this year and what you're doing is against the law. Trust me I'll get out and once I do then the law will be coming for you. You can try to kill me many has tried but none succeeded." Vin-nis said he knew he could break out it was a gut feeling he wasn't afraid because he felt he had his strength and speed come back. 'the only reason I lost was because they were moveing at a faster speed and was stronger than me.' Vin-nis thought as he felt comfortable.

Blade and Whistler looked at each other, nodded then left the room "what'd you think the kid don't seem like a lair." Whistler said while glance back at the room.

"He wasn't lying, I'm sure the kid has two heartbeats one seems to be weak but if he's actually only 13 then it could be growing." Blade responded as he walked to a chair.

"We're only here to take care of the vamps, not to deal with an little alien, let's let him go we got work to do." Whistler said as he went back in the room.

"Well kid you check out, you're free to go." Whistler said as he undid the chains.

"Really that's it?" Vin-nis said as his hands were loose, sitting up on the table "What's the job you're doing, does it have anything to do with those bastards from before? Were those real vampires?" Vin-nis asked while looking at Whistler.

"Yeah kid vamps are real, and we hunt them."Whistler replied while turning to walk away

"Let me help!" Vin-nis said as he stood up

" No way kid after what" before Whistler could finish speaking Vin-nis was in front of him

" Last time was my lost, only because you two showed up. I was just getting ready for a counter attack." Vin-nis said looking at the shocked expression on Whistler face.

Whistler shook his head "okay you're fast but we don't work with anyone." He stated walking pass Vin-nis

" That's okay I'll go hunting on my own, and if I die I'll leave behind a note saying Whistler and Blade didn't have my back I blame them for my death." Vin-nis said while blinking his eyes with a somewhat sadden expression.

Whistler stopped and looked at him with a serious expression "how'd you know his name? In fact I didn't mention any of that to or in front of you." He's eyes peering at Vin-nis.

" Excellent hearing, just like how I can hear that guys somewhat slow heartbeat, I'll convince that guy." Vin-nis said as he went towards the heartbeat he was hearing 'This will be beneficial to me, a place,a job and I won't be as lonely. It should increase my chances of building a vessel.' he thought as he stopped not to far away from blade.

"One v one , you and me, I win you allow me to join you for a bit, I lose then you can teach me ." Not giving blade a chance to speak his fist was already in front of him.

Blade blocked it as he slide back in the chair, he looked up at Vin-nis the stood his teeth showing 'So he is a vampire, wait they called him day walker, meaning he's a hybrid of sorts.' Vin-nis thought as they collided in an exchange of blows with Vin-nis coming out on top as blade was getting serious, Vin-nis put a little more strength in each strike and broke through blades defense kicking him back into the stairs, before blade could get up Vin-nis's foot was on his chest.

"The essence of fighting is the art of moving at the right time, I believe Bruce Lee said that." Vin-nis said as Whistler walked in seeing the last bit of the fight.

"You can stay kid but don't be a burden, damn it now I got two little brats to look after." Whistler said as Vin-nis held his hand out to blade.

Blade grabbed it and got up "If you can fight like that then why were you struggling last night?" Blade asked from what he just experienced the kid in front of him was fast and strong enough to not be in such a predicament plus with the way the kid fought it was all vital areas so he was sure this alien child has killed before.

Vin-nis read the surface thoughts of blade and Whistler

"I'll hold my own well enough but I'm still getting my abilities under control, last night for a brief moment I had them under control then you guys showed up. According to my calculations it's not really a control thing though, it's more like my body is still in it's development, like how your voice cracks when you hit purpity. My abilities and body are adapting to what they should be. In the end my abilities will be fully developed but until then it's a guessing game, which is why I request a spar ever other day." Vin-nis said a mouthful while watching their reactions.

Blade just nodded and went to the computer he was upset at the same time surprised but he knew if it was life or death that the kid would've killed him, he could tell that Vin-nis wasn't going all out yet he lost due to blocking a hit that wasn't a hit.

He saw the fist come at him as he put his are up to block before the fist hit it turned into a finger hitting his pressure point numbing his arm right after his arm was grabbed and pushed towards himself as Vin-nis fell to the ground and twister kicked up hitting him in the ribs with a spin in the air right after the other foot hit his temple momentarily blinding him.

" The next mission, we're going to Wyoming, y'all get ready and kid use a weapon." Whistler said

" Sure thing, I have a great idea, just need the materias to make it." Vin-nis said with a smile.

"Blade I'll take the kid to the base, you're on your own this time, we'll be there as soon as we can." Whistler stated and blade nodded.