
MCU × Ben 10

A boy from our world is reincarnated into the MCU world with the powers of 7 Ben 10 aliens. Read how his presence affects the entire MCU World. [This fanfiction only contains the story of the MCU universe (Avengers franchise) and no other Marvel movies.]

book_paradise · Phim ảnh
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10 Chs

First Meeting with Tony Stark

(75 Days Later)


Ethan was currently flying at extremely fast speed in the skies of Afghanistan.

Two and half months had gone by since he had transmigrated in this world. In the past 75 days, Ethan had initialised his own plans.


The first thing he did was study. Using the free internet, he studied every damm subject and right now he was as big a genius or even greater than Tony Stark. The big brain from brain storm had been put to good use.


Even so he, for now he had developed only his theoretical knowledge. His constraint was money and resources. Although, he could have used various methods to make money, he did not do so. He gathered all the knowledge and continued to live in the same poverty.


The only money he earned was beating by road side thugs, like the ones who had killed him. And that was sufficient enough for him but only to eat.




Finding Tony Stark had proven to be a tough challenge. Well, he could have hacked into Obadiah Stone's computer and phones and gotten a link but again the same resource constraint. He needed advanced computers and systems. He could not possibly have used an old computer of some run down cyber booth to hack into firewalls of such an influential person.

So, he chose the manual method. He first eliminated all the civilians populated areas and then slowly closed the perimeter of the mountainous region.

Well, slowly for him at the speed of jet ray meant 3 days for him. For the past 3 days, he had been in Afghanistan and today was the day he was going to meet the legendary Tony Stark.




In a dimly lit cave, two men were engrossed in their work, connecting wires in a strange kind of metallic body when a sound snapped their attention.


"To build something like this in such a place… you are a genius, Stark," sighed Ethan.

Tony's head snapped in the direction of the voice. He looked around to find a young man around 21 22 years standing in front of him. From his face, the man looked to of the same country as of him. He was shocked to find the boy standing inside the cave.

He heard no sound of the door's being opened or any kind disturbance.

His first instinct was to lean and try to reach for the little 'precaution' he had made for himself.


Seeing this, Ethan chuckled, "Relax Mr. Stark, I mean no harm."

"Who are you?" Asked Tony instinctively, while his face was marred by anxiety.

Yinsen next to Tony was also anxious, well not much for himself but more for Tony.


Ethan grinned from his jeans pocket, brought a metallic card. Other than eating, he had saved some money to get himself 5 of these premium metallic cards. It had been a costly affair.


Ethan Alcardo

Omni Consultancy Services


This was what the card read. Below this was engraved the green coloured logo of the Omnitrix. He had used the name omni and this logo as a tribute for his source of powers.


"Omni Consultancy Services?" Tony muttered in more confusion.

Ethan smiled, "You see, I provide my services to people who require it."

"And I believe that you require it more than anyone else," added Ethan.


"What I require is to leave this damm place…" said Tony in frustration. "How did you even come in here?"

Before Ethan could say anything, Tony's eyes widened in surprise, "Holy mo********er… don't tell, you will rescue me."


Ethan grinned, "As I said, you require my services more than anyone."

Tony felt excited. If that man really could come inside, it was a good chance that he could take them out too.

Although, he had been building the suit, how could he be confident of saving them both? Even if he was confident in his talents and brain, the small amount of scepticism always remained. He did not want to put his life on line for an unpredictabale chance.


"Mind you, my services are not cheap," said Ethan bringing Tony back from his thought world.

"Well, I don't have any money," mocked Tony in sarcasm.

"You will pay after you land in Los Angeles, safely," replied Ethan.


"How much?" Asked Tony. Money was something that he did not lack… especially not when he could die.


"10 million dollars," was what Tony heard and his eyes bulged in shock.


"10 million… You know how much that even is?" Asked Tony in loud voice.

"I thought your life would be worth at least this much," said Ethan emotionlessly.

Tony almost choked, "You are blackmailing me. Nothing different from these terrorists."


Ethan turned and sat down on a small tool, "Well, I doubt that these people will let you go even for 20 million dollars."


"Tell me in 20 seconds," added Ethan. "If it is a no, I will leave."


Tony looked horrified, "Will you really leave me here to die without the money?"

Ethan chuckled, "I don't do unfair business."


Tony almost gritted his teeth, "Fine… I don't know, why I am even trusting you."

"But if you really rescue me… 10 million it is."


Ethan smiled, "Good decision."

"I want the money as soon as you land in Los Angeles. It is the first thing you will do… before you eat a burger, transfer me the money. Account details are behind the card."


Tony flipped the card to see the details, "Fine."


Ethan smiled and started walking towards the door, "If you delay my payment, I will force you to pay the interests."


"Don't doubt my capabilities," chuckled Ethan.


He slid open the massive metallic door and Tony heard, "Hey… what are you doing… Who are you?"


And then a gun shot. And Tony shuddered if it was Ethan who just killed after all his boasting. But then another gun shot followed and then a barrage of gun shots.




[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.


Replace @ with a.]

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