
MCU × Ben 10

A boy from our world is reincarnated into the MCU world with the powers of 7 Ben 10 aliens. Read how his presence affects the entire MCU World. [This fanfiction only contains the story of the MCU universe (Avengers franchise) and no other Marvel movies.]

book_paradise · Phim ảnh
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10 Chs


[First R-18 chapter up on my patreon. Visit for advanced reading.]

Over the next few days, Ethan remained at his newly purchased property. Using the remaining half million, he was left with, he bought a range of devices which were available to a civilian. Although, civilian technologies were bound to be insufficient for him, Ethan was not in so much haste.

Given time, he could develop everything on its own. The problem lied in the acquisition of restricted minerals or elements. Also, he might need himself to build a large manufacturing base which was he not too sure about.


The work on his mansion was going at a very fast pace. Under his insistence, Alice had doubled the labourers and machines working for his mansion. It was estimated that all the major work would be done by 3 months and the remaining minor work would take another 3 months.




Ethan was currently driving his own car which he had recently bought towards New York city. His purpose- to meet a certain someone- Katie Smith, president of a newly established start-up, AI Solutions.

From what Ethan had dug up, Katie was around 30 years of age and had set up her start-up 4 years back. She had completed her masters in field of Artificial intelligence and after few short tints of months in 2 major companies, she established her own start-up.


The start-up focused itself on providing basic AI products which could be useful in day to day life. Like providing an optimised search result or arrange something in preference for the user based on the past selection.

Al solutions was performing below average for now with debt piling upon it.

Ethan though had many ways to acquire money he wanted for himself a legal and a stable source of income. Although, he himself was more than capable enough to build a company or enterprise on his own, he did not want to deal with the daily involvement on his business. And for this he needed to have capable subordinates, like Pepper Potts was for Tony Stark.

Also establishing a company from the start will require a lot of things to be done from logistics to manpower to various other permissions.

So, to solve all his problems in one go, here he was to acquire to a stake in AI Solutions.




After driving for few hours, Ethan finally arrived to his destination. The office of AI Solutions was not located among the most prime areas of New York city but a bit far away from it. It was the place where majority of companies, industries and start-ups who had made it big were established.


Ethan entered a building and arrived at the third flood.

"Good afternoon, miss," Ethan greeted the receptionists.

The receptionist was in daze for some moment after looking at his handsome appearance. He now not dressed in the tattered clothes or had the dirty and dusty look.

Ethan wore a casual shirt and a jean and looked dazzling.

"Lily," said the receptionist. "Good morning, sir."

"Ah! Miss Lily," said Ethan. "I am Ethan. I had an appointment with your president."


Lily looked through her laptop and nodded, "Yes sir. Come with me."

Ethan followed Lily inside the floor and the duo arrived at gate bearing the nameplate Katie Smith.

"Here we are, sir," said Lily

"Thank you, Miss. Lily," said Ethan.

"See you later," added Ethan with a wink.

Lily's face turned red and she could only nod in embarrassment.

Ethan chuckled, knocked on the door twice and walked inside.


The office was nothing special from inside. It was a small room and a desk and chair were placed on one end of the room.


On the chair was beautiful woman. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She had well built body and had a proper professional aura about her.

The tight fitting suit, she was wearing was accentuating all her curves.


"Miss. Katie," said Ethan and walked closed to the desk.

"I am Ethan Alcardo," he introduced himself and extended his hand for handshake.

Katie had no change in expressions on her face. She shook Ethan's hand and gestured him to sit.

"Mr. Ethan, take a set," she said.

Ethan took his seat and the duo remained in silence for few seconds.

It was Katie who broke the silence first.

"Mr. Ethan," she said. "In your email, you talked about a business proposal that may sort out all my problems."

"You were very honest in admitting that you had a very newly set up consultancy firm and your first client was Tony Stark. You informed of a successful deal between your firm and Tony Stark and the statement from your bank no doubt proved it."


She continued, "Although, Mr. Stark's recent action does not paint a very bright future for him and Stark industries… your deal with him was the only reason I agreed to meet you."

"I would now want to hear your proposal first," said Katie.


Ethan smiled, "I promise this deal will push your company among the top companies in the world."

"Miss. Katie, the vision with which you set up your company was definitely was a great one but the market has become very competitive. No doubt, AI is the future and products providing basic AI features at affordable prices would dominate the market."


"But even so, your company has not been able to make up much name for it because you lacked innovations and better products."

"What you provide to people is nothing new… the same old products that too not with a good interface as many other companies. Your algorithms do not truly act as intelligent… their result mostly disappoint the consumers."

Ethan leaned forward, "What I offer to you is the solution all of this problem,"


With this he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a hard drive and placed it on the table.

AI-OMNI 1.0 was written in dark and bold letters on hard drive.




[Got my P@treon. Support me if you like my story. Advanced Chapters and my other fanfiction available.


Replace @ with a.]

[Thankyou for reading. Rate, Review and Comment on my novel. Also send the power stones]