
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · Kinh dị ma quái
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112 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four

" Painite is not just the rarest gemstone, but also the rarest minerals on earth. Unlike other gems, Painite is found in just one location in the world. Its formation is unique, making it impossible to find it elsewhere. It has only been discovered in Myanmar like I said."

" Sharon, that's enough, brief them on the price and location." Samael said from his seat.

" Okay boss! Painite cost Three hundred thousand USD( $300,000) per gram or up to sixty thousand USD($60,000) per carat. The average price per carat of Painite is between fifty thousand USD ($50,000) and sixty thousand USD ($60,000)."

" WOW!!!!" Mr Walter screams out.

" That is a load of trillions. Imagine having up to five hundred grams of Painite that is a lot of money!" He said smiling.

" Mmmm..... Sharon do you know of any other locations not exposed to the world that we can exploit and find a lot of Painite there, that we can sell for our own commercial interest. We can also win an award for that; ' Discovering the rarest gemstone in the world! New location!' or don't you all agree with me?" He said raising his hands in the air demonstrating his words as he speaks.

" Yes sir!"

" Let do that, it will boost our sales!"

"We can also sell to commercial markets before the government take over."

" It will raise our stocks above the bar!"

" We can keep the location to ourselves and become the world largest gemstones sellers!"

" Let go for it!"

" Brilliant idea boss! Excellent work to you Sharon and Samael!!" These where the responses beaming from every angle of the large hall along with lots of hooting and clapping.

" Let hear the location Sharon! Carry on." Mr Walter said signaling to the crowd and the whole noise went down.

" Okay! While doing my research like I said I mistakenly find out a location that there could probably be Painite or not,but am definitely sure there are rare gems there."

" Where?" Mr Walter asked losing his patience.

"Devon island in Canada! Devon island is far north in Canada, it's one of the largest unhabitable island in the world."

" And guess what? It's also one of the abandoned and creepiest island in the world. No human being alive today has ever called Devon island a home, it's centered between two of the world's largest island, Baffin island and Ellesmere. There is a good reason why nobody lives there." She said displaying images of Devon island on the screen.

" Since it's abandoned, why send us there to find a treasure, since it's a no go area?" Aiden asked.

" Well it's indeed a no go area! I discovered a certain place in Devon island called ' Truelove lowland area '; on the northeast of Devon island. It's relatively warm and wet and has some vegetation and surprisingly some wildlife too. In fact, the summer temperature is 8°C and those fifty days of snow free ground occurs in the area. The lowland are poorly drained favouring the growth of some moss over musk- oxen graze year round.

The cold and wet soil is inhabited by invertebrates such as worms, protozoa, midge and fly larva. The island also has a few bird population."

" That makes it likely inhabited by humans that can adapt to the ecosystem of the place."